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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Why do you want all my positive thoughts gone Raoul? This is supposed to be a happy thread.
  2. Do they "open" up a standard bolt face to do that? I'm not familiar with the x39. We have had some bolt failures in the .458 Socom for just that reason. The bolt lug area is a bit weaker after making the circumference a bit bigger.
  3. Good gracious. You two own more in lights than I do in one of my vehicles. (and yes, I know it ain't much vehicle)
  4. Do you have the brass of the round that was fired when this happened as well. If your case didn't separate or blow your primer pocket to hell then it was not the ammo.
  5. Musicman was shooting PMC and blew his entire upper apart a few years back. Make sure you get the lot number off the box. Factory ammo? Reloads? How old and what make is your AR/Bolt
  6. That just wiped out every positive thought I had in the past 24 hours Mike. Thanks
  7. I like flashlights. I generally run with the Streamlights as I can't afford Surefire. I also like seeing what performance and use I can get out of the lower cost models. TLR-1 NF2 (Nightfighter) Several Mini-Mag lights and other off the shelf lights as secondary use.
  8. It's like talking to a wall with him anyway so he can have the last word and feel all smug with his internalized "victory". He and his special fireplace can live happily ever after in the land his people could never build and with his support and thought process, he can help the other social progressives drag us down to what he left. Where will he go then, there's nothing else left to run to? I'm out.
  9. Called me on it? LOL. You couldn't call me on the correct version of Mother Goose, you have neither the language skills or mental skill set. You had no idea what I was saying and chose to make it into something you could divert the attention to rather than try and back up your first assertion that the Health Care bill was in place and having no effect. If I tell a pretty lady "she is to die for" do I mean I'm about to kill myself? What about, "I'd hit that". Not something I use but it is in common phrases here. I understand what they are saying, because I grew up with English, I understand it and I can use it. Can you act Strel? If so "go break a leg". Am I threatening you now!!
  10. I took what Tower translated, ran it back through into English and this is what it pumped out. Other than the syntax of the first sentence, pretty straightforward.
  11. True. Cool. I love hot wings.
  12. Lava or incandescent?
  13. Translate that to Croat and he might be able to read it.
  14. And again, learn what the words mean. That was reassurance that I could care less about you, do not wish to interact with you and find your ideas morally repugnant. This is a gun forum. You came here with this thread trolling for a reaction and you got it. The majority here know that bill is bad for everyone and you don't want to hear it. Then when called on it you revert to standard lefty responses by saying someone is offering violence and hurting your feelings. Well get butt hurt somewhere else. You don't understand what your reading, you don't understand the healthcare bill, you don't understand the country your currently living in or it's people. And you have the gall to say I'm causing you a problem? What ego. Follow your own advise and ask questions about a gun or ammo and keep your socialistic troll views to yourself and you won't get in these situations. I think you should seriously be thanking me for the warning you got. Of course you're a much bigger man behind a keyboard than you are in person so you feel empowered to speak it here but walk across the street and start telling your neighbors how bad this country is and how they should pay more in taxes to help those that won't get off their butts to help themselves. Tell you friends at work how much better it was back in the "old" country every day. Then you'll realize what I said was to assist you, not a threat but that's the only way you'll ever see it. When it does happen, prove me wrong, post that you took a butt whipping from someone tired of your crap...then tell us you didn't sue him or her. As far as the La Razza thing, it fits. You don't like how this country used to run, which was why it was the greatest country on earth, the reason you left your homeland, to be part of the best. All you're doing now is helping drag it down to what you left. Now piss off.
  15. That is cool. Here ya go Strel, a little American music history Let me google that for you
  16. That was cool and should be very informational to anyone that can read English but yet still doesn't understand free market economies and how more government intervention destroys the motor of an economy. How'd you do that?
  17. Once again, another example of why there need to be more rules, not fewer on integration into our society. You can't even read english, much less understand it Strel. You don't know our nuances with language. How can you thrive when you live at the grade school level in your interaction. Never once did I threaten you. I said a mid TN person as that's all I know is you live somewhere around Nashville with all the photo's you have posted. Trust me, if I cared enough to find you, you would have been found long ago. I'm also smart enough that if I had it in my heart to take you out, it wouldn't be posted here or anywhere. Boom Boom, out go the lights is from a song. It's metaphor for a fight. And I'll say it again. You're to proud of not being an American that you will open that mouth and cause an incident and most likely a proud patriotic American will get in trouble for punching your lights out. It's one thing to have an opinion, it's another to just be stupid and have an opinion. Go find a La Razza website to frequent. They want to take over America as well. You'll fit right in.
  18. Even though used appropriately, I vote Suntzu is given a 30 minute vacation for posting a picture of the devil within this forum. We know not what evil will now spread through the threads now that Hanoi Jane has been loosed upon us. On a side note, and we might never hear about the issue as he won't speak of it when it occurs, but I foresee a physical altercation between Strel and a mid-TN citizen in the future as he can't help but say these stupid things. All it will take is saying it in front of the wrong person and Boom Boom, out go the lights.
  19. <------- 39
  20. Atlas Shrugged is kind of a end of the world book. It's one you can modernize in your head as you read it (written in 1957) and go WOW, just like what's going on today. She gets very long winded in her characters diatribes, very repetitive of theme, but it's still a book everyone here should read. Some more than others.
  21. Done! Hot! Thirsty! Nothing but stump!
  22. Rightwinger


    Guess I'm another survivor. True words.
  23. I tried arguing the same point with Straightshooter in the other thread. It's useless when some folks see nothing but a big company that makes commensurate big money. They are liable for the damages they caused. If it was negligent there should be punitive damages as well. Throwing arbitrary numbers out there don't work, especially when the numbers are this big. 20 billion may not be enough. The thing is, do you really want to pound BP into oblivion now? Who's gonna pay when you force them out of business. Right now, the most important thing for this situation is to KEEP BP around and working. They should really be told to drill baby drill and we are going to have the best safety folks in world overseeing every second of it and you'll pay their salaries but your going to keep working, oh yeah, your gonna keep working. Then the bill gets paid.
  24. If you want to do it yourself, rent a all terrain boom. This one was 200.00 for 8 hours and since I got it on a Friday evening, I basically have all weekend to use it, just make sure I don't run it for more than 8 hours, that's what they go by. What got me was I'm so far from everything. 120.00 for delivery and pickup. You may have seen I sold a shotgun and some ammo to pay for it....bleh. Anyway, it's really pretty easy to trim em. I'm taking these all the way to stump as they were pulling out of the ground on my neighbors side and when they went, they were going to hit the roof, side of house and air conditioner. They had to go. Trimmed all the branches going up, cut sections of the main going down. Got one left and I'm to hot to do it right now. Rest for 30 minutes in the AC and finish it up.!


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