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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Rightwinger

    Whale Wars

    Much win here.
  2. I don't have a Remy but I have to pull the trigger on my Savage once the bolt release lever is pushed in to release the bolt. Is that part of the process on yours?
  3. That shop is "Paul's". He's had the bike twice. I'll call for a price from them tomorrow and see if they are up to the challenge. Was not impressed with their attempt to fix my bike when it had a fuel leak. Still waiting to hear back from the fellow Verne and StreetWK05 recommended as well. Going to go with the Avon's. They are bias ply but not dual compounds. The GS500 has a bit of a smaller rim than the bigger super sport bikes and the tires you can get for them is limited a bit by that. I'm not going to complain when I can get the one of the best rated tires for this bike by two professional riders for 164.00 shipped! Where to get them put on is still the major question.
  4. That's where all the miles are coming on my bike, the commute to work and back. I got your PM and sent Mike an email. Hope to hear back soon. Otherwise I'll have to wait a bit while I budget the shop expense to get them put on.
  5. Yep, check that and do a "fenderectomy" on the beast. Makes a nice difference in the look of them. That and I ordered a matching black upper section of fairing that matches the bike up better than that silver upper portion. This was "pre" "fenderectomy". The portion of the rear fender below the license plate is now gone. Have you been to GStwin.com GS500 Message Forum - Index A source devoted to our bikes! Good stuff there.
  6. The standard YHM end cap should fit them. They look to be threaded and the inside diameter should be the same on all of them. About halfway down the page. $20.50 YHM, Yankee Hill Machine Co., Inc. – Makers of High Quality Firearms, Accessories & Sound Suppressors | Forearms
  7. Must be cognizant of ricochets!!! I think a wall of timbers in front of a depression so you can be almost fully covered is in order. Now for the serious part of the post.....you didn't state that you were inviting me! My AR is highly offended. (I thought you took it to the scrap metal place today??)
  8. I'm going to someday...not soon though. Sadly.
  9. Now if he will just answer the post saying he is still in business, I'll be in business. How you been Verne? Never hear from you. You and the boys doing okay? We need to shoot! It looks like I'll be busy on weekends soon. But that's a good thing.
  10. You have the other GS500F right? I'm not going back to the Bridgestone Battleax OEM stuff. No way. Check your front tire for separation in the center groove! I have a small split forming. Got to move on this quick. Go to that link I posted for American Motorcycle Tire and select there. Best prices I found. Here is that comparison of tires for the 500F. It was done by professionals but they were Brits....meh. Tire Comparison - EX-500.com
  11. That would be in my range. Thanks. Anyone ever used AVON tires? That's what I believe I'm going with. The reviews I found rated this as one of the best performers for my bike, a GS500F Susuki. It beat out the Dunlaps, Pirelli's, Bridgestone (current tires that only made it 10,000 miles) and a few other leading mfgs. They also come in below 80 bucks each. American Motorcycle Tire
  12. That's not the direction I wanted this to go. I guess I could muddle through the removal and reinstall. Getting the rear on at the right tension and "true" is my biggest concern.
  13. Got to have new skins and think I have found them at American Motorcycle Tire. The problem now is where to get them mounted. I have not even checked with my usual shop for motor work, Precision in the Providence area of Mt. Juliet but I'm sure they would be pricey, especially since I am not buying the tires through them. So who knows a guy or shop that will mount and balance bike tires (front and back) without charging me more than the tires are going to cost?
  14. Helped put in framework for shelves in a shop that will open soon. Made a new friend. Good day.
  15. Hmmm, I never once mentioned a religious component, just social normalcy. However, as you stretch the limits, others will step in to push the line further. When it becomes accepted you can't go back. And your "living free" is what others would call anarchy. The fact is people that play around end up with all types of heartache. Disease, broken families, children with no stability in their life's. You don't have to be of a religious persuasion to see some reason to set some limits that should NOT be normalized. Why is this even discussed? What they do at home can't be controlled. I just don't want it in the streets and news, just like what I do in the privacy of my home isn't broadcast to the public. As far as a religious component goes, if I'm wrong, then all I will have done is lived a good clean life that I and my family can be proud of.....but what if I'm right. Who loses in the end then?
  16. yeah, AIDS, crabs and illegitimate children are a blast
  17. No! Pushing deviancy to the norm is what divides a society! Canada and Europe? What is good about anything about those societies that we can learn from? Poor work ethics, dying economies, and more progressive politics on the horizon. There are rules and standards in a civil society that should not be crossed. In 25 years when we have normlized the "gay" lifestyle, do we start letting the pedophiles march next to the sheep lovers? Where do you draw the line? I draw it with simple biological truth. The plumbing works right in one way and I don't have to walk down the street shouting to the roof tops which plunger I use.
  18. Rightwinger


    I've heard the echo!
  19. I'm not in you guys and gals league. All I got is a 105mm tank case. It's a lot of brass and shines up good. We use it as a door stop. I fired the round from a M48A5 at Ft. Pickett back in 1984. Memories again.
  20. Had to work. Special note to the IT guys....just because MOST people had the day off, it does not mean you should push out every security update plus have all onboard security programs do full scans. When it takes 30 seconds to change the color of a cell in EXCEL and you have to manipulate a butt load of data, all on a shared drive that is being driven into submission already, it ain't pretty. Just pushing David's button a little. It still really did add a few hours to what I had to do today...dang it.
  21. Which country(s) is that....I'm having a problem finding it (or them) on any current maps. I also googled immigration leaders, as I'm sure this would be a huge draw amongst many segments of the worlds population. I keep running into a wall that says the US is still the leader in legal and of course Illegal immigration. Russia is number two and behind us by 14% points? Where is this country where they have free love for all and a booming economy? I seek knowledge. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_immigrant_population
  22. Prayers to both of you Eric. Pull that book out that I know you have now.
  23. Godspeed
  24. Yep, I had the Sears version of the banana seat bike. We then took old bikes, cut the front forks off them and hammered them on the front of our bikes to have choppers! Even had the flat racing slick rear tire. Loved that bike. Memories. sigh


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