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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. NO
  2. Been trying for what 2 years now?
  3. Not expensive compared to many things we do weekly. I can hunt all fall, bow, muzzle loader and rifle for less than a weekend trip to Destin. Rifle, doesn't need to be fancy. Scope optional and a box of shells. Muzzle loader? Can get a good one for 75 bucks after season (like up to Sept as the guys sell their old ones for some new Thompson Contender thingy). Bow? Same thing, buy used and get in for under 150.00 with top rate serviceable equipment. License? 28.00 bucks I think for single season big game of your choice plus you already have the small game and fishing license. Land to hunt? TWRA and other public land is free. Time to recharge by yourself or with a hunting buddy, priceless.
  4. Get out there this November and feel/see it for yourself! It really can't be written. I didn't even include the part about actually sighting in, having time slow to a crawl, hearing and seeing the details just before the shot and the exhilaration and shakes that follow the shot. Won't take you long to decide if you like it. Make the trip to decide though.
  5. If I could bottle it, I'd sell it by the keg!
  6. uj oh.....pricing error. Did anyone print it off?
  7. The bottom line is there are those that love to hunt and those that don't. Generally trying it a few times will decide which side you fall on and there is hardly any wiggle room for fence sitting. I guess another good classification would be that for all the deer or other game I and other hunters have taken, there are probably 10x as many times I have not taken a shot but everyday in the woods is a good one. Time to reflect, recharge, see a bunch of God's creation (still fun if you have other or no believe but it will work on ya). I've watched satellites fly over, meteors shooting by, every bird in middle TN seems to have visited me when I'm in a tree. I've seen fox and taken coyote. Watched hawks wing through trees so thick you'd think he'd be dead but they can snatch an unwary squirrel right off a branch and never slow down. Whispering owls going home for the day. Chipmunks competing with squirrels. Ground hog and armadillo rooting around. Beetles so big the leaves move and you don't see them till you dig....lizards that jump from tree to tree and will stare you down. Snow in your face or trying to keep still in a swarm of mosquito's and the most beautiful sunsets where you can hear the sizzle as it drops below the horizon... Okay, I like hunting.
  8. Ninja gotta eat to!
  9. rrrrwaaah?? (question grunt) caution, NSFW after I posted it I listened to the rest. Ooops! I only wanted the first sound bite.
  10. Are you in a spaceship? Wow....cool. Hope the experiments went well.
  11. Why not. Will make info easier to find later anyway.
  12. Your not going to see a huge difference from .223 to 6.8. Go with the .308
  13. The one out west is still good enough for me. I was living in Powell when they closed the original down. Sad day.
  14. I'm sure he'll think of something to say.
  15. To me, both are hunters. As long as they don't go out for a rack of horns and leave the carcass to rot, they seem to be following the laws and pursing their interest in an ethical manner. To me, the only people that disgust me are the unsafe ones that will shoot at movement or without knowing the backdrop for safety and the ones that will shoot anything with horns and not complete the harvest. The ones that hunt out of season just to shoot anything are also scum. Where I hunt, I know there is out of season harvesting going on but I would turn a blind eye to a lot of it as there are folks down there so poor that a deer is a bounty to them. That's fine with me. They will have to deal with a game warden if caught but it would be a hard case to try in that county. Thanks for the discussion. I'm sure more will chime in now that's it out in the open.
  16. He is NOT here. I checked the shop and the bathroom. Nope, not here.
  17. What's your definition of a "real hunter" for both of you to answer??
  18. So I guess the search does start in the woods.
  19. Buy me a Italian Special from Sam and Andy's or the Steak and Cheese w/pepper and onion at Gus's Goodtimes Deli next time I'm up there and we call it even. I miss a good steamed sub. Middle TN don't even know what they are.
  20. I still think it was for guys who wanted something longer in their guns
  21. So they won't be chambered in older non magnum pressure capable firearms.
  22. To add to the envy level?
  23. To not hear his take on the current events on the world is a bit disconcerting. Any of the eastern crew know where he's at and up to? Miss you Sun....come on home, all is forgiven
  24. Hold on Mike. Caliperman will be along shortly to expound on all the lies that were told about Mr. Haslam. This will then make us feel all better.
  25. Ignore all questions on what you got and ask "What's for dinner". Have snacks already stored in dog house.


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