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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. 2nd gear!
  2. Gonna THROW some lead David?
  3. Here we go....
  4. KB Okay, that's one way. He did not break the pelvic bones. Easier to do on a doe than a buck that way but if you can trim the anus far enough up in there, obviously it can be done. I just don't like all that trimming inside where I can't see. RW way. Put em on their back like he finally did. If its a doe, just go down one thigh or the other making your first slit. About where he ended up. If it's a buck, you gotta be a bit gross but grab the penis and cut under it and back to the scrotum and let it hang to one side then go down the inside of a thigh. You will hit bone! The pelvis. You will also be able to trim back some of that muscle tying the whole area together and keeping the hind legs together. Once you can see the pelvis, go just up from it to the lower abdominal cavity and make your slit through the skin and diaphragm. Remember he showed you his "small" knife and how he had a finger on the back of the blade? He almost had it right there. Move your pointing finger up the blade till about a quarter inch of your finger is in front of the blade. This will be your guide to keep the knife from slicing into any guts. That way he was cutting over his other hand was scary! If you have a gut hook, same thing, just get a finger in beside the gut hook. Now work your way forward to the breast plate. I do go all the way through the brisket as I like to see above the heart and lungs when I sever them. Reach as high as you can see and cut the wind pipe. I stop at this point and come back to the pelvis. I take the hatchet and crack both sides of the pelvis, you'll see the weakest spots or you can trim and feel for them. It's easier to put the hatchet on the bone and then hit it with a stick, they are usually lying around everywhere. Barring that, a smaller deer you can crack with just hitting it with your hand. Be really careful if you have to swing down as the bladder is right below this bone. Once you crack both sides, pull or pry the cap off and you should see the canal with the intestine leading to the anus. Go back to the top and just pull and trim the entire gut pile pulling down and to one side. Trim a little around the anus as you can now actually see the areas that are attached and pull it all to the side. Roll em over to drain and get them hung as soon as possible. If your close to your camp or in our case cabin, the easiest way ever is to go ahead and hang em up by the head and do all this where you can just stand next to them. Only difference is dont severe that wind pipe till you have cracked that pelvic bone as the whole gut pile is going to gravity assist right out and in your way.
  5. Howdy neighbor! I didn't see you on the entry list....LOL
  6. G2 Contender® - Thompson/Center That's what you want is a single shot .22 that's threaded for the suppressor. Why take a semi and then not let it do it's thing?
  7. Just remember, you asked for it. LOL
  8. At 23 I was stationed in Korea in a 155mm Nuclear capable artillery battalion. I had to pee in the cup monthly as I had access to funny little security codes and what not. You mean I didn't have to listen to authority? Maturity is what your core values show to the outside world. Sorry the OP had to lose a job to get this pointed out.
  9. Hardest part about field dressing any deer is cracking that pelvic bone. I have a Gerber camp hatchet in my bag for that. Couple of whacks, pull the bone out, finish pulling the guts through and start dragging. Affordable part of any hunting bag. Gerber 45912 GerberTool Back Axe - Sheath - Clam I've used both the gut hook knifes and the none gut hooks. Either will work. For the non hook knife, just put your pointing finger along the backside of the knife and use it to raise the skin away from the diaphragm. You will easily be able to run the skin and fur section up your finger and onto the knife blade and just "unzip" the deer.
  10. Rightwinger

    XD 45 Compact

    The XD45 compact is my current carry. Reliable and easy to carry.
  11. Oops, this is PIF so, yeah, send it to me, I'll be number one on the runway. On another note, as fast as I go through these, I could have it back out to the next interested member within a week. Will probably toss some other paperbacks and one of the Left Behind Series that I ended up doubling up on in it as well.
  12. I was talking about swapping with the member in Goodlettsville as we could just meet and swap. Having read the intro on Amazon, I would like to read that one. Sounds like a grabber. What would interest you? I have Sci-Fi, Mil-Sci-Fi, Mil-fiction, and plain fiction. I would offer Atlas Shrugged but it's out to a co-worker with another in line for it. We can move this to PM when you think of an area or a book you think I might have. I need to just write them all into a spread sheet so I can email it.
  13. With the exception of rules for Jackdm3, they look good Mike For Jackdm3, you need to go to your command prompt and use this video insertion command C://format C: when the prompt asks you to post your video just type Y for yes.... After that last Pelosi post....you need your own way to post...
  14. And to think I was committing a crime every time I noted quotes in all those papers in college! My fallback will be to sue the professors for "instructing" me from a position of authority to have done so.
  15. Unless your gas block already has an oversized inlet, your going to have to get that drilled as well. Be very careful at the L junction where the gas tube enters. Go to far and I think you could get leakage around the tube and your back to buying another gas block. This will be interesting so post up what you do and find out. Do they even make an adjustable block yet for the .308 barrels? I would think they do, never looked. That might be your go to option if they open up enough and you just open the port on the barrel. Sorry for the rambling, was basically thinking and typing at the same time.
  16. He looks like this guy. Maybe this is his happy dance when he gets out.
  17. I have seen an article on reloading steel but it's death on your dies and popping the primers is a pain. Can be done buy why when you can just go buy more?
  18. I went on to Youtube to see if there were more and he mounted a camera on the tail boom of that thing. Talk about motion sickness central! That thing makes turns faster than video can handle for frame rates. Amazing
  19. Very common for the Com Bloc stuff to be copper "washed". I can't tell you what brand but would appear to be 1971 manufacture date. Shoot it in good health and enjoy.
  20. Jeff, we kid because we can. Anybody else we would have just snickered at and left the thread alone. I really don't know what else you can do for it. Maybe time to just let go so it will be in a better place.
  21. Isn't that how they work everyday? LOL Dude, you have two new DROOL AR's and your fooling around with a Sterling now.....talk about the pendulum swing both ways! I got no answer for ya. I ordered and replaced a firing pin for a co-workers Lorcin one time. Figured that was all I wanted to do in that neighborhood.
  22. Shhhh It's Tony's Leetle friend


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