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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. got email? PM me and see if this works for ya
  2. Bronker tried eating one of those last year! Had a heck of a time diggin out the back straps!
  3. the measured marks on exits at a lot of businesses so that if the sheep do look up while perp is leaving they can at least say he looked to be about....8 feet tall from my angle on the floor
  4. I asked it in a round about way once, he didn't rise to the occasion but Sgt. Joe brings up one of the issues that has bugged me with Mr. Strel for months. He has criticized with enthusiasm the nation he now calls home many times, has shown his huge left lean and how bad we treat our own in healthcare and wages (forgetting that they mostly put themselves there and never try to break free of the govts bonds). But to imply this group doesn't help others is ridiculous. Just look at the past giving we have done. We got Arko a car, helped Smith with his bills after a bike wreck, and the Christmas and Ronald McDonald house drives last year and this were awesome. We are also going to clean highways, and more than I can list.The simple question for Strel is......WHERE WERE YOU! I never see you contribute to anything! I do note you like to post pics of your house and brick monster cooker in the back, brag on taking kids to the pool, buy your new Ford SUV and you had or have a caddy....so where's the 20 bucks to help someone out!? Don't even try to make a statement like that when you appear not to have dropped a penny in the pot. I can't confirm as I have not managed any of these events, only contributed....but I would like you to tell us why you with all your social conscience have not participated here in helping your fellow man. You can stop the talk because the appearance is you can't walk the walk. I'm still waiting for you to give me that other house you have because it's better than mine. Why should you be allowed to have more than me? I think I'll ask my state reps to make a law that anyone with two houses and a Ford SUV and a brick meat burner have to give me a share of theirs....its the christian thing to do after all.....right?
  5. a really mad Ewok with a stick
  6. You all beat me to it. Great shooter but I sold my Nova because turkey could hear it before they got in the same county with me. That forearm was noisy!
  7. Tennessee Tuxedo and his Tales Savoir Faire He's everywhere, he's everywhere. Side cartoon on the Tennessee Tuxedo cartoon. Old School brother...old school.
  8. Savoir Faire?
  9. and there was much rejoicing
  10. for anything above light skinned armor....yeah, probably... but would be fun to try LOL
  11. Some weekend when I'm here, not busy, and we can work the details we need to meet and get you introduced to the rest of the area enthusiasts. There's 56Fordguy down the hill in Bethpage and Verne and his crew over in Trousdale Co/Hartsville. Of course there's Bronker over in Dickson Co but he don't count. He's just here for a post count. Post up and start talking to the locals. A great bunch of folks around here and on TGO in general.
  12. Been thinking about it....
  13. When we shooting?
  14. Did you throw something?
  15. Pictures look great, now post a link to your dealer! I hit ebay and could not find one. Got tired of looking past page 15. My Moultrie is getting tired.
  16. yep
  17. No sir, sorry. Niven, Herbert (Dune series), several of the Honor Harrington series, John Ringo, Asimov, lots of delicate Edgar Rice Burroughs, the John Carter of Mars series....that's still a good read and written way back. Dean Ing Systemic Shock, 3 books. I guess I kinda need a direction of what your interested in. If you say B52's, then I have the Old Dog series by Dale Brown. High tech war, Hammers Slammers by David Drake. Clancy's books are all about spec ops and intelligence gathering. You already know Niven's style, read his known space serieis or Ringworld! That's a classic.
  18. Both of you get golden Zing awards for the evening. You also both get Christopher Cross/Kansas medals for drifting this thread right to the edge of no return.
  19. Oh, forgot the other cool part. Save the bladder of a big boy buck and use it the next morning as your cover scent. Better options on a 2 fer the weekend!! And save those tarsals for drag lines. KB, there are two black patches of fur on the hind legs, you need to get rid of those immediately AFTER you gut your buck. Those are the stink glands for lack of a better word. Put em in a sandwich baggie and you can use them as cover scent and lures for a few weeks after you take that one. Just tie some paracord around em and drag em behind your boots.
  20. From what I have observed, grabbing and pulling mean a lot more urine...they tend to rip the bladder and urethra apart. This way it all falls out. To each his own. I know I can generally gut one about 2 to 3 minutes quicker than the video and don't need anyone's help to do it as the hind legs spread easier when you have those first cuts done. Whatever works cuz it's all gonna be VENISON. Yaa Venison!
  21. Pork Loin, green beans, creamed corn and biscuits. Allah be praised.
  22. Glad your enjoying the new job Kegger. Refer all your festering bunions to Bronker. He is a group to himself and he LOVES his work!
  23. Dang, and I was all set for the crash....yawn
  24. Overdrive with curves ahead!


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