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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Ask for it in China, see what kind of response you get. That Freedom your mocking is the only reason you are even here. Orifice, look it up.
  2. Anyway we could move this up to tomorrow night, Sunday. Monday is gonna be close for me to make now as well as another member. Everyone check in please and let's see if we can knock this out tomorrow night.
  3. I'm glad to see the interest. It's a fantastic round. You can take a dummy .223 round and amaze your friends and fellow shooters by tilting your AR down and having a round fall out the barrel. Jeff, not only can you go up to 600 grain monster sub sonics but drop to 86 grain aluminum hollow points. A group called Lehigh makes them. Then you get big and speedy. Jasongar8 would like those as they tend to Flash impressively when fired.
  4. I'll have to wait and see if I can even go. I start a new part time job nights and weekends on Monday. Don't currently have a tent so that's why I asked. Would probably get a smaller two person job if I go. Maybe a hotel room down in Crossville worst case.
  5. Rightwinger


  6. Depends on configuration Base model is 1150. Cheaper than a Sabre or Barrett 5.56 rilfe Rock River Arms: RRA LAR-458 CAR A4
  7. This is the evil black rifle way of things. They get you with the gateway rifle, a DPMS or Bushmaster in .223, maybe with a rail. Then its on to specialized stocks, Eotechs, bipods and Surefire lights. You get the sweats when your stash of 5.56 drops below 1K. When the addiction is fully established, you are selling your EDC for an ACOG and the variant uppers. 458, 6.8 and 6.5 Grendels... My name is Rightwinger, and I'm an addict!
  8. Nope, leaves the finish. This is a case where things get backwards. The soft stainless wires of this brush will clean and remove rust or discoloration. I've used it on lots of barrels. If you want to remove finish and blueing, you use cloth wheels. I couldn't believe it the first time either but they were taking barrels down to the steel removing old blue at the gun shop in Gallatin with one of those. Formax 6" Diameter 1/2" Thick Spiral Sewn Cotton Buffing and Polishing Wheel for 5/8" or 1/2" Arbor Hole - MidwayUSA
  9. Pizza sauce will work too. The acid from the maters....know anywhere you could get a good quantity of pizza sauce Ebow? Seriously, start with gun oil and a cloth and elbow grease it some ebow. If that doesn't get most of it, come see me, we can put my wheel to it. Grobet 6" Diameter 4 Row Brushing Wheel .003 Stainless Steel - MidwayUSA
  10. Rightwinger


    and here we go..................................................I love this place.
  11. First frost...fixes wolves and hot days. A two fer
  12. I hope I'm able to be on for the draft. Work comes first, always!
  13. I got to wondering where Suntzu was a few weeks ago and he turned up quick, now putting out the city wide net for Triple Digit Ride ! Where you at buddy? Not seeing a TDR post in a while is kinda scary.
  14. It wasn't a 10 but a 110 and the poly stock got broke in a tragic 4 wheeler backing up exercise that also cost me a gun boot on the 4 wheeler and a hunting coat. (warning, do not hang your coat on the gun boot and then attempt to back up to get out of the rain. Your coat will go under your wheel, pulling down on your gun boot and break it and sadly, your Savage 110s stock) My dad laughed his butt off on that one while telling me I didn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain without breaking my gun. Anyway, it led to this. Been posted before but I did the finish work and I'm kinda proud of it. Thumbhole varminter
  15. when something Tesla made up actually works and produces some really meaningful energy, then we can throw flowers at his dead butt. Till then, someone else had to make a car to keep the name alive
  16. Do you run your kids down when they act American too?
  17. so?
  18. My house was made in America and I'm paying for it. Not as good as Strel's two. I sold more this year than bought. I'm picking up an AR tomorrow night, made in US by Rock River but we are not allowed to post gun purchases (on a gun forum??) I also helped Chrysler and GM make the vehicles they made this year by picking up US built parts, made in the south to ship north and to Mexico. The world sells to us because, for the moment, we are buying.
  19. lahills is the owners screen name
  20. One of the owners posted just a few weeks ago in the "man robbed at gunstore thread" I usually don't search real well but I'll look. You can too.
  21. googled croation electronics Google Went to the 6th one down This is where I ended up. E-Cigarettes Consumer Report Croat electronics......they're smokin!
  22. It can go to pool too. Not stick like brick to back of hosue 2.
  23. Yeah Smith what you gonna be doing?
  24. Rightwinger


    you all do realize that there is only two to three days worth of food in the Nashville area right now. If trucks stop rolling, people get hungry real quick. Not to mention coal for power plants and other vital materials. I only hope that many will do what they did in Katrina though and just sit down and wait for help to come to them not realizing its over and they are then to weak to come out to the country side. Some will, many won't survive getting out of Davidson Co. It will be a quick and dirty session of Darwinism.
  25. I gotz one.


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