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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. me too.
  2. Guess I'm OCD. I see enough there to 'want' to clean it. LOL
  3. if your getting those good opportunities then you'll get your chance. Keep at it.
  4. Is that thing still hanging out there.....gotta go delete that now that I know you like it. LOL
  5. work
  6. Shon Greene? Make some of us trade offers, see what happens.
  7. Where are they?
  8. Are these the guys in Los Vegas that another member had all the issues with on a slide? Better Business Bureau check shows nothing under that name. What's the CC name say and check em out and blast em on BBB
  9. Folks this is your opportunity to do good and represent US, the responsible gun owners of the Great State of Tennessee. Last years drive was awesome and some needy families and children got to have a Christmas where they might not have had anything. Not only will we help our neighbors, but we will continue the ultimate goal of letting the word get out that gun owners are your friends and neighbors, not the whack job "extremists" we get portrayed in so many forms in media. I challenge all of you, especially after this years threads where many stated their opinions on taking care of our brothers and sisters, to step up and send Brooks something. 5 bucks to 500, the power of this community can make a life change for someone! I think Chuck Norris would approve as well!
  10. IN
  11. Did you lose your vise grips Greg? I can loan ya mine if you need to clean up a mistake buddy. I'm here for ya. LOL Good advice, I need to get a puller myself but have been really lucky with my loadings. Using a single stage and not going outside the standard loads for most things has saved me from most errors that would cause me to have to pull a bunch of bullets. I generally have more issues getting my re-sizing dies set up correctly and set back a few shoulders as I get them dialed in. Toss the messed up brass in the collection bucket and move on.
  12. Interesting experiment. Let us know how she works. I've been handling some Sig 5.56's of late and they appear to be really well put together rifles.
  13. The guy wouldn't pony up 75 bucks. You think he's going to pay anything after the fact? There were no winners in this situation no matter the outcome. If the FD has a heart, then the whole area loses it's fire department because others wonder why the hell they have to pay when others don't. No yearly dues, no money for equipment, repairs or fuel, NO Fire Dept! It's not easy to read and worse to deal with if it's local, but there is no way out now....we either face the fact that the uncaring and irresponsible can no longer be sustained and they either become contributing members of the group or suffer tremendous loss as in this case. It's reached that point now. Those that don't care to pay a fee or get up and walk out of their soon to be hurricane flooded parrish are beginning to overload the system. It just can't continue like this without repercussions for us all. Anyone have a house that's worth lots less than when you bought it for no other reason than "everyone" was entitled to a home of their own, even if they couldn't or wouldn't keep up the payments?
  14. This is a microcosm of the reality our WHOLE country is experiencing across many levels. Fire Insurance, universal healthcare, bailouts, bankruptcy without stigma. It's polarizing us as a nation because way back when, it would be heartless to let that family suffer, but now, it's expected by a large percentage of the population that someone else is going to pay their way. It's going to all come crashing down and then that large portion of the populace, that's been trained by the government and other members of "their" society on how to draw off the resources of other's labor will have nothing and drag a good portion of those that were still trying to provide those resources into the pit. In a ER, it's called triage. In real life America today, it's starting to be more common that the limits have been reached. Those unwilling to manage their lifes in any form are going to suffer from it because there will be no other method available. This is just the beginning of "rationing" of resources. Wait till it starts happening involving human life and not property.
  15. Help yourself out and get a Lee universal decapper and de-prime everything with it and save wear and tear on your sizing dies. Also helps the cleaning process as you can decap, then tumble with the flash hole exposed for some cleaning, then re-size.
  16. Never hunted there but Royal Blue is just north of you.
  17. They better! Still waiting on upper #2 to come in from RRA and getting a little something special in a lower, but it's all coming together now. Should be up and running well before opening day!
  18. No time or knowledge in that field of mechanics. Plus work two jobs now, seven days a week. Going into winter, the timing for everything involved in repairing it just won't fit. I'll sell it to anyone here for 400 bucks and that person can take the chance on getting a reliable van. I just don't have time. I'll probably have to take a day off from one or both the jobs just to haul it to Pull A Part if they ever get back to me. I just got home from job 1 and since I'm off from job 2 tonight, I have to change the anti freeze in wifes car, replace one of the bolts on the toilet so I gotta run to get that and a wax seal, build a duck house (yeah, ducks...sheesh), feed said ducks since the kid that owns them decided to go to grandpa's house this afternoon. I'm procrastinating right now cuz it just keeps getting bigger everytime I look out at what's needing to get done! Meh.
  19. Keep it like it is now! It ain't broke, no fixin required.
  20. You should NOT have to clean between shots to at least get close to your previous shot. I like the powerbelts as well. Your rifle doesn't like the SST's for some reason. Maybe the sabot's? Can you feel a difference between the SST's (also a very good bullet) and the PB's when your ramming them? One go in easier than the other? I wouldn't think your pellets would matter but I have always used the pyrodex with great results.
  21. I haven't really been involved in the life of this vehicle. I never drive it. I know it's well over 100, 000 miles. I did drive Astro's as part of my work in the 90's and early 00's and other than wearing the crap out of front brake rotors, they are very reliable vehicles. I just found out it's a 96. If your's is running good, tires to keep on going would be a good idea. I don't have any car payments on three vehicles and it's a freedom that most American's have forgotten as well as being able to freely move around with a firearm and not be looked at as a crazy radical. Now to save up and help or find the boy a reliable car to make the run to Nashville from Westmoreland daily so he doesn't have to borrow his grandmother's car every day.
  22. That's supposed to mean you told me about Pull A Part before and know more about scrap than anyone I know. You can take a chance, I'll sell it to you and transfer title for 500 bucks and all you make above that can be yours!! LOL
  23. That's the place 56Fordguy had told me about a while back when I started looking for lights for the old Tracer I have as well. I'll give em a call. Keep the suggestions coming though, might be other options as well.
  24. waste a day and walk the area and find out where their bedding by jumping them up. Then you'll know where to set up. I've also noted that when they feed heavy at night and get bedded down early, they usually move around noon while most hunters have come out to have their lunch. If your not seeing em early, go in around 10 am and sit to dark so you see if they do any moving mid day. This will generally be in the wooded area and they move towards staging areas to go out and feed at dark.
  25. Although it would be enjoyable, I would prefer other solutions that might actually see me get a little something of cash value for the vehicle. If it was a van, I would probably look for a used tranny and put it in. The way these things are wedged in there, I don't want to think about messing with it. Even the metal value would be a plus at this point.


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