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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. yep
  2. The NEW muzzle loaders are good stuff. I have heard many cost conscious hunters have gone that same route and just use the muzzle loaders the rest of the season. Good stuff and nice shooting.
  3. Okay, different perspective on Jack. I see......George Clooney now. Brother, where for art thou shells for thy shotty. Thou shalt not spill the light of knowledge down the empty barrel of thy sweeper. For if the sweeper is to be used, the light shall not strike them down but their laughter will smite YOU! Thou will keep the shotty loaded and not bow down to pressure from the hordes to post pics. So I let it be written, so let you be done. Out
  4. +1 on the Powerbelts! Great bullets. You need to do something the first time you shoot. Decide after shooting a few shots if you will stay with the 100 grain (2 pellets) or shoot Max load of 150 grains (3 pellets). You then need to load it and put your rod in the gun with it loaded. I just wiggle it around in the muzzle till it forms a line, some will want to etch it another way, but this will give you a LOADED GUN indicator. When she's not loaded, the line drops in the barrel. Loaded, you see the line right there at the muzzle, no looking in the bore or guessing. You can leave these things loaded the entire season and it's legal to travel that way. I also know you can leave them for next season but don't recommend that.
  5. Looks great! Rock River needs to get R Done!
  6. knock knock.....Dave's not here! Man it's Dave, I got the stuff
  7. Dang.
  8. No phone and LOVING it! Freedom comes in many forms.....
  9. Hunting101....I hear your name being called!!! I'd offer my free cleaning session but alas, I have no time for yotes right now. I'm sure you will have several offers from members to assist you in reducing the population.
  10. I love animals as well. I think the relationship developed between a domesticated animal and their human partners (not owners ya notice) is a special one. That being said, I think as an avid sportsmen that hunting not only provides me and thousands of others a link to our past, a challenge that modern life can't fullfill and healthy, moderate cost food for the table. I also know that the good hunter helps the game animals by thinning them each fall prior to the hardship times of winter and makes those species better by culling those that would probably have been susceptible to being killed by feral dogs, coyotes and traffic accidents. My father can recall here in Tennessee growing up that just finding a deer print was news! The herd is so well established now that TWRA has increased the limits the last few years to unprecedented levels. Nothing wrong with not wanting to participate but seek out a hunter/sportsman and talk to him about all the aspects that go into it and are associated with it. Your outdoors, you watch the woods come to life each day. I talk to my creator with all the grandeur of him on display. I let the young ones walk to propagate more, I take the old ones so that they might not suffer the privations of winter and the provide me sustenance for which I am thankful. It's an experience that trophy hunters will never enjoy and I loathe anyone that would take a nice buck only to get the antlers and a picture. Good discussion. Come by and see us at the shop again brother.
  11. Sure, I'll give you Palmer for Big Ben and take the chance that no sexting has occured.
  12. Why do we need a law for something we already do? It's like vote yes for breathing. I don't know of any efforts other than the whack job PETA nuts to shut down or limit our hunting.
  13. That was week one for me. So HA. Mike, don't start with the "ole ball coach" routine. If you want Carson, pony up an offer. I can't even recall who I offered him to you for.
  14. Humanity gets its retribution on the shrub everytime he has his picture taken... Just look at him.... I gotta be quiet or he will hear me.
  15. Cane em first in public then do the standard execution thing at the prison.
  16. Just happen to have a little something something. He's hard to spot but look hard. Just click for action! Wolverine!
  17. Then there are the stories we can't even tell! Not about your mom Smith :eek:
  18. I'm Brent In the woods are my best shots Feeding the deer Waiting for deer
  19. I've been using the Remington primers for two years with no issues (same box even). What kind gave you problems?
  20. O Rlly? LOL Man crush on Palmer keeping you up late Mike?
  21. Guess they didn't pay for garbage pick up either? Ya think?
  22. This one ain't even close yet But I think it's run it's course. Clearly two sides and neither will be convinced. The future and how our economy effects public policy will provide us with "winners" on the debate here. Whether anyone will care who is vindicated at that point is my concern. I again call for the question. (that's parliamentary procedure to end a debate for those scratching their heads, needs a second though)
  23. I'm good for any Sunday morning until around 11 to give me time to get to the other job. Saturdays' are no longer an option. So pick Sunday! Light traffic day anyway, get in early and back in time for football you hosers! LOL


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