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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Lower is together and just waiting on a Hogue grip to replace the crappy standard AR grip and the upper from RRA ! Jeff, it's a beaut ! Thanks again!
  2. I was hoping for the same from you! LOL I do have all the old load data from 458socomforums if you want it Firerescue02, just shoot me a PM with your email if you want it.
  3. and you get as much good political info from Steve and Gregg as you do Jon! Bonus!
  4. Hmmm, my networth doesn't seem to be over a million. In fact it's probably under the value of some of you liberals cars, yet my belief structure is one that says, go to work, be embarrassed if you need a handout from the govt for any reason, that if the govt wasn't there with all these crap safety nets that most wouldn't need the handout, and that liberals are the ones that have destroyed discourse as you put it but removing all blocks to a civil and hard working society. You sir are the problem, and I was being nice and not violating the COC by once again not getting to the personal side of it but you do add to my fear factor by stating you have reproduced and are training them to accept what we see now in our govt as a good and positive thing. If you see ANY good from applying actual political discourse and comedy, and your not watching the Late Show or Letterman, then you have lost all perspective on how serious this really is! You have seen the posts here and other places. The nation is on the brink, we can't pay the bills, there are more and more folks voting themselves a living now, and one of the answers is to poke fun at it in a large group setting? LOL Take feelings out of it and tell me how your political affiliation (mine is conservative and constitutionally based) is going to "fix" anything that is broke. Republicans won't get it done either but Dems, OMG, hell no. Offer your fix to get people off the dole, back to work, pay down the debt and protect those kids your raising from all the possibilities that are coming!
  5. I just hope your children have a nation to live in and don't speak chinese. There's no fixing you now, it's gone to deep, but there is hope that your kids will ask you what the hell were you thinking Dad!
  6. Seems that the folks who have been out 99 weeks already have unionized so they can get another 20 weeks of un employment benefits. I can't find a link and it was on that news channel you won't turn on so don't worry bout it. "Fear" to me is that anyone will go and listen to all that drivel but knock yourself out man. It will be all about feelings anyway. Facts will remain elusive as always.
  7. Jeff has his dies now and we are both waiting on the next production run of uppers. Marty Ter Weeme also purchased 458socomforums.com recently and is in the process of bringing it back to life so the information can again flow freely. I can give anyone interested loading information for the most common bullets and powder out there. I need to get a run of 300 grain TTSX done once I get the upper as that is probably the best hunting round currently available. The 450 grainers I got will need some work as Marty ran them on Quick Load for me and I can't get enough powder in the case using H110 to make those big honkers open up and mushroom. At this point they are just big hole makers.
  8. I like a good comedy too. Jon Stewart ain't that funny to go to Washington though. Good luck with that and try to avoid the Union recruiters for the 99. The "professional" non working class of 'Merica. Sing Kumbaya for us, ya hear.
  9. Hair dryer has always worked for me on G22, G30, Kahr CW45 and the G30 is a bit wider in the body I think than the 23. They are a pain but get em good and warm, start from the front and get them as far up as you can before you try to pull the rear over. Once you get a half inch or so on the whole body, push up on the front strap portion and then work the sides and back up to match, repeat till in position. Sorry your going through the pain but you want them tight or they move when you don't want them to.
  10. There were games this weekend?
  11. You guys in Cannon County better have your TV and radio on...Bradyville looks like it's about to get hit by one... Take cover guys! God be with any of you dealing with these storms! RW
  12. Incident?
  13. If it works and saves David time on fixes and upgrades, I could live with it. Two weeks after you start doing something it becomes habit anyway.
  14. You know those stupid people that speed way to fast, cut across 5 lanes on the interstate so they can be in the fast lane till 1/4 mile from their exit and of course the ones you see spilled all over the road when they start their exit to late.....they vote. Nuff said.
  15. buy ammo now!! Cool that they did that (or did they get super hacked?)
  16. If they would take out reasonable regulations and just keep doing what they are doing now, it would be fine. Bredeson's "reasonable" and Ramsey's probably differ a few hundred feet. That's why I don't like it. So what happens if we don't vote to ensure our rights? Do they shut down hunting Nov 3?
  17. We will never impeach the flag or remove the song from office. If those actions or similar ever occur, it won't matter anymore as America will be dead as a nation. What the nation needs to recall and be taught is there are lines that should not be crossed in a civil "American" society.
  18. Barska Envy I reckon
  19. 1 click left windage!!! LOL Nice shooting Worry.
  20. GunBroker.com Message Forums - Barska scopes? Just some opinions in gunbroker...not hating, just saying.
  21. Call me snob. And yes, if Smith ever steps up, he can use my dies to reload.
  22. Cheap and Snob are NOT synonymous Nathan. LOL


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