The NFL and the players and the owners have first and foremost, profit as their motive and there is nothing wrong with that. You remember when gas hit 3.00 plus two years ago? It made me buy a motorcycle, it made most of us "think" a bit before just hitting the road for a drive, and prices dropped, for a time. They are creeping back up and the word is now that we will be averaging 3.25 this spring. That will be where we see where the economy is. If we slow down, stop driving, use less, the price will come back down, just as it did before. If PSL holders drop off, what little there is in available single seat purchases stop being bought, then the owners and then the players will all have to react. They just don't have to now.
Watch NASCAR tickets start to drop over the next few years. Their time has passed and they ran away from the traditional race fan several years ago. I'm betting if you can afford the gas, you can go to Talladega in a few years for 25 bucks again and get one of the "good" seats.