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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Opened back in September. Would love to see all TGO members in the mid state come by and say hello.
  2. Well........bye
  3. Looks like his saw horses took almost as much abuse
  4. I blame the Large Hadron Collider.
  5. Is it a SIG?
  6. Wow, Warbird, we both went to the same venue as an example....nice thinking.
  7. The NFL and the players and the owners have first and foremost, profit as their motive and there is nothing wrong with that. You remember when gas hit 3.00 plus two years ago? It made me buy a motorcycle, it made most of us "think" a bit before just hitting the road for a drive, and prices dropped, for a time. They are creeping back up and the word is now that we will be averaging 3.25 this spring. That will be where we see where the economy is. If we slow down, stop driving, use less, the price will come back down, just as it did before. If PSL holders drop off, what little there is in available single seat purchases stop being bought, then the owners and then the players will all have to react. They just don't have to now. Watch NASCAR tickets start to drop over the next few years. Their time has passed and they ran away from the traditional race fan several years ago. I'm betting if you can afford the gas, you can go to Talladega in a few years for 25 bucks again and get one of the "good" seats.
  8. Probably correct. Market re-set
  9. Count me in as a elitist capitalist as well then. My soul reason for going to work is to get richer and make as much as I can. I do that by showing my "owners" aka the corporate big wigs, my abilities. I'm a "skill" player I guess being part of the lower level management at our site. I'm unwilling as I would say 99% of you are, to share my salary with others so that we might all "collectively" prosper, albeit at a much lower pay level. On the contrary, I strive to make myself an indispensable member of the team so that I continue to play each year so that my fans at home continue to live in the best manner I can provide. If I ask for to much compensation, the front office can determine to no longer need my service and replace me with a better player. On the other hand, if I can out perform the others in my area of competition, I can show my self off as a free agent any time I wish and seek a better contract. If they weren't getting paid, ALL of them, they wouldn't be able to do it. You of all people Mike should understand this concept of a poor work product that keeps getting supported and thus is acceptable to the market they work in...(see Bengals in your NFL guide).
  10. Keep watching for the area shoot and meets, there are several. We also have a group that clean up a section of Vietnam Vets every quarter. If interested, contact 56Fordguy and you can help us with the next clean up and meet some of the crew. Thanks for your service!
  11. But you WILL see him again. Sorry guy, nothing we can say really helps right now.
  12. Now your talking.
  13. Uh, yuck.
  14. Ya'll let me know how it goes. Gotta head into work here in a bit.
  15. Time Warp moment coming.......here we go............
  16. Yep
  17. Since this was your son's personal phone this is a criminal act. If you can prove it has had a feature added or turned on without his knowledge or permission the boss could possibly be in big trouble. As a former private investigator we were asked to track people all the time and we always replied NO ! It is a state and federal violation. The only folks that can be tracked by a "civilian" for lack of a better word are minor children. We had guys say they bought the car for their wife's so they wanted to know where the "car" was but even a wife has a expectation of privacy in their movement. I would have the phone checked, get the tech to sign an affidavit stating it is in tracking mode and then seek a an attorney's counsel. This is probably open to both criminal and civil penalty.
  18. .13 cents and your in
  19. Does that mean I can't call you Top no more?
  20. Sorry for your loss ZZR. Hard to find a good cat so it's that much harder when they are gone.
  21. Playing for next year Mike? Carson will be starting next year, in Washington probably. Isn't that where everyone goes to die in the NFL now?
  22. That's such an old school "coach speak" anti Jinx statement. You have two players that score 51 points and your worried about Monday night.
  23. Well I started Carson Palmer way to often this year so that tells you what I thought about projections. I think Mike.357 was using Jedi mind control on me. Did I mention I dropped Carson? He's available.
  24. Nice break in there Spoolie. I wish we had reloading stuff for you now!
  25. I owe it all to Carson Palmer....no, wait...never mind.


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