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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I like Joe. He's good people.
  2. Rightwinger

    Fake Rolex

    +1 on Casio G Shocks. No banks were harmed in the purchase of this watch.
  3. Thanks for coming by and supporting D &T NashvegasMatt ! It was great to meet you. If you want after market parts for a 1911, the easiest method is hitting Midwayusa.com I wouldn't worry that you'll need that bushing replaced anytime soon. Few folks shoot as much as Spoolie, he really pushed that thing to the max but they are "Spool Proof" !
  4. Oh crap....now you have me re-considering that forearm.
  5. No withholding of any kind. Just a 1099-Misc with only his pay in box 7, Nonemployee compensation.
  6. Woot!! We sold ours today so another big bore AR shooter is born. Next upper is on order should anyone wish to partake....come see me.
  7. I found the code for the business he works for. I guess "all around helper" isn't big on the governments list of qualified professions. Thanks everyone for weighing in. Tax Act is steering me the same way you all are, it just feels wrong to have to "work around" the system.
  8. I guess I'll have to go through the program a few more times. It wants to know what kind of business he runs, he doesn't. It's simply the company didn't want to claim him as an employee in my mind. He didn't set his own hours, doesn't have any type of inventory or tools, does not submit a bill, in fact he had to write his hours down when he came in and left, like a time clock. I think it's BS but we will work around them and get it done.
  9. I think he was an employee. He's 18, a college student but did some work for a "professional" business as a helper/assistant/apprentice in the field he's studying to be in upon graduation. He does not own or run a business to be self employed yet the tax program I'm running wants him to enter info into schedule C. It's not a bunch of money, under 2 grand for the year but I think they were incorrect in giving him a 1099 at the end of the year if they classify him as some type of contract or self employed worker. He should have filed quarterlys right? Won't discuss the actual business but if someone with experience in this could assist it would be most appreciated.
  10. Pictures??? Come see the one in the shop at D & T !! Buyer is supposed to pick it up Saturday but we have it on display till then and if he doesn't show up, well... Also have a case gauge and some Corbon Ammo for the beast as well. Swing by you folks in Mid TN and take a look at big bore AR goodness. Here's a crappy picture of the monster anyway.
  11. Yep!
  12. I love the two deer fighting in the corner Krull, artfully done! No cave for me. I do have a section of my own garage where the reloading goes on and it's not worth the pixels to post.
  13. But has a very nice replacement coming!
  14. My mind isn't what it used to be. I don't like to quote prices from memory as it's not a good source!! Come see us and talk to Dave!
  15. What about the gun now Spoolie?
  16. Would that have been the Cav Arms complete lower? World's Largest Supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools - BROWNELLS
  17. Any firearm can be checked at the time of the trade in. I'm sure the methods may be different from state to state but you can fax in a stolen gun check to TBI while the potential seller waits if they just want to sell the firearm or run the gun along with the firearm they are trading for in the normal electronic fashion. There is no reason other than the gun was reported AFTER Bud's took it in that they would have a stolen firearm get transferred, just like Metalhead said. I think that would be an easy check as well as Bud's will have the transfer in date in their "book" and the NCIC record will have the reporting date. Yorkie Girl does the profession well by not wanting to slander another company as there are always sides to a story and Bud's isn't here to represent theirs. However, if a gun came up stolen on a transfer then I think it would behoove the receiving shop to contact Bud's and find out those details of when it was received vs the report of stolen date. I for one would really like to know those facts so that myself personally and the shop I work for knows the facts before dealing with Bud's any longer. There's also the little factor of someone wanting their new firearm and Bud's needs to be sending a new gun or a refund.
  18. Usually depends on the employee. I have escourted my fair share to their vehicle and watched them exit the premises and others we kept on trying to keep right up to their last day. So few have the honor or integrity to follow the forms any longer.
  19. ....and still only give them two weeks notice when you moved. I like to think I'm one of the more loyal employees where ever I go but when they pull the rug from under you, you owe them only what's proper at that point. Find your next position, smile and hand them your written notice and work as always for two weeks, burn no bridges but let no moss grow under you.
  20. Hmmm....what?
  21. Geez, I jumped out of planes wearing a lot of gear but I AIN'T doing that! Wow...that's some precision flying. I always came straight down and my guys said they could always tell where I landed in the dark from the "woompfhh" sound I made hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes. And those were the good landings.
  22. Why don't they just say what it really is? It's not the GOP or gun lobby, although they do have a powerful influence and of course the vote, but it's the fact that they KNOW that a majority of folks won't stand for it. Gun, knife, baseball bat or fists, it's the person who chooses to attack another who is responsible, not the object they choose to wield when becoming a criminal.
  23. I was gonna say, don't the Japanese know a thing or three about making good sharp blades? Nice knife. I need a nice big fixed blade that's not part of the hunting bag....dang you Erik
  24. Way to go jay1313g ! Another reason this community remains high on the AWESOME list for daily viewing. Hope this is a win win for you both!
  25. Jeff go to settings, look on the left for Paid Subcriptions and on top of that page will show your purchase and expiration dates


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