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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I understand what Westwind is saying, and you will too once you've been here a while. While I wouldn't necessarily not do a deal with a newbie, I do prefer to know a little something about the other party before making a commitment. That being said, a gun or other item can be examined before actual funds transfer hands so everyone should still be protected. It's just been the occassional non firearm transaction where things were shipped (or not) that make a low post count person subject to deals not being as fast as others with higher counts or interaction might be. If Westwind, Bronker, MagicCarpetrides, Mike.357, even Strickj posted up something I wanted, I wouldn't have an issue just sending them the check or Pay Pal and meet up when it was convenient or have them ship the item. Someone that shows up for the first time with no interaction amongst the other members yet will get a bit more scrutiny. So in a nutshell, join in the chaos that is TGO and engage in the conversation.
  2. I'll do my part if it comes down to it. Like I said, a call will keep it safe. Holler!
  3. Yeah, have you shot it yet 56? LOL
  4. Bwahahahaha. Classic.
  5. On it. You give her your strength too!!
  6. Only 65 bucks needed to get his goal of 500. Step on up guys and gals. Show that TGO spirit we are starting to be known for!
  7. Good folks down there. Submission done in the name of TGO.
  8. You could probably charge some advertising fees from Magpul on that one guy! Super nice stick though. You weighed that rig yet though? With that heavier Socom barrel and that PRS, that thing won't have a chance to put any recoil on you, it's absorbed by the gravity well your creating by all that mass on your shoulder!! If no one buys the one in the shop by the 12th...Mine will be set up. I gotta let the masses have a shot at it first (hint hint). Mark AR 3-9x is also on the way and will arrive about the same time. Mine won't look as cool though as I'll have the plain free float barrel. But then there are always upgrades...right?
  9. Glad you got that fixed. Now the question is "has the Mrs shot it yet?"
  10. Well I'm sure the don't sell them in their showroom either... Right?
  11. Were you signed in at the time? Full access here.
  12. Give him the 20 second vacation for that lunatic rant Jason!
  13. Breathe in, Breathe out.
  14. Wondered where you'd been Music. Welcome back and DO NOT LEAVE again! There is strength in these numbers. Been proven over and over. And thanks to Joe. He's done good by a bunch of us through the years. I'd do the group hug thing but Bronker is probably somewhere about the site and that picture is still freaking me out.
  15. You two can't keep talking like that or we will think another bromance has erupted!
  16. Let me (and us) know what you find. I'm really liking that AR lower and would love to see his 1911 Frames. Find out if he's machining them or if they are forged.
  17. Correct, Uselton makes nothing. Sam Hoster assembles and mods those 1911s. He's used Caspian frames in the past. He may use Remsport now.
  18. Rats.. I'd share some pudding cups or something..PM inbound by the way.
  19. So can I have it or not?
  20. Can I have the box when your done with it? Yep, nice stuff.
  21. Where are the new ones? Huh, huh, where they at?


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