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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I like him to....so far. Look him up on Facebook for updates.
  2. Rightwinger


    One in the shop at D&T. The coffee is pretty good as long as Dave and not Smith made it too. Come by and have a cup. Oh, look at the gun too.
  3. If people would quit buying the ones we bring in the store I could have my upper! Nah, I'm willing to wait as long as people are interested in them. Another one on the way for you folks in the greater Nashville area. Holler
  4. Still waiting...sigh
  5. Don't overlook the price and quality of Yankee Hill Machine. Rock River Arms puts their stuff on a lot of their railed ARs. YHM, Yankee Hill Machine Co., Inc. – Makers of High Quality Firearms, Accessories & Sound Suppressors | Forearms
  6. voted no.....but I want too!
  7. That hurts just reading it.
  8. I don't recall seeing anything further on this or if he got any "damages" fixed on the bike.
  9. He was a temp driver for my company at the time. (Big trucks) That was a Suzuki Hayabusa that went to the ground. He claimed that he was not part of a group of speeding bikes that was also on I-40. Stop was ruled "improper" Judge Says Trooper's Stop Was Improper - Nashville News Story - WSMV Nashville
  10. Finally got an M16 but then the damage kicked in. I suck
  11. I need a better freaking mouse!
  12. Amen to the night hunting of coyotes ! I'll be submitting as well.
  13. I still use the corn cob because it doesn't leave the reddish residue but it doesn't clean as "hard". So what I've done now to extend the corn cob media is mix some of the walnut media in, probably 90% corn cob, 10% walnut and it's really done a super job. That and throwing in the wife's old dryer sheets to pick up the leading. Tear one into 4 smaller squares and replace as soon as they blacken up.
  14. Used to love the Stefano's wheat bread deep dish pizza. Of course that was back in the day......when Michael Jackson was popular with everyone.
  15. Your going to have to weigh the factors of what calibers your loading vs cost of components vs cost of bulk factory. I reload but the small pistol calibers of 9mm and 45 ACP do not save me any money at the rates I load. (lately it's been no loading bleh) When you catch a good sale on bulk plinker stuff it's still usually cheaper to buy factory for those calibers. Now, you can't put a price on the fun and relaxation loading your own stuff can bring. Since you already do that for shotgun, you have that to formulate into the equation. If you load for harder to find calibers and big bore rifle, then your saving can really add up quick. If your going to go progressive, look at the Dillon 550 which you can start off pretty reasonably and then add all the bells and whistle you want for the most part. I have been lucky enough to use 56Fordguys and we roll the 5.56 stuff off it pretty quick and with good return on investment except that we stop loading when we talk (safety) and that slows the output down a bit. If you get the tool heads set up so you just switch them out, you can roll a couple of hundred of whatever in an evening after work and go shoot. I still use an old Lee Anniversary press to load my rifle stuff as I like the time in the shop and the quality of the single stage press for that kind of work.
  16. Did someone force you to?
  17. Bronker! You gonna let David call you out like that!??
  18. (shh, he'll notice how we are leading him into conversations)
  19. Yep, I'm turning into a flashlight Ho, thanks DRM and 56Fordguy for another drain on my life. Like guns and ammo weren't enough.
  20. It wouldn't be a Kel Tec then would it? LOL
  21. I just didn't want to be involved in an internet shooting.


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