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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Jeff my Mom said I couldn't have the box unless you had your Mom talk to her first.
  2. Hardly. There aren't enough of them that will proclaim any of that needed trimming to get close to the gallows.
  3. 250 +/- years of bringing the noise!
  4. Your in to far to pull out now Mike
  5. LOL, pics or it didn't happen!! LOL You could be the next reality ghost hunter show Mike!
  6. "The beatings will continue until Morale improves"
  7. There was a little thing called Indy that caught my eye. Rookie leading the race on the last lap, wrecks in turn four but still comes in 2nd dragging his destroyed car across the line. Nothing exciting though.
  8. I'm thinking acid was a lot more popular than we have been led to believe...that or I've been missing life:popcorn::P. Got no good stories about either subject and I AM a very interested follower of UFO and para normal stories! I did get a whooping as a wee lad for putting a UFO book I wanted to read in the grocery cart without my Mom knowing. When she had to pay for it (after telling me no), I had to take it, but it was worth it. Been following these kind of stories since early 70s. Ya'll keep it up.
  9. That's some stick now yo!
  10. $4.00 ?
  11. Pssst.....hey Buford.....you shot yourself buddy...can't really get around that one. Just saying. I'll pass on the typos as we all know its hard to spell LIKE with only one pinky
  12. Besides being the right thing to do helping a "free" democratic country surrounded by Islamic theocratic governments, they are a super source of intel and have and would provide a base of operations for us if the need arose. We won't delve into the biblical portions of why we need to keep them around though.
  13. Fixed it for ya.
  14. Snapple "Very Cherry Punch" 79 cents for the 16 oz can....can't beat it.
  15. Let's talk Nathan...I'll bring wings! Seriously, good choice. If you want a training regimen that is kick butt and free, go to that little cabin I took you to, start clearing all those tree tops on that hill we rode up on my 4 wheeler, all the way up to the stand. You can have the wood and when your done you can kick Thors arse!!!
  16. Get a 458 Socom upper for your AR and all will be well. Pics of Water Buffalo and pigs taken with the Socom below. Check out Teppo Jutsu website or Rock River Arms or you can PM me for details on the caliber and reloading data. Water Buffalo 2 more pigs
  17. Where's Magiccarpetrides when you need him?
  18. Hmm, I saw no reference to race....where did you come up with that? I think he was saying there was an incident that would scare the crap out of you and the police responded with a lackluster response, either overwhelmed or uncaring.
  19. When you step out of "vanilla" you can expect to wait a bit. Always worth it though.
  20. I'm thinking it will be his mom!
  21. Fresh bacon....still in the wrapper there. Yep Okay, Bronker, what the heck was the picture?
  22. Heat guns are your friend here like TNrobocop said. I had a Rock River Arms lower that broke my wrench even after heating it for several minutes. They were gracious enough to send me a overnight box and put another companies single point sling on for me. They put another nut on and even replaced the castle nut wrench I had broken. I've been a RRA fan ever since. But yeah, back to the subject at hand, most of the major companies use a bit of loctite on them and you have to heat them before trying to break them loose.


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