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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. We all know which police agency to enforce US and Local laws operates in Peoria. Which one operates in Yemen?
  2. 458 of course
  3. Heck yeah I watch! Waiting for an invite!
  4. :whistle:Well there's that finger David was missing!
  5. For those of us that can't afford those hundred dollar scent lock shirts and pants, keep your hunting clothes in a cloth bag, pillow case, etc and keep them in a foot locker or box with another pillow case full of cedar shavings to kill human scent. For my outer clothes (jacket and bib overalls) that get used every day, keep them outside your hunting building, tent, cabin, etc so cooking smells don't get in them and then, the morning your hunting, get em all on and do something that looks silly but works, roll around in a pile of leaves. Lightly damp ones work even better. Cover up as much of you as you can. We also will throw some cedar logs in the fire and a couple of waves of the coat through the smoke will help kill scent both inside and out on the clothing. I also never wear my rubber boots inside as the floor is covered with human scent as well as food odors from the kitchen that we have to walk through to get in the cabin. Practice moving your head to a sound slowly. That quick jerk to look at a sound has busted me more than once in the past. Make like a gun turret.
  6. Bubba
  7. Who dat?
  8. Yes, second day now of slow page loads
  9. Just going with what the OP said he was "mainly" going to do with it Capy. An AR isn't a great home defense weapon anyway and the OP will probably come to that conclusion after shooting it a few times. Unless he lives on the Ponderosa.
  10. Leupold Mark AR 3 - 9x. No regrets.
  11. Would the line "you darn dirty apes" have been better? I think it was the appropriate time to use a very "lightweight" curse word. It put her on notice that she was infringing on very personal information along the lines of how much money does your family make and does anyone pray in your home, not a damn bit of her or anyone elses business!
  12. I thought I had "manned" up riding home in the thunderstorms tonight......not.
  13. Did they find her?
  14. Some good news.....there were two locations, a distribution center and a cross dock. The cross dock has been shut down, not to return, termination notices sent. Go Union now fellas....go Union now. (Hope them dues cover forced retirement). There was also a lot of folks very angry in that area. They had no jobs and these guys were striking because they had been told they were going to have to share in the costs of their medical benefits which were to this point all company paid. Well.....bye.
  15. Westmoreland here but no camp nearby brother. Plan is to head south if at all possible. Wayne County is where I want to be..
  16. I'm up here with ya to greg unless I get caught down the hill in Zombie central Rivergate
  17. Rightwinger


    Or the plastic mainspring housings. Both the Desert Warrior and the Stainless II had them. Moved on to less money and as good or better performance.
  18. Throw the plastic stuff in your box O things and get the Hogues!
  19. Crap, I ought to look at that stuff
  20. Anything is possible with the right amount of planning!
  21. People see money in outrage everywhere. Car dealerships should be cowering in their skins because every car that's sold doesn't require any background checks to see what the purchasers driving record is. I wonder if Leonard Little's dealer should own up that he shouldn't have sold him a vehicle without a proper background check. Leonard Little The root of the problem is holding people accountable, not objects. I say sell em and then hold everyone that breaks a law accountable to the FULLEST degree. I'll even pay a "penal tax" to help build the luxury resorts (in abandoned coal mines preferably) to put them there.
  22. I switched over to the knee high rubber boots with thinsulate a few years back for scent control and haven't looked back. If your susceptible to easily getting cold feet, they will leak heat a little quicker to me than leather or the combination leather/nylon boots but they are waterproof and if you wash em off in the creek and rub em in the leaves, you won't leave a trail to your hunting spot that screams "human"! I was getting busted often enough watching deer come right up to my path walking in that it's been well worth it. Comfortable, easy on and off, get em a little bigger if you wear thick socks, no maintenance (busted shoe laces). My pair is Red Head 700 gram thinsulates from Bass Pro.
  23. Welcome to TGO!


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