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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. New case of Mosins to be picked through. All the old stuff is gone though. Other than those, I'm the oldest thing here now.
  2. You taped your light didn't ya!? Nice, and not very noticeable but practical. I had to look three times.
  3. Come see us when your done 56, everyone else too!
  4. oh crap....you did, I did research and forgot the follow up. Let me get to the shop tomorrow and I'll get you the number.
  5. Now the circle is complete! LOL
  6. He PM'd me and said you were a sissy Mike.
  7. I say ban him anyway. David can do a bandwidth comparison and see the savings potential while he's unable to post.
  8. If you can see the relationship, I'll share a little story. Not long before I served in the Army, there were soldiers who could camp out at a rank all the way to retirement. A mechanic in the motorpool might be happy as a pig in slop working on jeeps and trucks and not want or demand any more rank or money. Then the UP or OUT programs kicked in. No matter what, you have to keep increasing in rank, both enlisted and officer or once passed over to many times, your on the street. Even though they were happy where they were and in many cases did not have the apptitude for higher rank, they had to move up. American society today, my opinion only, wants more rank and pay than they have earned or have the apptitude to handle. Herein is the problem. If your never happy where you are, and you don't want to do the work to move up but still demand it all, then we have issues. A mass of the public has learned they can vote themeselves a promotion and has not found a way to be happy where they are or work harder to earn the next rank. My three cents.
  9. You shooting three pellets or two? (150 grain magnum shot or 100 grain standard)? Same problems exist in the big bullet world as in the small, the coefficient of how fast your moving the bullet and it's structure. If you move them to slow, they don't open up. Move them to fast and they are not finished opening up when they are already exiting. If you see exit wounds but no good blood trail, your probably moving to fast and need to drop a pellet. If you don't have exit wounds, the sabot is not opening up, go up a pellet. If you've tried both, then time to find a bigger/softer hollow point and try again. Wet phone books work good to see how your bullets are opening up.
  10. The death of print media due to the internet! Easy and you can do your research while keeping TGO going.
  11. Pretty much done the moment they call in your tag on the stop
  12. I had just finished watching it last night when I saw your post. Commercials made it better!
  13. You just saw it on FX tonight didn't ya?
  14. Hmm, read somewhere that they would eventually make it impossible to trade without certain "marks". But that couldn't have been correct. It was an old old book.
  15. I made a little scrape in the bathroom. Now I can't find my boys and the wife won't stop to let me talk to her.
  16. I'm still waiting for my royalty check by the way!! Welcome back Jack!
  17. And WHERE it's not normal. Scent of humans near the road and in areas they never get hunted in won't bother them. I have watched deer watch me while using a chain saw. Set the saw down and stare at them, then they get nervous and leave.
  18. My youngest boy thought deer hunting was the easiest thing in the world to do. First time I took him on a youth hunt we got in the woods and set up a two sided burlap blind strung between two trees facing, you guessed it, down hill. Sat about 20 minutes waiting for day break when we hear some classic "deer stalking" hoof noise behind us in a cedar thicket. He has a better view than me and whispers "Daddy, it's a buck" at which point said buck feels something is wrong with this dark shape in front of him and edges back in the tree line and skirts us. Well he comes out to our "right" and again, downhill a bit over the big slope and stops. The boy says he has a good view and I have to lift the muzzle of his rifle over my head and behind me and let him reset his shooting stick. There is a tree I was leaning on to my right and now a gun with a young man to my rear. I squirm around as much as I can and lean back but all I can get in view about 50 yards away is deer butt! The boy is on the scope and says "I got a good shot Dad". I ask him to verify that it's a buck since I can't see the front end. He says "yep, he's got antlers and he's not a spike". I tell him to steady up and let me get my finger in my right ear since he's pretty close, then, "shoot him!". BANG. I hear one thrash and the boy is already whispering "he's down, he's down". I tell him to sit a bit and unload his single shot but get a round ready in case he gets up and watch. Now, we've been in the woods, what, 45 minutes to an hour with the walk in. I lean back and sure enough, deer down, not even kicking. We get up a couple of minutes later as I can't stand to watch his grin get any bigger and wander over to the deer. 4 pointer, an hour into his first hunt. We aren't even wearing jackets its, just "cool" and the thing is on the slope that will let me go get the truck and drive it up a road about 200 yards below us. He drags his first deer out basically riding it down hill and we throw him in back. Head to the market down on the highway to check him in and get some biscuits, head home. Momma hears us pull up and wonders what's wrong!! You don't get home like 2 hours after you left! Hunting's easy Mom, you just sit down and wait for em to poke their heads out then go get biscuits!
  19. You might call back and remind them that their website says their phones are manned till 7PM. Either change the website or do what you state your mission is.
  20. Bookmarks baby! The only way to go.
  21. Here's another listed as a emergency number for poaching. They say they have folks manning the phones till midnight and will have an officer call you. 1-800-255-8972
  22. TWRA Poaching numbers These are for Reigon II here in Nashville. Call now, maybe they are dragging it out and they can nab em. 615-781-6622 1-800-624-7406
  23. Lug on an AR? I ask because even shotguns come with them now. Cheaper Than Dirt - America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter
  24. If a cat was involved it could have been self defense.
  25. 18 for long guns, 21 for hand guns. Must be resident of Tennessee to buy handgun. Background check is required for all firearms.


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