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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Is this a magazine or a clip?
  2. It took so long to get all the pictures linked it logged me off! It's mostly fixed now. Thanks
  3. In our search for the best weapons for everyday use as well as SHTF scenarios, our discussion has led us at the shop to discuss the future and our thougts on the weapons and the regulatory agency that will oversee it. First the basic weapon: Simple, easily obtained (so far regulations still allow for it), available in multiple sizes for the job at hand. The weapon: Accuracy using this weapon is dependent upon your natural skill level and the amount of training you do. If you switch between weapon sizes often, you may have problems becoming procficient in them. The RTF is the agency tasked with regulating the use and proliferation of these weapons! Some of you may already be obtaining your own projectiles, that's fine unless you go to this level: Uses of the ultimate weapon. Defense and fun! Group throwings Defense throwings: (warning very similar to group throwings but targets are different) Defense in the city district: The projectiles are easily stockpiled and hidden. You can even conceal it under items commonly found at home We have started to delve into the variants, such as sling shots needing an additional tax stamp, and the upgrading of river rock to AOW due to their awesome BC and skipping capability. Is this a destructive device? Open for discussion now. Please stay on topic and keep the drifting to a minimum.
  4. What PistolFan did was verify why we need tree stands and such. I have hunted all my adult life and the deer are smart enough to know when and where the threat is. They have smelled me before I ever saw them, were able to pick up the slightest movment of me trying to bring my hunting equipment to bear on them and one was able to move enough to beat the arrow as he heard it release. For me, the odds are still pretty much in favor of the animal unless you do it all right the first time.
  5. 458 Socom, 300 RCM or 30-06
  6. I spoke to John Hollinger at White Oak Armament about this very thing several years ago when I got a .204 Ruger upper from him. He said every bullet down the barrel is one more towards the total life of the barrel. Shoot it, keep it clean, enjoy.
  7. So you were what? 12 LOL
  8. I was here!
  9. I'll wade in and say if you don't like it don't do it and we move on. Let's talk about OWS instead...something less controversal.
  10. Not my info, thats for sure
  11. Your PM box is full guy!!
  12. Another Card fan here. Was waiting patiently when I heard they were going to turn Ender's Game into a movie but apparently it's been shelved for the time being. Of late, reading everything John Ringo (Posleen War and Ghosts series) but being a hard core SF fan, Frank Herbert is still my favorite. His son Brian and Kevin Anderson have continued the Dune series pretty well and he has a new one out called Hellhole. Almost the same lines as Dune but with a more modern theme to it. Can't say I'm overly impressed in re-creating a Dune style universe but it keeps me interested. I also grabbed A Brief History of Time by Hawking and Massive to stoke my love for physics but to stupid to study it in school fires. Oh...and one more call for a classic fav, Starship Troopers by Heinlein. The movie bites but it's one I'll pick up to read if everything else has been read.
  13. that ain't brass.....its GOLD!
  14. He is in TN and no longer has an HCP. He is going to KY to try this there. He states he has permits from other states.
  15. Will you share a snort with me 56? I rarely imbibe the harder stuff. A beer now and then is my usual adult beverage. I do like to try new tastes.
  16. A saga usually entails hero's....I would modify it to a dark comedy for a better description!
  17. Just go and read. SilencerTalk • View topic - Best way to open carry a silencver attached to a pistol ? You can jump to the last 4 or 5 pages (of 64) to really
  18. It's diffent for different machines. I have a stand alone DVD burner and its an option after copying or recording media. It will cost some man card points but.....(read the instructions) Sorry guy.
  19. Well I am UNTIL Mikey shows up.
  20. What, you don't like that burnt look on top of your light? I try to remember to do that on the brass deflector on ARs but never seem to remember to pack the tape. Nice job.
  21. Sound problems, if you have video is usually a cabling issue. Check your cables are set right. Did you finalize it? Not knowing what unit you have, format selected, etc it's hard to help but I found the biggest issue when I first did this was you need to "finalize" the disk in order to play in any standard player.
  22. I'm the Bell Curve
  23. Get a Sportsmens license at the first of the year and be done with it.


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