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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I'm waiting for the first streetview mob attack.
  2. Makes ya wonder what we don't know is flying now. But with the US content to think it will remain top dog with current technology, the defunct black bird project was probably the last of the really fast manned aircraft. It's all RPV now which is good for not losing pilots but you lose something vital without eyes on the target to me.
  3. Please do, its "relevant". LOL
  4. I didn't do a research paper on it or anything, I just know they had to use special metals on the Blackbird just because of the leading edge temperatures. As stated, it's been known that the fastest jets could catch up and fly into their own bullets. I'll try to be more exact next time I'm making a joke. By the way, those liquid trails on the SR71, that would be fuel, the thing leaked like a sieve at low speeds as it was built to expand under high speed flight and temps to allow for expansion. Yes, Steven Wright, second joke, enjoy [media=] [/media]
  5. This is why I asked copper jacket or lead. Lead bullets would begin to vaporize immediately. Copper jackets might make it several hundred yards before becoming FOD for your intakes. That's why its relevant. (perhaps you need to listen to Steven Wright)
  6. Muzzle brakes are fantastic devices when applied properly. The Armalite AR50 is a single shot, bolt action 50 BMG rifle that you can shoot all day with no issues. I like Jeff's concept of design, especially since all of us that run the 458 could then load the bigun or the really bigun but alas, I think this will be a quiet wildcat if it ever comes to exist. Some AR50 pron for your viewing pleasure in the interlude
  7. Copper jackets or lead? (been listening to Steven Wright again Jeff?)
  8. Rightwinger


    you can book mark or FOLLOW. Up at the top of each page. I'm thinking a 5th of Jack might erase the memory though.
  9. Rightwinger


    Oh I know just the "good stuff" your speaking of. Just got some more boolits in that good stuff size.
  10. Rightwinger


    and then there's that moment we all wish we hadn't stepped into a thread.
  11. Rightwinger


    that or a sasquatch outbreak. I saw it on some TV channel just the other night. A guy named Bobo is calling them out.
  12. Once again, you take great to the next level. And to think, I thought my next rifle would be that new Ruger 10-22 break down....guess I'll have to save the pennies and get the LAR8 afterall.
  13. So how does the cost of living outside of guns compare Erik? I'm wondering now if that extra "grease" you got was worth it ! If you decide to come back, you know where you can holler.
  14. Locked that one up.....
  15. You already own the beast of barrels Jeff.
  16. Any of that linked into a live stream that you know of?
  17. Plus One Garufa
  18. Mine is over a year old but it has had no issues and houses a RRA 2 stage trigger group beautifully. It's been sporting the 458 Socom upper for the entire time I've owned it. If there are problems, they must be recent as stated above because the older one is just fine!!
  19. Well as can be expected. You loading Socom soon?
  20. Just clamp your measure Jeff. You will probably find as I did, unless its supremely accurate, you'll just use it to throw "close" to your loading and trickle the final grains into your loading cup/funnel while its sitting on your scale. You did get a good digital scale right? Throw a few charges to get it set about 1 or 2 grains below your final number and then use a good trickler to get dead on.
  21. It's been years since I last ate there but the subject did come up the other day (giving directions to the new Nrange) and I was informed it's not what it used to be. Keep your head down and your powder dry!
  22. I have seen those indentations on rounds from rotation as well. Not uncommon and generally not unsafe unless it causes the case mouth to bell.
  23. About 20 starlings might make a meal?
  24. Every spring, whether it needs it or not.
  25. We didn't do that right ! Remember the old "what's for dinner thread"? Well dessert was great!


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