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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. You drive a truck TDR, start bringing it in!!
  2. I'd rather get the clap than order from CTD.
  3. Well its getting a little clearer which side now.  And it would have to be two letters, and I'm very trusted in my decision making skills, thanks.
  4. So he would have voted Obama? 
  5. Re-read entire thread.  Now I got a fence post square in the arse.  Don't know which side I would climb down on.  I'll just fall on the side of TMI all the way around and exit on this one. 
  6. Holy Crap!  Someone really did that !  Don't know what to think about someone going to that extreme. 
  7. Sold all mine yesterday to a fellow who is big into immigration reform.  He showed me a TN Drivers license and spoke enough english that I thought it must be okay.  So I'm safe now. 
  8. Sadly its still on order.  June 1, 2012 and counting. 
  9. 56 does have skills.  He helped me bring a 5.56 upper back to life after an unfortunate incident with a bore snake.   Where did you find part kits in all the furor going on right now Blake?
  10. I always thought of him like Spock.....with a bible.
  11. I'm not sure how Smith saw my spot?  Or why he was looking.
  12. Marking my spot here for posterity
  13. And not the first occassion either.  Just like Holder and Napolitano won't miss a good crisis, CTD won't miss an opportunity to gouge and then back pedal away from it.  Haven't ordered a thing from them since 07.
  14. He let his certification lapse because he's not actually teaching the classes??  Really?
  15. I'm so non-violent I make Shao-Lin Monks look like Crips on crack.
  16. And still didn't say what we need to hear.  Plenty of wiggle room in that airy heartfelt collection of non-specific words.   Lamar, Bob, just say NO
  17. LOL, wouldn't know who or where to begin.  Gun stores get a YES or NO and if appealed, they get a YES NO or CONDITIONAL and any FFL that transfers on a conditional is nuts.    I've seen it happen.  It's a sad story to see a firearm in limbo.  It's essentially the gun stores as the transfer has been completed from the seller to the receiving gun store so legally, a shop can tell someone sorry and then sell it but "correct" is not always "right".    If this ever happens to anyone, DO NOT make a statement like "I'll have my brother/father/wife" just pick it up as YOU WILL NOT see that weapon (from a upstanding shop) as you have just stated you wish to do a straw sale.  Work with both vendors for the best outcome.  You may lose some money but you could lose it all being stupid and saying something Yeagerish.
  18. You appeal, hopefully gets corrected and get your firearm.  If the appeal is denied, you work with both dealers so the gun goes back and both are paid for their time and shipping.  If as a last resort, you get the receiving FFL to sell the firearm for you and forward proceeds based on sales price.   Some online dealers won't take a gun back, period so find out the return policy on the front end.
  19. Should be able to make em in high school shop classes.   Afterall, a 8 year old Eithiopian kid is cycle timing himself to 53 a day now with the new "LEAN" processes! :ugh:
  20. You tell em Oscar!
  21. Don't advertise to buy someone's reloads.  That makes them a manufacturer.  That would be a "little not good"   You can meet with a member and shoot out of his supply while there anytime though.
  22. I know but the triple tap was just dying for some Big Bang Theory interaction.   Nothing meant but the chuckle.


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