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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. What do you mean "could"  She's already into us for about 14 of them and I'm betting any Friday night now soon, another tax revenue increase will be conducted.  The "tax" session will last for about 2 minutes till adjournment for beer and cigarettes and a short "shut the F up" to the previous sessions down the hall.
  2. I'm pro-choice.....the choice comes on the freaking front end....don't have unprotected sex unless your prepared for all the ramifications of having a child.  After you find out there's life in there, it's not a choice, it's a sentence.   This woman has no thought process in life other than the basic eat, eliminate, sleep and do whatever feels good.  Dog's lick their balls and scratch....this woman has kids. 
  3. Got one of the earlier Cass Creeks laying around here somewhere.  I used it more as an irritant in the deer camp environment than out in the field.  They are "low level" calls.  Heck, if you were closer, I'd give you this one.  The jack rabbit in distress is a hoot with 4 or 5 guys in a hunting cabin trying to get some sleep !   The sounds are not really clear and sharp, nor did my call project well.  I agree on the Foxpro or getting the Primos mouth calls.  Those things will reach out and touch them.
  4. It's alright, their Professionals.
  5. 1-800-228-2471   No general email address
  6. Going off topic for just a sec but doesn't that guy in the video with it stopped like it shows up first look like Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket?   Going to bed now, obviously tired.
  7. HARD cup primers only in ARs.  That is all.
  8. I finally got a dream toy...Major Matt Mason. You can still find them on Ebay. I present the XRG-1 re entry vehicle circa the mid 60's. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=xrg1+reentry+glider&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.b2I&biw=1067&bih=537&pdl=300&wrapid=tljp1360089252281019&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=qVARUc2KI8_NqQHukYGYDw
  9.   Old school?  How many of us really remember old school.  My first gun for playing soldier....a stick.  My first sword....a stick.  My first hideout...a bunch of sticks.    I miss that my boys never got to "play" the way we did.  Sun up, cereal, start heading to someone else's house till at least 3 were in the group and then into the fields or woods.  Ride bikes, walk, swim if we wanted.  Lunch optional.  Dinner was when the mom's in the area started hollering from the back porches.    Where's the way back machine when you need it.
  10.     Been there, done that.  1986
  11.   Can't get a job?  Go to drone school.  Get your career flying today!     Sheesh
  12. Update   This is a man of his word!  He called me today.  We had a short discussion on what I felt we could do in TN and he laid out his current proposal on closing access to Hand Gun Permit holders information so we don't have a repeat of what the New York newspaper did.    I work nights so he woke me up, but no issue.  He was even ready to call me back later in the day and gave me his cell phone number.   At this point, I would say we do have a good one who is on our side.
  13. Work :yuck:
  14. Another vote for the TLR-1 or -2 (if you want a laser).  The new one's are strobe models.  Come by and I'll "disorient" you into buying one.
  15. Watched the transformers in Mt. Juliet going up in blue blazes around 3:30.  Just drove up 231 and the track was straight line through Mt. Juliet, Hwy 109 and Lebanon road, then crossed 231 just north of the Cumberland river.  Then on to south Hartsville.  Hopefully Verne and the others check in soon.  Saw lots of down trees and some smaller tossed barn pieces.  My swinging chair on the back porch is in the bushes.  Nothing bad in the metropolis of Westmoreland.
  16. Got an email that appears to have been typed out and a request that he be able to speak with me by phone.  I actually got a reply to my reply as well and hopefully get to speak to him next Monday (my normal one day off a week)..   Text of message below:   Thank you very much Brent for reaching out to me on this subject. I would love to be able to discuss with you the specifics of legislation that is being filed in Tennessee as we speak to protect our Second Amendment rights. If you will email your telephone number, I will be more than happy to give you a call to discuss this more in detail. Thank you and thank you for your support in these initiatives to preserve our freedom. -WL     
  17. I hate how one posting can lead me off on an internet safari. One moments cat's crapping themselves from an airhorn in some roundabout way to the CERN supercollider swallowing the earth. How to get from A to Z...time stealers supreme. Guess I should just load up and go to work.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXzugu39pKM
  18. It's a squirrel.  Better at landing on all 4 and moving on than any cat ever made.  This is more a "Punkd" for squirrels.   Now if there had been a cage of cats that he got flung into, well then we would have issues...not for the cats...
  19. And that led to this one.   Don't know why he hates squirrels so much but it is a fun watch.  I neither promote nor condem his actions, only that the scene of a cat in a neighbors window would have made me spray a drink on the keyboard had I been doing such a dangerous act as to have a liquid near the keyboard.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=ioCnQc-QT5E&feature=endscreen
  20. Very nice looking.  Get some padding in the individual gun rests, don't let wood rest on wood.   The only draw back I see, you've got a ready made "take it all" and quickly set up for theives.  For display and movement by you, great thing.  For long term storage, get a safe and a big one or bolt it down.
  21. Been watching these on Ebay, good reviews as well.  Shortwave included in the bands and solar as well as hand crank capable.   http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kaito-Voyager-KA500-Hand-Crank-Emergency-Radio-Complete-Kit-Black-Kaito-Radio-/300850377950?pt=US_Portable_AM_FM_Radios&hash=item460c1474de
  22. MIne's a Gertrude.  Ugly but worth having around. 
  23. Usually issued in a semi formal ceremony (at least mine were) while serving with that unit.   Tradition is huge part of being in the military.  A coin, while holding no value like our fiat money, holds value greater than gold to those that served.  This is why issues like stolen valor mean so much to those that served and are generally not of interest to the greater public as a whole.   Done correctly, a TGO coin could hold good value to those here.  Can't be purchased until a certain time being a member had been fullfilled and issued with a number that can be "striken from the roles" should that member catch a ban hammer. 


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