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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I also use corn with some walnut shell mix.  You should be checking your primer holes anyway so clearing the few that pick up some media isn't that big a deal.  I generally decap the mix of brass coming back from shooting and sort.  One step at the front and the first observation looking for split or damaged cases.  Are you not cleaning your pockets?  If not, you'll start seeing some primers not seat fully and risk a slam fire.
  2. Get the Lee universal decapper and resize without the pins in your dies.  Just decap everything you shoot and then tumble them.   https://fsreloading.com/lee-precision-decapping-die-90292.html?utm_source=google_merchant_center&utm_medium=datafeed&utm_content=CSE&utm_campaign=google_merchant_center&gclid=CPjz99Ku2LcCFRBgMgodtxgAHw
  3. Well done Eric!
  4. Ryan vs. AlleyCats kid....must see TV
  5. You have a world class competitor in the making there Alley Cat.  The only thing I can see as far as "working" with her is keep her in the scope.  She wants to see her work! 
  6. But he's being tried in Oregon as well.  Finding 7 or more conservative thinkers on a panel of 12 (available to be jurors) in Oregon is like finding 7 ice cubes in the middle of the Sahara.    On that note, I believe there need to be few excuses allowed to get out of jury duty.  The pools are being filled with more folks that are more "available" than with those that have a different mindset more like mine (ours in general at TGO). 
  7. I'd say you're done as well.  Nice stick.
  8. right over his head!
  9. Any of you "readers" ever had a book appraised?   I have an old hardback version of Frank Herberts Dune.  I was looking at Abebooks site and they have some that go as high as $15,000  Now I'm not sure I have a first edition but it looks like that one.  I need to know how to find the actual value.  It has no edition mark in the information area.  Looking at some of the one's posted they have 2nd edition up to 6th.  My copy has none.  I bought it back in 1980 at a public library sale and would like to know if I have something or just my favorite copy of one of my favorite authors (even if he was a greenie)   Any help (or offers LOL) would be appreciated.
  10. Spend the money here Rob!
  11. D&T in Rivergate carry's the Crickett line.
  12. Again?  They have started making it twice then.  Never comes to fruition.  I sure hope so, but I'm prepared for disappointment on Battle Room scenes already.
  13. Read the first book, saw the movie, meh.  Won't bother with the other movies or books.  Sorry, I didn't see anything special about it.  The theme is "cookie cutter".  Shake ingredients in a bowl and bake.  Written in a weekend feel to it.  Carry on though.   I want to see someone put some of John Ringo's or Orson Scott Card stuff on the big screen.  Ender's Game or some of the Posleen War series or Kildar stuff would rock!
  14.   Be careful when challenging someone with your TGO lower..... :ugh:
  15. Lee Universal Decappers, big ole plus one.  Pistol caliber carbides...good.  Rifle and non standard rifle....go with something else.  I like the Hornady as well for cost and quality.  Never bough Lyman but they sure must be good...
  16. Well in this case, it's BAD
  17. Sent Mr. Bane a thank you note for his principles and taking that stand.   And I watched Atlas Shrugged "The Strike" tonight after a long day adding value to a little part of America.   It's been a good, long day!
  18.   Another Rock River fan.  Never found an issue with them other than having to wait for their product because of their popularity.
  19. MIne came two days after ordering.  Why can't other govt agency stuff move that fast and efficiently? 
  20. Think about the mechanics.  Everytime an actual round is stripped off the mag it slows the slide a bit and it slows again as it hits the feed ramp and then goes into battery.  You don't have that sharp metal to metal beating you do when you just let it go on an empty chamber.  Use some snap caps and listen to the movement, you'll hear it.  How much wear does it cause, probably little, but just as in the action of firing a round, every movement of the action is one closer to the end of spring life and wear on the interface of the chamber and the slide.   What's even worse?  Letting it go by pushing down on the slide lock.  The slide lock is NOT designed to be released in that manner.  The friction wears the slide lock down.  Seen many fairly new pistols have to get serviced when they won't hold back the slide anylonger. You should pull back a bit on the slide while pushing down on the slide lock on an empty chamber.  Just pull her back and let fly with a round (or snap cap) in the mag.
  21. I guess it wasn't Elk season or....       Bang?
  22. Good stuff, ordered up two tonight.


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