Back on track
Pistols fit everyone differently, cost, groups, how it feels in the hand. What you'll get from us is "our" experience but your doing the best thing, create your own experience. I will say this, make a collection as sometimes you need a gun that "fits" the situation.
Personally, I like the Kimber line. Semi custom 1911s that look and shoot great. I have the Compact Stainless II as my primary carry, a Desert Warrior for open carrying down at my families farm (and the Kewl factor). Now your first post was referring to Taurus pistols. I have a PT 24/7 with rails that shoots lights out. It was a third of the cost of the Compact Kimber but shoots right with it, albeit in the .40 S&W. Not much to do with it as far as upgrades but when I feel I could be getting into wet or dirty situations where I don't want to "mess" up the Kimbers, the Taurus comes out to play. Its also the "accessible" one in my home. Check these out and get you a TLR-1 so you can blind and see em at night. Then keep collecting so you have choices. Your girlfriend has more than one pair of shoes....right!