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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Well alert the General Staff that they have additional AA abilities with their TOWs now! Of course weapons systems can be used for alternate purposes but they missed again on this one because it was something unusual. I guess Fact Checker is no longer a position in media, printed or otherwise. But hey, I was trained as a tanker to engage rotary winged aircraft with my main gun if at all possible. I guess the Abrams is an anti aircraft weapon as well.! Sheez. I suppose my rucksack could have been turned in as a weapons cache too. I used to carry a knife, ammo and a pistol in it sometimes.
  2. Showing my age, but isn't that just a missle transport tube? I got out in 1989 and had seen photos of Stingers and had hefted a inert Redeye for training purposes in ROTC summer camp. I also have seen live LAWs and fired the submunition (big bottle rockets). That thing doesn't look like any anti air missle system or even anti tank I ever saw. Some of you younger MIL guys check in with an ID on this thing. Did the media get to write big words about basically an aluminum tube that we could use to put maps or blueprints in now?
  3. This should be easily fixed because you said you "consistently" shoot low and right. Re train your aquisition point to go high and left and your done. If you have eye dominance issues you need to re train to shoot both eyes open as well. There are lots of ways shown in combat videos but I just shot till I was getting good groups then opened both eyes, saw what the pistol looked like in the correct aimed position and then went from there. The only problem after that is if you change pistols. Thats the condensed version. Practice practice practice.
  4. Same here, unless at someones range, I practice shooting while moving with an emphasis on going to cover. I also try to shoot offhand when ever possible to at least have some familiarity with it should the need arise.
  5. He sounds like the kind of folk who go on to molest the little boys
  6. I went surfing through liveleak after seeing the fake UFO and found this. Now this is real and AMAZING....to hell with flying saucers...the flying Californians will kick their A$$e$. One tough little dude. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fc6_1186137624&p=1
  7. all fake, this guy tears it apart pretty well. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3e6_1186923383
  8. What parts are you looking for? That does make a difference. If you need quality stuff you would like to touch and see before you chunk down the $$ go through ETS, he is quality folk! If you just want it to your door, hit the good online places. Stocks, Magpul, ACE, VLTOR etc. Free Float rails and forearms...Yankee Hill Mfg all the way, don't waste the money on Daniel Defense. You can also order quality stuff from the AR makers. I prefer Rock River Arms. They use Yankee Hill stuff for their free floats with not much mark up and back everything they sell you. If you don't like it, contact Customer Service and tell them whats wrong and they will send you a new part and pay to have the old one sent back. Hit AR15.com (known as Arfcom) and you will find dealers and individuals selling everything under the son. You can also get in on some group buys for better prices but they usually take some time to get done. RW
  9. Ahh....the first target of opportunity or the guy that lets the bad guys in! Can you see who is at the door? Why is there not a reception area for this type of activity if they are going to secure the office? I think your managment team really do need to explain what's going on and their solutions to the door issue.
  10. +1 on the Hogues, I have a set on every AR I own. I do keep one plastic grip as I painted it woodland green so I can change the furniture if I want to. If anyone else is planning on adding free float rails, Yankee Hill Mfg is the group to buy from. Quality is top notch, I haven't seen anything special about the Daniel Defense or other mfgs that make their rails worth the 300% markup. The only thing you don't get is the little white numbers on the rail which look stupid to me. 120.00 for carbine length, 128.00 for mid length YHM vs 275.00 and 310.00 for the DD rails. You do the math. http://www.yhm.net/store/forearms.html
  11. Rightwinger

    AR, AK?

    a complete 6.8 SPC upper with no frills is $475.00. Not to much to have another fully functional rifle and less storage space as well.
  12. Rightwinger

    AR, AK?

    Get a good quality AR in 5.56 then use that lower in conjunction with the other uppers out there now to have a full tool box for each and every need. Get a .204 upper for long range laser tight varmint hunting. Get a .458 SOCOM for deer hunting. 300 gr, 405 gr up to 600 gr bullets available and no mods needed to your AR or mags (other than the complete upper, get it from Teppo Jutsu). Get a 6.8 SPC or 6.5 Grendel for hunting, medium range plinking, etc (needs 6.8 or 6.5 mags to use with your lower) There are several other uppers and calibers out there and I haven't even looked myself at whats coming for the larger AR10/.308 sized lowers. I ahve heard .243, 30-06, and a whole slew of wildcats. What can you change an AK over to by pulling two pins and slipping on another upper....?
  13. Yoooohooooooo............who wants cookies! (everyone is right, everyone has had a chance to forward their opinion, its all going to hinge on everyone of us doing our best according to our best decisions at that time when we interact with public or hoodlum). Now, does anyone want milk with those? Next topic.
  14. Sorry, I forgot it was in the TEAM room on ARFCOM which is accessible only with a paid membership.
  15. I like Oreo's better than Chip's Ahoy !
  16. I have my own opinion on it. I'm sure several others will chime in as well. Take a gander. http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=75&t=604536
  17. I was trained to shoot at people with AKs, PKMs,Tokarevs, etc. Its now a mental block that I will never overcome. They had to be reliable as the weapon would be used by 4 to 6 commies as it was picked up by the next conscript being put into the reserve echelons attack. AK...bah humbug. Now the M1A can come along anytime!
  18. NONE, you can only feed it:confused: (beware, its very contagious as well, soon friends and family will have it as well)
  19. I have three retired berets still at home with me. I like berets and what they stood for at the time. It can't be helped that some don't like what they stood for. I wouldn't own a tan beret. Someone get me a stress card please.
  20. Actually, a properly worn American beret does go down the right side of your head, the ear should be fully covered. The guys that wore them like Scots were laughed at. It actually took some work to get a good beret broken in. You have to shave em and then wet em and wear em....ah memories. Towerclimber, whose the white guy in the photo? We wore boonies in Honduras and they were comfortable, just ugly!
  21. Every Ranger should have mailed the DOD a pink beret when they made the change to let everybody wear the damn things. I went through just a wee little piece of hell to earn my wings and then get on jump status in 18th Airborne Corps back in the 80s to wear my maroon one. Rangers and SF went through a ton more to get their fuzzy caps. It was a sign that we all gave a little more than the general issue bullet catchers. Your rule above on deciding which color beret to wear hits me in the gut. It was just a piece of wool but it made me feel good to shave one down and mold it to my noggin and then walk among the "legs" with a smile. Esprit can't be bought but it could be earned back then....never more. Give everyone medals, they expect it now since everyone of them probably got trophys for "participating" in sports. We wouldn't want to hurt their feelings having someone in an elite unit now would we. Bah
  22. Welcome! Move back! Get a 1911! Welcome!
  23. You went and did it anyway.....pox upon you sir.... So much for dinner:(
  24. I don't know if I want the picture to be fixed after my imagination and memory of my three boys as babies kicks in. Please don't fix the picture, please don't fix the picture!
  25. here's the one where he breaks the glass AND his shoulder [ame] [/ame]


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