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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. try using this consultant group, they seem to sell pretty well at their gatherings. http://order.tupperware.com/coe/app/!tup_party.consultant_finder_results?v_source=&fv_item_category_code=&pv_address=&pv_city=gallatin&pv_state=TN&pv_zip=37066&pv_radius=500&pv_FC=CONSULTANT (had to grin)
  2. Any modern financial system of currency is backed on "faith". The Central Bank knows it cannot flood the markets with paper and survive as the banks they loan to could not cope with the inflation that would bring and they are smart enough to know that. They want a brisk economy that will demand capitol be brought into markets to develop more business. And you made my point quite well...DO we want a liberal based congress ordering when and how much money should be printed and put into circulation??? I think not.
  3. I personally like more power in private institutions. The balance of power then sways to which side provides the best goods and services or the citizens (read people) can decide not to utilize their services and thus end the monopoly by ending their cash flow. With the advent of money orders and as long as cash is around, I can pay my bills and not need the services of any bank. If I see that "central banking" is going to be a pain in my butt, then I just won't borrow at all. "The borrower is the slave to the lender". Central banking effects only big players in huge sums of money. If we all stop borrowing, then the lending institutions have to lower rates and make it so we would "want to" borrow. Take a lesson from zero interest car deals, to many cars, we will let you buy them on time with no interest just to move them. I can drop my bank account tomorrow and not miss a beat.
  4. I got to 5:50 and had to quit. Piss poor production to that point of ripped off internet pics and video then "you have been lied to by religous institutions" Was this Michael Moores poor brothers movie or what. Give me the cliff notes version of the rest of the BS potrayed in this so I don't have to waste bandwidth waiting for a punch line. What's the conspiracy this time?
  5. Hunting Building ARs Shooting ARs Cleaning ARs Reloading for all guns but mostly the ARs Looking at parts for ARs Fantasy Football Reading (sometimes about ARs or the Cheaper than Dirt mags) Surfing 458Socomforums.com, AR15.com (you knew that was coming), TGO Did I mention I like AR 15s and their variants?
  6. Don't any of you realize that bow season starts next Saturday??? Oh, my bad, gun site, no arrows allowed unless someone is launching them at the Rabbi. Rabbi, I may be visiting you soon. If funds allow I want to revert to some archaic weaponry, a revolver, and you seem to be the resident historian!
  7. +1 on the weekends....most minor conflicts to.
  8. Airman............Battle.............same sentence....does not compute/syntax error (sorry, old Army joke, no actual malice intended, now put your hands back in your pockets and relax:stir:)
  9. He's a lush, he drank it all and left none for you! You can find him in the cell with Otis, they will hand him the key after breakfast tomorrow morning.
  10. I only have the .40 S&W PT 24/7 but it has run flawlessly, carries the tactical lighting very well and like you said, cost way less than lots of others in the case. My old Springfield Commander Micro did some hicuups and I loved that pistol, the Taurus has yet to burp. I currently own the Taurus and two Kimbers in .45 and feel good with all of them if that tells you anything. I have recommended them with a big plus 1 to everyone who asked about them.
  11. Get to know us for 3 years....maybe you'll consider some of us friends. Ex Army 25C (communications) that never spent a day in a Signal unit, FA, MI (ABN) and then Combat Engineer (ABN). Got out after 4.5 years as 1LT on the Cpts list, those are my creds and I still don't like what I have seen or heard about Yeager. What your creds and who you like have to do with one another I don't know but I figured you have to post them to have a respectable post. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming....I like Pie too!
  12. Thats good info, I need both after this weekend.
  13. Wow.... I never realized that if the US passes a gun ban that every other nation producing weapons would stop making them too... I guess the gun ban would then prevent illegal immigration and drug traffic as we know nothing illegal that is wanted in the US ever makes it across that secure border. I may change my mind, with that kind of power we should vote to ban guns, it will change everything....for the children. (I'm not poking you directly Mike but your logic seemed a bit flawed that guns would go away over 50 to 100 years, not gonna happen, feel free to poke back, RW)
  14. Thankyou! The Warrior just came back from a work out this weekend along with some of the EBR variants. Little bro and I did some artillery work with our .45s. We actually hit paper from 150-160 yards. Nothing like seeing your target by sighting in along your right thumb!
  15. +1 on the Wilson Combat Mags. I have also been using the ACT-MAG from Novack with great results. As good as Kimber is, they still put out a very "plain" magazine. If you want some more Kimber factory mags, I'll sell you mine, they are sitting in the gun safe. One thing more, unless your just dead set on the factory grips, get the Hogue rubber grips. I have put them on everything I have owned (Springfield Armory, Ruger, Para Ordinance and now Kimbers). The have the most natural feel, hold a great grip when you or the elements introduce water to the shooting and to me, they help in the return to proper sight picture with the more natural grip. Neither of my Kimbers ever had failure to return to battery even during break in but I have heard the same thing. It will get better with break in and quality ammo is a must. Now you get to make a great gun even better, get some quality magwells to really set them off and make mag changes that much easier. Note the contrast using a black magwell on the stainless model! Photo below was just prior to getting the Hogues for the Compact Stainless II. The factorys were nice, almost Hogue like in their "grip" feel but don't have the finger grooves. IMO the Hogues are a must for 1911s. Sorry for the poor quality pic, I need to use the wifes camera to get some better photos.
  16. What's a Glock? (Kimber Compact Stainless II, Kimber Desert Warrior, Taurus PT 24/7, numerous EBR)
  17. Do it yourself. Buy the sight press off midway and press the new ones on. I own two Kimbers and wouldn't pay their rates to have night sights put on the stainless. The Desert Warrior came with em anyway.
  18. Definitely the 870. Talk to Frank at ETS here in TGO. He sold me mine and its SWEET!
  19. The whole dang world could use a bit of "don't ask don't tell". I don't care what religon you are, your invited to Grace Baptist if ya want to come Sunday though. I don't care what you call your God, I hope you have one though. I don't care if your a homo, do it in your own home and don't tell me I have to like it, I don't judge you, but I think you will be judged by someone. I don't care if you wish the whole world was Islamic, but if I'm able, I'll shoot you where you stand before you blow me or anyone up. I don't care if Mexico is riddled with poverty, work to make your nation a place to live in or become an American the legal way if you wish to come here. I don't care if they are cheaper than American labor, your part of the problem if you hire them. If they are all standing around looking for work here, wouldn't they rather stand around back home? I care, that's why I don't care!
  20. Can we wipe this whole thread and start over again?
  21. Acch or what ever it was that cat on that popular cartoon used to say I just threw up in my mouth a little bit:eek: also as Eddie Murphy used to say "I kid the homosexuals because they is.....homosexual"
  22. This is even more shocking then that anyone on this site has access to a scanned picture of Neil "flaming" Harris. Real men with guns can take the ribbing though I suppose.
  23. Nice avatar there big boy! Looks like you peed in someones wheaties. (I love what we used to call "goat mail". If someone got up from their work station and didn't lock their keyboard, they were fair game for the most creative internal emails. Proclamations of love, fetish announcements, you name it. Even the big boss was not immune as he was the one to send a high percentage of them as he walked around. He was once said to have resigned due to his love of a fellow male co worker and that he would volunteer to be the one to stay home with the children they were going to adopt)
  24. Someone is going to lose a finger! Is that a muzzle loading Enfield or what?
  25. Rightwinger


    I was wondering where my Allen range bag went. Give it back! (nice cheap but servicable bag there, I use the insert on my bookshelve to protect a metal object I like to have around when I sleep) RW


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