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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Why not....then you can own an ECR ! I almost threw up a little in my mouth just typing that....yck:eek:
  2. To add to Franks equipment needs, and this sounds funny until you launch your pins......put the pivot pin in the lower under a sheet ! If not have about 3 or 4 extra springs and then go find the sheet! It will help you find the little bugger after its exited the hole at light speed. I use a thin exacto knife to hold the spring and detent in until I can get the pin into the hole. You might also want to use the other pin to hold all in place and push that pin back through the receiver holes as you push your pin into place.
  3. If you call a $1,300.00 dollar pistol low end that is..... That thing shoots fantastic. I also loved my old officers model SA 3 inch and hated to sell it but guns are like cars and we all trade them around wanting to drive something else for a while. You always come back to what felt best.
  4. Assembled 3 so far, as stated above its very easy and the step by step is on ARFCOM. I have RRA (Rock River Arms) triggers in all 4 ARs I have and highly recommend their triggers, both the single and two-stage. Single is cost effective for a first build. All you need is a brass punch set, electrical tape to cover the upper receiver body when your pushing in pins and some patience when your trying to put the take down and pivot pin springs in! I have a Rock River entire rifle, their lower receiver is fantastic, 2 Olympic Arms lowers, quality is so so, and a Sabre Defense lower bought in a group buy from Frank at ETS on this forum...superb quality and price. I would speak with ETS about your first stripped lower and go from there. All my uppers were custom made so I have never had to deal with the gas tube, gas blocks, delta rings and such but know from the details on ARFCOM you need a vise and a AR block to work on them. That would just add to the challenge and overall joy of the build though. Go ahead and jump in.
  5. The noisest part of nuke subs is the cooling system for the reactor. They use liquid sodium I believe or some other heavy metal in liquid form for the newest ones to minimize noise and still get cooling effect. A liquid under pressure and changing temperatures rapidly causes the tubing carrying it to expand and shrink. That's where you get the transient noise from the nukes. No I was not Navy and no I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
  6. Trust fund baby?
  7. You can buy my Kimber Desert Warrior and start right off with a "low end" 1911.
  8. I could sit and watch Rabbi and Molonlabetn for days ! ! Oh yeah, I have been:)
  9. +1 on the Allen bag. Mine came with two folding gun carriers, holds the guns, alot of ammo boxes, two sets of ear protectors and I carry a cheapo three piece cleaning rod and some oil and cloth patches to complete the set. Zipper has held up well and no pulling of any stiching even when loaded to max and weighing close to 20 pounds. I went and checked, mine is still here so Marswolf is off the hook. I thought he had borrowed mine in his picture.
  10. I'm still getting the X box of death, sorry guys.
  11. Used a Rossi .223 single shot and pole axed this decent for Sumner Co. buck. 55 grain PSP bullets and the processor could not use one of the the right shoulder due to "damage from shot placement!" Not much spread but BETTER than my first spike years ago. Needless to say, he was ecstatic.
  12. Absolutely worthless without pics ! ! ! ! (I'm sure that will generate a photo now...right?) Reminds me I need to post one of my youngests buck from the juvy hunt two weekends ago!
  13. I echo the above sentiments, very well written and researched. I too carry at church. My gun bag (I know, I know.... "man purse" "fag bag") sits right next to the wifes bible holder in the pew. She is very comfortable knowing what I have. Once I get the funds to see Joe at Hero Gear, I'll be able to walk in with a pocket gun and forgoe the bag!
  14. +1 on the RRA (Rock River Arms if your new to ARs) They are the way to go no matter where you get one. Best quality for the money out there IMO.
  15. Start it!
  16. Army 25C Tactical Communications Korea 86/87 Ft. Bragg 87/89 Sr. Parachutist Got out when I was told I could not transfer to a combat arms specialty and my next duty slot would be with an actual signal unit (had been in nuke capable arty unit in Korea, then with an ABN MI unit and ABN Combat Engineer unit at Bragg). Tried to go back active in 90 for the Shield, they had enough officers, tried to enlist in the local armor unit, was going to go straight in as an E-5 and RCPAC told me, you cannot resign your reserve commission in a time of emergency! I say, I want to go to the place of emergency, no sir, we need your name on the list! Can I go then, can you move me up on the list? No sir, there are enough qualified Signal Officers on active duty.....speechless and still couldn't go see the elephant...the one thing in my life I felt "undone"...I didn't get to test if I had what it took. Some of you might know what I mean...not you guys that did it, the ones that "almost" had to go or like me, got out just before something popped. Anyway, thanks to all of you who served, in any capacity and for any service. RW
  17. Nothing to see here.
  18. Rabbi, If your gonna put that hole in your head try this! The Encore version of the .458 Socom! Also on my "want" list but so far off I need better glass to see it! http://www.tromix.com/2002/2002_images/encore_bl_sm.jpg
  19. Guess I have been luckier than most the past few years, got my ARs, 1911s (both Kimber), Rem 870...the tactical collection is in good shape. I emailed Joe at Hero Gear to grab one his Smith & Wesson 642s and pull it aside for me. I gotta have one of them before Christmas. After carrying the Kimber Compact Stainless for a while now, I still want something really small and reliable in my pocket or waistband for those occassions when you still want something but don't want to take the chance of printing or carrying your fag bag. Thanks Joe (PS, I can still send you a down payment to hold it if you want, just name it). RW
  20. Minimum post count needed to post items for sale would be the reason.
  21. I think that would be a Streamlight TLR-2 Thats a great price and I would snap it up if I had the available funds. I use the TLR-1 (without laser) on my Kimber and ARs with Pic rails and its fantastic. Link to data on the TLR-2 here: http://www.botachtactical.com/sttlledlila.html
  22. Young, arrogant and AF is no way to go through life young man (sound of blowing chunks) (fishing for attaboys about your service is pretty good too, ....self service anyone) Thanks for servicing our boys overseas Verbal! I'll open the door for your final parting shot now, you get the last word, I'm out.
  23. Defense? I wasn't defending NASCAR, just pointing out that a PX warrior was kinda calling the kettle black with the adjective "ghey" in their diatribe about a sport. I'm glad you have access to airconditioning, classes and are promoted quickly, all of which are proven warrior pre requisites. I will say this, when they weren't on crew rest after a night of binge drinking, the 130 pilots at Pope could usually find Sicily Drop Zone (in view as soon as you take off) They never wrecked while I was on one, but then that's why I always took a chute!
  24. Your all revoked! Your deportation papers sending you back to Massachusetts will be served on you by Southern Law Enforcement Officers after your checked for disease. These revokation papers are signed by Ted Kennedy, Barak Obama and Czaress Clinton. You may exit the South at any time you wish before then without penalty! (how can a guy posting from an AFB even mention the word gay in a sentence, talk about oxy moron)


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