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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. 30K income? Sounds like they are way up the food chain from doing "things regular American's don't want to do"! Illegal is illegal. Its black and white, no gray area.
  2. Howdy Say hello to Officer Bill Powers in Ashland City. Tell him Rightwinger said duh huh...he'll know what ya mean?
  3. Reef sure knows his women! I personally know the lass and gave her directions here. She is very much a woman but VERY much newly married! She will have questions and I'm glad she will have the forum here to ask some more in as she is wearing me out at work! Just kidding there MsRogers..keep asking. She will soon be given her opportunity to try out some pistols so she can begin her entry into the world of shooting and personal defense. I also got her to look at ETS (Franks) HCP class and she is very interested. Welcome to TGO! You may contritely apologize (again) Reef (she also wants help designing a cool Avatar so some of you help her out.)
  4. My screen name should state clearly my views of any and all libtard nonsense! (and no Tower, Tungsten, Rabbi, MolonlabeTN, Verbal, and all you usual posters...its not my love of hockey....just before one of you stepped on it!)
  5. Analog, I'll sell ya my wifes old Bersa .380, not mint but close, with 2 mags and about 150 to 200 rounds and a nylon holster for the whole shebang for 2 bills! She still likes it but I'm gonna get her something else...its a secret so don't tell her.
  6. In some places that might be true, and as an American worker, especially in Tennessee, you can move on with no notice, its done all the time. As a member of a management team, sometimes it amazes me at what the "worker" thinks is proper....like, I don't want to work today so I'll save you the trouble of paying me when I call out...you can make it without me right? Or...I'm only 10 minutes late...30 times a year! Or...I want all the overtime you can give me...(next day) I don't want to work THIS Friday overtime...I gots things to do (on Monday) I can't come to work, I'm sick (friends drop dime on him, he's still hung over or in jail for DUI) OR the kicker...I deserve a raise...everything above is just management keeping me down!!! Ever try to herd cats?
  7. If your quick (or bored with football on Sunday night) you can always see them ! I liked the "buy some deodorant, its not expensive" but Read a Book is always a good decision, for anyone!
  8. Beware Joe, the first one is just the hook....after that its different versions, different calibers, add ons for tacticool....they don't call it Black Rifle Disease for nothing. Either step over and feed the addiction or don't ever start...EVER ! 1911s are just as bad. (Flashlights and tactical lights for me as well) sigh
  9. Don't know about carry but I have heard that once a year, they have a huge celebration dedicated to candy! Heard a guy saying something about fudge and their methods of packaging it! Never been, never will go, hoping for a hurricane named Liberace to level it so we can make it an alligator petting zoo for em.
  10. Women have shoes....we have lights. Yep, I'm a light whore! Picked one of the Extremes up an hour ago. Nice light. Where to use it? Have a light on Home Defense gun. Have a nightfighter light in gun bag. Have multiple lights including the hand compressed trigger for "free" light in hunting bag. Mag light in truck. Got it....back up emergency power failure light in bathroom. That will justify it to the wife!
  11. For the good stuff, look at the clip called Long Range Deer Hunter after that Fudd tape plays. 890 yards ! ! These old boys can shoot! (that wasn't a tree stand, it was probably another tower like the one you see in the background. These guys probably motored up to the tower about 6 AM with their coffee and biscuits, made the ardurous climb up the ladder and set off about 18 handwarmers, or better yet fired up the coleman heater and went to serious hunting...I hunt from a Summit climber and usually have to go in half dressed because I would be drenched otherwise from the hike and climbs to where we put our stands)
  12. For clarity sake, when I said "old" it was an in, "no longer mine". The upper was less than three months old. The lower about 9 months waiting on the build. It has less than 50 rounds through it. Basically brand new. I needed money and had not become attached to that one or bought any reloading stuff for it. Sigh. It did let me meet Joe and Dan and get a 642 though!
  13. Unless he already sold it, Joe has my old 6.8 at his shop. Its a Kotonics upper on a Tony Rumore (Tromix) lower with RRA guts. He was already taling about taking the red dot (Burris) off of it and putting some other optics on it. I also dropped over a 100 rounds of SSA off with it and 3 6.8 mags so its ready to go....if you really want one, talk to him about it when you talk about the Wilson. I'll probably save up about 1500 myself and then sell the Compact Kimber for the Wilson next year. My finances can't stand any gun purchases right now.
  14. Hard to compare as I have always had full size or compact .45 or .40 until now but no real pocket gun. I have on a couple of occassions carried my wifes Bersa .380 as I could put it in a pocket but until 3 weeks ago I didn't have a "pocket" gun. Now I do so I like it! The S&W 642, my first revolver since my first gun purchase back in 1985. My first gun was a Ruger Black Hawk .357 with the .38 extra cylinder. It was stolen from my home at Ft. Bragg in 88 and I never had another revolver....till now. My contribution to keeping the Rabbi tradition of the wheel gun alive and kicking.
  15. Wilson Combat Professional or CQB Compact Just because Tungsten and Verbal have one:confused: Then I have to buy my old 6.8 AR back from Joe or a new upper. Other than that I'm good.
  16. again....wow and welcome
  17. Definitely If you haven't looked at the rest of the videos that come up below the main one after it plays...do so.
  18. Give me back that pic of my wife! That was not for public dissemination! :)Welcome:)
  19. I have had two Stackon safes (no one even needs to look at cabinets !) They are very sturdy and worth the money. If I ever get a home with a concrete floor area, like a basement, I'm getting one of those big suckers that weighs 1K and bolting it in! Right now, this puppy at about 450 lbs is doing the job quite nicely. Anything with about a 30 minute fire rating should do you well. Dick's won't do anything past put it in your truck though.
  20. To bad stupidity doesn't breed itself out of the race!
  21. And over 60k votes! Nice.
  22. Rightwinger

    Saiga 12 ?

    If you are looking just for the low cost Saiga conversions dont look at this link! Tony Rumore has been making custom rifles and shotguns for years. He is well known to the community on AR15.com. I have purchased AR lowers from him twice and he is one of the good guys. If nothing else you can look at the wicked Saiga 12s he makes and drool a little. http://www.tromix.com/Welcome.htm
  23. Tungsten You are one sick puppy! Now I know why your cat does what he does to you! (encrypted message to cat, get the pistol, meet me out back in two hours, I'll have your bag of Special Kitty, a pound of nip and a picture of Paris Hilton as requested)


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