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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Congratulations Dad! As the proud papa of three myself I know what your going through...and its all good! NOW....This thread is worthless with out pics ! Show us the little lizard! (reference made from Bill Cosby!)
  2. Biscuits? English Muffin with jam? I mean Geico offices have a lizard passing that stuff out! What you got Joe? Dan with a box of Ho Ho's?:p
  3. You'll like the Kimber Pokey!
  4. When is the next one!? I want to do this type of training.
  5. Into the fray, welcome!
  6. Maybe time for some new springs as well!
  7. Sorry bout that. I didn't catch the SPF yesterday when I was looking at it. My bad.
  8. Dang, I thought there were some financial issues when they moved from the old store on Gallatin Road/Nashville Pike. I also couldn't buy any more guns from them as they were always much higher in price than I could find elsewhere the last few years. My family has bought from them over the past 20 years I think or more. I don't know that I can say we are losing an Icon in the middle TN area but it is sad that another gun shop is closing. Might run by there tomorrow and see if I can pick over the bones though to "help" out the final sale.
  9. Take the scenic route Canynracer, Highway 64 straight across the bottom of the state! I have been that route (once in the same day) from Memphis to Chattanooga! Its a nice drive. Look hard around Waynesboro in Wayne Co. Thats where I haunt...er hunt in the fall, we gots some land down there! Gods country. Think I'm going to make the run to Hero Gear again as well. Don't really need anything right now but a chance at a free Glock and maybe some glass I have been eyeing. Anyone in the Mt. Juliet/Lebanon area want to double up (Reef?) I'll be working Friday night and just leave from the 109 North/I-40 area that morning.
  10. There is a good one for sale in the "Firearms for Sale" section right here on TGO. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3511
  11. Gave me Mitt Romney, Tom Tancredo and FRED THOMPSON. Imagine that? (guess I have to say this one works)
  12. Because she comes out and lets you fondle.......the gun!
  13. Guess it could be cognitively as well! Cogently co·gent /ˈkoʊdʒənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[koh-juhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1.convincing or believable by virtue of forcible, clear, or incisive presentation; telling. 2.to the point; relevant; pertinent. —Related forms co·gent·ly, adverb Cognitively cog·ni·tive (kŏg'nĭ-tĭv) Pronunciation Key adj. <LI minmax_bound="true">Of, characterized by, involving, or relating to cognition: "Thinking in terms of dualisms is common in our cognitive culture" (Key Reporter).</FONT minmax_bound="true"> Having a basis in or reducible to empirical factual knowledge. cog'ni·tive·ly adv.
  14. :tinfoil:666:tinfoil: Seriously, the RFID has great applications. I work in the Logistics industry, my customers are GM and Chrysler. We are looking at RFID for their supplier base and tracking. The problem is you still have to have PEOPLE (read stupid people) program, produce and apply the tags, so if they do it wrong, you just have a bad RF tag, same as with the current scannable labels. As far as tagging children, I'm glad I'm past that age as me and the hospitable would go round and round. If I want to tag my kids, I'll take em to the tattoo parlor and put "PROPERTY OF RIGHTWINGER" on them!
  15. Yep, everyone has the right to defend themselves. Some should just use a baseball bat though as its easily cleaned and it never jams due to misuse.
  16. I have shot their .45 and .38 Special +P canned heat with great results. I don't have a chrony so I can't say if they have velocity differences but it all went bang and accuracy was "normal" in that I missed as much as I would with factory:) Ordering a batch of .40 myself tonight.
  17. Having never heard of the place until I read this thread, I would say Reefs analogy would put the brakes on any thoughts to train with this group. Nice use of the English language Reef. Warms my heart to see someone who can think AND type what they are thinking cogently.
  18. Georgia Arms 205.00 for 1000 rounds of 165 grain FMJ in .40 S&W http://www.georgia-arms.com/index.asp?PageAction=PRODSEARCH&txtSearch=.40&btnSearch=GO&Page=1 165.00 for 1000 of 9MM http://www.georgia-arms.com/index.asp?PageAction=PRODSEARCH&txtSearch=9mm&btnSearch=GO&Page=1 Of course there are lower prices for the lower qtys.
  19. I bent the front sight on a Ruger Black Hawk revolver years ago forming a holster to that pistol. Amazing what force leather can apply when drying. If I were to ever do that again I would somehow come up with a wood template pistol and let the leather set over that before I ever let my firearm do the actual forming. (by the way, if you actually do use your pistol, wrap it tightly in saran wrap...they rust ya know) Ok, I gotta show my ignorance. Who the hell is the creep that keeps peeking around the corner on all these threads now??? I admit I am out of touch with lots of American Society, I work nights, I don't watch the big 3 news casts and if I do watch TV its sports or Discovery or the Military channel with spatterings of Sci Fi or NASA network. What gives!?
  20. +1 on the ground blind. The wife and boys bought me this little blind that looks like a one person tent for turkey hunting next year and I figure I might be able to suprise a crow or 20 with that. As much as I hate them, the darn birds are some of the most intelligent critters out there.
  21. I get Reef to mark mine out for me!
  22. Frank, I went to the dark side last week as well. Haven't had a chance to shoot the G22 but with all the cross talk here I had to see. Now 1911s and Glocks live together in my home. We shall see about the harmony. And no, they will not mate and bring an XD into the mix. If I own another Springfield, it will be back to the all metal version I love so well. I think more and more TGO family members will cross train along these lines as the talk continues. I see no problems with this other than Rabbi and Molonlabe being the only two left beating the dead horses.
  23. Rightwinger


    Looked like someone took a swipe at him a few seconds later as he was walking towards the camera. I would say he gets his clock cleaned by someone soon after this manly man move. I can't believe she actually walked out of view like that. I would stay put until I could stand up and not walk like a goose!
  24. I'm on Stack On safe number 2 now and have really liked both. They are heavy but the price is right and as you move up in numbers, you can move your older smaller safe relatively easily, SALEs wise that is. They are like any other safe to move physically, harrrrrddd.
  25. The squirrels were not as bad this year, I suspect the drought hit them as well. Either way, I find if I maintain quiet and no motion, the squirrels won't alert as much as a crow. The crow just fly over in their morning search patterns and go off as soon as they see me. Of course I'm sitting near the areas where they feed (my plots and drop spots). I'm thinking of setting up a few blinds next summer near some corn piles and playing duck hunter with the crows! Wait for 20 of em to land and then come out blasting. Has anyone ever shot a crow and then watched the rest of the flock go after the scouts? That is cool as well. If you can ever set it up, hit one that is on the ground. You will note at least two in the trees or other overhead watch positions. If you pop one that thought he was safe, the others will molest the scouts to death. I have heard from another source that he observed the flock actually kill one of the scouts that failed in his duty. Tough luck for him eh!


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