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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Nope! A deal is a deal and Kotonics isn't going anywhere. I have 3 ARs right now in different calibers and just got a stripped lower from the Rabbi yesterday. I can build again! Its in a shop for sale. Take it, you'll love it! The only reason it went (along with a Kimber Desert Warrior) was cash needed for some med bills for my boy and Christmas. I had only put about 50 rounds through it to zero so its not even broken in. You can't miss it, the lower is marked 6.8 from Tromix in Broken Arrow OK. I put it together myself with a RRA LPK so its all quality. It got chosen as I had just put it together in Oct, I had not gotten good and attached to it and I had not purchased any reloading stuff for it yet. I can order up another Kotonics upper with the bonus. Buy it! Make Joe happy! He will then keep making us happy. The circle of life. I miss it a little but it can and WILL be replaced! As for you Mr. Frank....you got to have priorities in life. You'll be teaching some blue hair to shoot her .22 while I am sitting in the Mecca of firearms....guess you gotta do what you gotta do! Say hello to Ms. Daisy for me. (grin)
  2. Slapped! 406 for 55 against 2 don't care (who are these people?)
  3. two million dollars!
  4. Some teach....others DO!
  5. I'm beginning to think we need the big FENCE along the KY border now not Mexico! Welcome to Gods Country Dark Star. Why do you all like that he/she from Saturday Night Live so much?
  6. Len, Sadly there is a wonderful 6.8 SPC with a Kotonics upper down there:( I hope it sits till I get my bonus in April because it will come back home with me if its big enough! I hope Joe sells everything else but that. I want it back if the financials allow! You sir can look at it if you wish! Seriously, its wonderful to look at what Joe has down there. RW
  7. :up:Preach Brother, Preach!
  8. I'm going as soon as I get off work Saturday morning. Dan is bringing the Ho Ho's.
  9. Bring em to Hero Gear Saturday. I need one on my pistol replaced. I think Sam at Complete Gun Shop in Gallatin could do it for you as well if distance is an issue. Guns and Leather in Greenbrier. Franklin Gun shop? Lots of options, more suggestions will follow I'm sure.
  10. Thats if you can ever get them to ship you your order! I have to call Botach today to give them my CC number again since it drops from their system 30 days after the order is placed. I dropped an order with them on Dec 14 and emailed them 4 times before they replied and said I had to give them the number again. I would also wonder if they were actual factory Glock mags or other. Reputable company here, just ordered from them last week (steel guide rod and better spring) They have the +2 addition already on the mag 45075Glock model 26 magazine 12 rounds (with factory +2) $25.72 Top Glock http://www.topglock.com/catalog/mags.htm
  11. Who cares, stay the hell off Beale Street for any reason at anytime and your doing yourself a favor. For that matter, Memphis itsself is verboten to me now. I spent 8 months living down there while shutting down and moving our old facilty off Winchester. During that time several of us went down town and I was unimpressed to say the least. I can get a beer at the local quick mart if I want one, why would I want to go where fights, robberies and drug use abounds to have a beer with friends. Avoid it like the plague it is. Soapbox just broke, I'm done.
  12. :D I can't say anthing I want to say about that sack of semi human DNA, Tungsten would have to clean me up!
  13. I hate to say it but its a DRAW! Now I gotta wipe the coke off the damn keyboard....both of you quit it!
  14. Yeah, that reminds me.....Lifetime Tennessee Sportsmans Licenses are cheap at his age! Hook him up NOW. Does NRA offer a cheaper lifetime membership at that age?? Mine sure wasn't!
  15. +1 on SWFA If your not in a hurry, you can wait for sales sometimes through them or specials where you get extra stuff. I got a spotting scope with my Burris 3-9X last time I ordered through them. I think you can still get a GPS unit with one of their scopes now.
  16. You mean people actually shoot less than 100 rounds in a range trip?? Hmm, I'll have to try that some time. In the mean while, can two or three of you come over and help me load up my little ammo box? I can't seem to lift it anymore!!!
  17. Hey! Welcome
  18. Can we invade Illinois with all the "rebels" who made it to sanctuary here in TN?? Then we could have more land for the kingdom!
  19. POACHED! Give me your Wilson Combats Tungsten and Verbal Kint!
  20. Welcome, I'm just down the other street from you, Westmoreland.
  21. Same here, one on my .22. The saying was probably never so true in that you get what you pay for in optics though. If you have a good 270, do her up right with some decent glass. Burris/Simmons low end stuff is at the bottom of a list but probably still miles ahead of BSA, After that its just levels of good to great ending up in the Zeiss area!
  22. You all might want to look here: https://www.rrarms.com/catalog.php?prod=3200061 They used to beat everyone in price. I haven't done any comparison lately. If you have a friendly FFL, all you MIGHT pay is their transfer fee. I think the overnight fee from R&R was 25.00. You will have to send them a photo ID but once you buy from them your always in their database.
  23. Dang their so tiny! I almost forgot. Like little sub compact back up guns eh? Tell Momma she did good work! Did she stand up in the stirrups and tell everyone your mom and dad weren't married!!
  24. Thats cool as well. Any shotgun training involved in the inside? I prefer the 870 inside rather than pistol?
  25. I will send you a PM as I'm sure it would bore the rest of the world as to how their cars got parts! Also really going away from the topic.


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