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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Get one of each plus a pocket revolver, then your covered.
  2. uh.....me!
  3. Now that's stimulating!
  4. +1 on option 3. (with some option 4 on the side) I'd like to meet some of you hooligans.
  5. Did some work up there in the 90s. Very small town atmosphere and you can get up on a hill quickly from there. I liked it! Short haul across the hills to Boone, NC and other nice Carolina hills country. Couldn't tell you what property prices are. Hit Google!
  6. FAIR TAX ! If you haven't already, read about it. We need this now! Its just what you've heard from the Dems for years and years, let the rich pay their fair share (they already pay 98% of the taxes, how much more can they do?) Funny how no Democrat is leading this charge since it lessens government impact on the populace and they lose control! It also abolishes the IRS. http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=about_main
  7. Your completely normal!
  8. I belong to another forum that some of you building or thinking of buying ARs in other calibers may want to check out. It's specifically dedicated to the .458 SOCOM created by Marty TerWeeme of Texas and is now being marketed by Rock River Arms. The forum is not limited to just the .458 but topics of other variant AR platforms, reloading, hunting, firearm and equipment exchanges, very similar to TGO. The developer of the round and rifle, Marty, is very active on the forum so you get to talk to the GUY who created a new round and firearm. You don't have to join to view but the group loves discussion and creative thoughts. We also have had quite a few group buys allowing you some access to great equipment or accessories at great prices. Tungsten, I'm not trying to steal away any members, just saw a lot more activity here of late from folks starting to build their own ARs and thought this might give some more information to the group. If you feel its not appropriate, feel free to modify or delete. http://458socomforums.com/phpBB2/
  9. As much as I would like the Fed to fund a new gun for me, I think this is bad policy. Sorry to dampen anyones spirits. Most of the folks that could use it, will use it, on beer, cigs or worse (shhh drugs). The ones that don't need it, might invest it, buy a gun, etc. Its not going to stimulate anything! Its not enough to stimulate any section of the economy. You can't buy a car with it (I provide services to GM and Chrysler and would like for them to stay solvent!), you can't buy a house with it, maybe a downpayment assist or a mobile home. The best thing a market likes is a sound tax plan, ours is not, and a very stable dollar! Take that money and buy back our dollars currently held by foreign countries or pay down the debt. A strong nation with a good economy and low interest rates is what makes an economy work. This is like saying, well were down to our last hundred bucks, but if we spend 75 of it on lottery tickets, we might just become rich! That being said, I understand human/American thinking, so hand me my check. I'll re-invest in America somewhere!
  10. http://www.hornady.com/ballistics/
  11. Only as long as you hop/jump over the wood fence around said porch (weapon clatters to the ground) would that be OK. I would say lots of Po Po would say the porch (under the overhang) was in the confines of the building. Won't try this till we get the tee totaller bill passed.
  12. Not bad, now do it blindfolded in the dark with gloves on! Kidding Did you launch the front pivot pin spring at least once trying to hold it compressed and getting the pin in or are you the one in a thousand that it just slid right in for?? My first one I launched twice, loosing it the 2nd (had the spring kit just in case I did it so no issues). I now put a blanket over me and said lower while pushing springs in!
  13. Now how often do you get to see Mayan in any forum, much less misspelled, observed as misspelled and corrected!? Hats off Junglist, double bonus points for usage and spelling! (-1 for not capitalizing "i" in the reason:()
  14. Mike, I know all the shortcuts to Corryton from Knoxville ! Don't make me drive all the way up there! I ain't go my Homey sights installed yet!
  15. Worked all night, heard you and the grand kid fussing all the way down in Lebanon! Don't you know people are trying to work!
  16. To add to all above, my little bro has a P 14 and it runs great! I love it when he hands it over. I love it so much that last year I decided I would buy a Para for CCW. I got the Light Hawg, the subcompact Hawg with a light rail. Well, to keep a long story short. It didn't like any of the ammo I fed it, FTFs and FTEs in between general spraying when it did shoot. I tried to get the guy on m1911.org from Para to help me but the company president died that week (Szabo) and I ended up trading it in PLUS cash for a Kimber compact stainless II. Never looked back. If I ever do get another Para it will be the double stack 45 P14 or its comprable cousin. YMMV
  17. Lets create the 4th party! TAKE 8 ! Lets take the next 8 years off from government change! No new government. NONE, take 8! Get the mission done in Iraq and bring em home, all budgetary commitments currently tagged for Iraq but no longer needed at the end of the mission (when ever that is) are rolled into debt pay off! Take 8 years off, no elections (cost savings), no new taxes (you know where your at for 8 years), no change! Take 8, and give me a break!
  18. Because he was OUR candidate! OUR choice! I was especially happy with his illegal alien stance, his economics policy (hands off really which is where government should be), pro-life, pro gun. My biggies. Not really an issue but you wanted them you got them. Why? and more importantly since you asked, who are you going to vote for and why? Can we critique your choice? Besides, do you really want your government doing more than providing infrastructure and defense? Less is more!
  19. They do like their Guns! (Cash waved casually around seems to be able to talk them down a bit at times, so says my brother who has purchased firearms from them, I have only gotten reloading gear and accessories like scopes and magazines)
  20. Damn, gun.....wife......gun......wife........gun? Questions abound!
  21. Smokey, Your statement is reasonable and cogent except for the fact that big buisness doesn't think that way! Its easier to stick their heads in the sand and say our signs and rules banning weapons will protect us. I for one hope it never happens and have never filed a lawsuit in my life. BUT if my company which disarms me to work there ever does have an employee or terrorist related shooting I'm filing something whether I get hit or not! Our 7.00 an hour "Security" at the gate would just be the first body to hit the floor as they are unarmed and incompetent. Corporate level animals are generally liberal minded having never been in the trenches nor having a real connection to firearms or their use. The few that shoot skeet or something still don't understand it as the weapons are usually brought to them by a flunky who then cleans and stores it until needed 4 years later. I'm in Logistics as well, the threat to me is all the carriers allowed in the US from Canada and Mexico. Most of these guys can't even back up a big rig to our dock so that tells me they were recently hired. They speak little english so the idea that anyone of them could be a covered "mole" is not only possible but likely in my book. Let them all get in the "system" for a year, then on a specific date, load that special package on the trailers for all your moles and then....well a lot of companies don't get their material on time! I for one am for sealing all containers at the exit point and it not being unsealed for any reason till it reaches the consignee. Sorry, but this is the joke running around our offices at times, if "Camel trucking" sees a bunch of workers at those spots they deliver to in TN are armed, they might not want to risk being discovered. Sorry for the soapbox....I'm out.
  22. Look at Essential Arms for stripped lowers. I just got one from Rabbi and had done some prelim work in hopes of using them for a group buy on another forum last year. Quality appears to be close to RRA or Sabre that I already have!. With the statements from several of you that you want lowers, maybe one of the vendors will want to step in and do another group buy! Frank at ETS did one for Sabre lowers and even had a TN logo engraved on them! Rabbi might want to as well with Essential since he has dealt with them before. How about it vendors! Group buy time again!? http://www.essentialarms.com/
  23. Reasonable is all I can say. After you take out shipping plus being able to LOOK at the product, it should be worth your time. They even have some good "semi-exotic" stuff. Last time I was there I cleaned them out of Weatherby .340 Mag factory brass. First time I had ever seen anyone carry the stuff! Remember, they are there to MAKE MONEY. Its a for profit business. We need to support all the gun shops in TN we can to keep them around. I'll admit I buy my fair share of stuff on line but I try to buy local when ever I can. I need the Bench to stay open for reloading because buying powder on line and paying that shipping cost for haz mat is a pain!
  24. Ordered my 1 1/2 inch Beltman today. Looks to be a quality belt and website, thanks Paul. (I put in the comments on the order page that a Paul/EMTRN from TGO gave this recommendation. Maybe he'll send you a key holder or something!)


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