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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Nothing wrong with a .270 Its just not a .30 cal. Heck you can knock em down with just about anything. My 10 year old got his first this year with a .223
  2. If you really want to twist your tail....get what I drag out once in a while to impede the earth's rotation.....my .340 Weatherby Magnum. If you hit em right you don't have to field dress em!
  3. Smacked it! We are still behind:(
  4. .300 Win Mag will do what your looking to do with that extra kiss of "oomph" over the .270
  5. Don't know any areas in east TN, I hunt on our land in S. Central TN, Wayne Co. My first tip...if you have climbing or ladder stands for deer hunting, use them! Next get really good with a yote call. I use the Primos stuff, Lil Dog works the best for me. If you can find some road kill or a carcass, throw it out near your site and take the same scent precautions you would when deer hunting. Don't call to much. Be patient and nail em!
  6. There were kids in the picture? I was fixated on the animal!
  7. You weren't wearing your CC vest? -4 tacticool points! Now you have to bring the Kool Aid to the next tree house meeting
  8. Seriously, A buddy that already reloads! Try a bit on there set up so you will know if you want to do it or not. I love to reload. It is slow quiet time for me, just like deer hunting. Its not for some. You don't need beer, TV or other distractions going on doing this. It's not that expensive to start, but if you decide you don't like it later, even a Lee Anniversary kit is a pain to look at every time you walk by it. Kinda like that exercise machine everyone has had once in their room or garage:p If you like it, get a press, dies for your favorite caliber or two (don't buy a set for everything you got until your sure!) a good set of calipers, a very good scale, a powder trickler and Lyman's 45th edition reloaders handbook. Even though I started with the Lee Anniversary kit, most of it is stuck in the box again and all I use of it is the press. The scale and powder thrower are crap. You'll also need to decide how you will trim and condition your brass. A tumbler for cleaning is a great way to process a lot of brass. Lee makes handheld case length gauges and trimmers, Lyman and RCBS make lathe like trimmers which are nice as well. Go with the Lee handheld until your sure. Powder, primers and bullets from Midway or your local reloaders shop and your on your way!
  9. Damn........another dog
  10. AMEN ! Where's the Tylenol?
  11. If your not going to be doing long range hunting (dove, squirrel, duck, turkey at long range) you don't need the longer barrel and specialized chokes. Change your pattern and distance a bit with the type shell your going to use. 2 3/4 to 3 inch is usually a good bit of difference. Your talking about the difference of a 4 foot circle of flying pellets at 50 feet and a 3 foot circle with the longer barrel and full choke. Either way....you'll want to get out of that circle, eh! Get what feels good to you and your wallet. Shotguns are the most forgiving guns out there....ya only got to get close!
  12. Sorry, several attempts have been made to link comments of money and emotion to animals or people then turn it around to inanimate objects. Sure I have not worried about something I didn't pay for. Got a huge TV in the garage that my bro-in-law had found, didn't want, gave to me. It worked for several years for me in the bedroom. It quit, now its in the garage. Its a freaking TV! I place so little emotional attachment on objects as compared to family and friends that it would be unmeasurable. I don't see the connection between a good deal on a pistol, car, bottle of water and an animal or person. Money has nothing to do in a relationship except determine how much the attorneys will divy up when it becomes the major topic of the relationship. (how many of you guys have YOUR account and she has HER account to put each of your checks in??? Now thats a truly shared love! ahhh) Hope he keeps the dog. I'm still willing to give him 20 to assist in that effort. I do not need another dog as ours still lives with the 4 cats and the guinea pig.
  13. Is that why the Taco Bell dogs shake like that....inbreeding?
  14. No where did I compare my kids to a pet. I stated clearly that money paid for something does not denote more emotion or love! If it cost money to show love I would be in debt several billion dollars! You make my point for me! Now how much you in for to help this fine TGO member keep his loved pet!
  15. I think I passed one near Newport once!
  16. Payment for something doesn't make one feel more of any emotion for it! I didn't pay anything for my kids either.....does that make me love them any less! Sure, sure someone will try to bring up hospital bills, etc. NOPE, they came from the feelings of love my wife and I felt and wanted to share in children and a family. Now, to be part of a solution instead of seeming to be a "hater"....I will make a suggestion and a pledge. The original OP of the dog thread finds a location/apartment that will allow him to keep the beloved dog. We all chip in to offset what must be higher rent/mortgage/fees that are not allowing him to bring the family pet along with them. I'll start with $20.00 pledged. We can have a moderator serve as receiver and keep this family together!
  17. Your Right! http://www.foodforfree.org/
  18. Another 870 I actually sold a Benelli Nova and used the proceeds to buy the 870. I'm still going to use it for Turkey hunting. The Nova was a sweet shotty but it was noisy! The pump grip would rattle incessently when in the woods. Either is nice, but the 870 is just the better one to me.
  19. To much emotion in this topic! Lets talk about abortion or politics so it stays civil.
  20. Ok. I would be all over this if it wasn't a dog.
  21. Don't go putting limits on stuff now Dixie:popcorn:
  22. Sorry, its for the children....right? I fall right in the middle on this one. If you can't take it with you and your concern is for the animal, then the qualities of the potential new owner would take precedence over the potential recovery of money spent. I would never pay for a dog either. There is nothing special about a registration, I'm sure there are plenty of pure bred animals that suck as pets yet thousands of mutts that will devot their lifes to an owner. A quality potential owner would probably offer to help recompense you for the "dog".
  23. Then give it away after reviewing resumes
  24. Rock River Arms 9mm. Coming soon, 40 S&W.
  25. Like we haven't??? Post em ! ! (besides, I like the mature woman much better than all those sticky things already posted...other than the terrorist wenches)


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