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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. sell it to me for 350 otherwise keep it.
  2. Rabbi and then a short jaunt north to Glockmeisters shop, Goodletsville Gun shop and since your within a few miles, run on up to Guns and Leather in Greenbrier. Total drive time from Rabbi to G&L (minus drool time at each shop) is less than 45 minutes if traffic cooperates.
  3. Very Nice Verbal +1 on the Hogues, had em on everything that would take them. Not familiar with the HK line, never even held one. That mag release looks very ergonomic. How does it feel as compared to the 1911 buttons?
  4. That's weird. Mine loves everything I have put through it. Even some HP that had a hollow measuring .39 ! Really weird looking rounds!. No issues. What powder you using? I like the Bullseye for .45
  5. Priceless! Blow it up No, let me restate that. DO NOT ENLARGE IT.....use explosives and blow it up! Where's the eyedrops
  6. Don't worry about the term "reloads". All that means is the brass has already been tested! No, seriously, the first loading in a shell can be just as gunked up if the quality controls are not in place. Ask any serious shooter who wants accuracy, they shoot their own reloads because they know exactly how much powder went in that case. Its all about the quality of the guys and machines throwing the powder and seating the bullets. If no one is shouting about issues, they are doing the same thing Remington, Winchester and Wolf are doing, just in a piece of brass that has already proven itsself already! (wanna buy some Remington made on first day back after New Years now??)
  7. Thats the ticket Dotsun. Load just above the minimum charge, load only about 10, KEEP NOTES. I would suggest buying mailing labels at Office Max or something like it and write your loading data on the label then stick it in the shell box. Include the date! Copy the same stuff in a notebook. That way if its working well you can creep up for velocity vs accuracy and get the best loadings for your rifle. Hand feed some loadings one at a time through the chamber. You may want to waste a case and bullet as a dummy round to check what you think you have as a recipie. Look for scratches, set back, and extraction. When you shoot ARs, pressure signs are key to preventing kaboom. Flattend primers and cases hanging in the chamber are big warnings that something is very wrong. All that said. I have been reloading for about 2 years, loaded three calibers for ARs in .204 Ruger, .223 and .458 and no issues just using and reading the data. If you have reloaded pistol rounds then this will not be a problem!
  8. I think that bandage is going to have to extend much further up to cover the joint he is about to loose on his thumb.
  9. Best budget trimmer for the money, Lee. You can use the ball and just twist trim (gets tiresome after about 50 cases) or you can mount it to a cordless drill and let it do the spinning. The case trimmers are caliber specific and the end goes through your primer hole to line it up correctly and set the depth to the correct length every time. http://leeprecision.com/cgi/catalog/browse.cgi?1209431512.3897=/html/catalog/casecon.html I recommend you do not get the Zip trimmer. I have one I'll give to you if you want to drive all the way up here to get it. Its basically a cord driven spinner and the idea is great but at least the one I got is not centered correctly and won't spin in a perfect circle. Get the cutter ball, the lock stud and cutter, the chamfer tool (cleans up the inside and outside edges) and the case length gauge for about 20 bucks. I would also get the primer pocket cleaner while your there. The universal decapping die is also nice for preworking your brass. I decap everthing that's shot and tumble them deprimed so you get some cleaning in the pocket with your media. You can deprime most calibers without taking the die of your press and then go have lunch while its all cleaning itself.
  10. Another lucky winner. Pick any topic and Post for Free !
  11. trim it to spec. You can't go wrong there. Once you start trimming start looking for signs of stretching in the case mouth and neck area. If you have the ability to section a case every couple of loadings, do so. It will let you see whats going on inside.
  12. And the other...................?
  13. If you do NOT get the above references, you are young and do not have the neccessary need to know clearance! Two clues: Look its the dreaded 88 Magnum "It shoots through schools" Thread is now hijacked into Name that Flick ! Sorry
  14. So....looking in my gun safe I suddenly have the urge to hack into the WOPR and start playing chess! That and I want to have a showdown with Angelina Jolie while we jack into the net at a couple of phone booths downtown! Sheez:tinfoil:
  15. All videos are stop and go for me but my providers DSL bites. Don't know what type or speed service you have but what I usually do is start it downloading with the sound off, move around on some other tabs or windows and come back the hit replay when its done to get it all at once without interruption. There is a lady named Allison Crowe on the little windows below the video after the first one is done that really knocks that song out. I don't pretend to understand what they were singing about. I'm a big fan of Christian Music but had never heard that one before. Someone gets tied to a kitchen chair and gets his hair cut off??? Almost like Samson there but who knows. I couldn't understand half the words anyway but Hallelujah is always a good word. If your on a modem and you haven't reset it in a while, try that. Turn the power off to your modem and router if your networked and let it clear its cache. That helps with speed as well sometimes. You still like me don't you Urse? Urse?
  16. Damn Tower, don't post the REAL prices here. This is a public forum and you never know who will be reading it. Julez, be nice to him, forgive him for he is only a mere male. Tower, I got a cot that fits in one of those portable chair pouches like you see at the soccer games. You might need that. Swing by.
  17. Where I hunt and play in Wayne Co, TN there are lots of these scary fellows. The first thing to remember is to keep your noise levels down when walking in the woods. Easy when hunting, not so easy with three kids and the wife chatting. They tend to move off quick when they feel you coming and you can hear them in the dry leaves. The other thing is familiarity. Deer can stand there and watch you walk by if you don't know what to look for. I can only explain it as I look for the triangle shapes in the leaves and they pop out pretty well once your eye is attuned to that. The bad thing is when they coil up and go quiet. Then you can mess up and step on or near them and they could get you! Wear long pants (if you can go in the woods in central TN in the summer with shorts on and NOT get ticks and chiggers, I want to know what your spraying on!) Wear ankle high walking boots at a minimum, calf high is better. Walk with a walking stick to push them away if you get to close for comfort. Good reminder aBRG2far. I had not thought of snakes yet this year.
  18. Tungsten You have Urse quoted as posting what I said about "its about Pride" and that I think you should ask Frank to come back. Just so that's clear, I said it, Urse did not. Now, hopefully to fill in the context that we all know gets lost when posting text, with none of the feeling, gestures or other attributes we humans use to communicate. I think both sides of this were "correct" in their portion of what they saw and did. I also think it happend really fast and without the much needed communication between the parties before a final resolution was envoked. That being said, you have posted often that he was not asked to leave. The only thing that was needed was "distance" between TGO and Franks raffle. I think that was accomplished by both sides, just not here! Frank is still acting as the POC for the raffle but it will be conducted in a state where it is legal. TGO is safe from prosecution as the raffle will not be conducted here on this site or in this state. All is well except a core member is no longer here. All I asked that is if everything is as stated...why not ask him to rejoin us so that the whole place benefits. I hate to use the term "closure" as its reeks of PC to me but to talk to the guy costs you nothing. To have him back brings us a excellent source of info not easily accessed. It would finalize that there is no ill will between the parties and it would end this thread! Thats all I was asking and hoping for. I've seen folks punted off sites for their beliefs (I am one, no longer allowed on 1911.org because I wouldn't change my screen name for a greek turd), for cursing, for racism, etc. Frank pulled out because of perception. Your upset now because of perception. How do you correct false perceptions?? You fill in the blanks with facts and actions that leave no room for interpretation. He might never want to come back, that's his perview. I just think it would go a long way with everyone to say, no harm, no foul, lets get back to the business of posting about Glocks and 1911s with the occassional AOW question thrown in and have him available for comment. I have used up all my big words today. I apologize if I have stepped on any toes or upset any apple carts. I just want it all reset to the day before it all happend. RW
  19. So if you do something and for whatever reason, you disappear from here you wouldn't want the people who have developed a friendship with you to wonder why, to seek answers?? I agree that this is a privately held board, but on the very, very PUBLIC internet. When you put your stuff out there for everyone to see, it looses some of its private features. Think of it this way, you and your wife can do what ever you want in your bedroom and if someone looks in, they are a peeping tom. If you do the same things in the backyard, or a public park, everyone looking at you then are WITNESSES To me, TGO was correct in wanting to ensure they would not incur the wrath of the boots, er.....BATF. Frank was fine in wanting to handle a NFA transfer. The problem was the raffle which both parties had issues with. That and running to fast to come to what they thought was a "best decison". Ask 5 lawyers a question and you get 5 different answers and one of them asked one of the other 5 in back channel discussions and got a different answer that time! What it boils down too is pride now. Tungsten should personally ask Frank to come back. Frank should come back. Lawyers should be put back on hold/retainer till next issue comes up. Back to the race
  20. They went and saw a lawyer, now there is trouble. Mr. Spock would say: Lawyers = Evil (sorry to our 2A friendly lawyers who post here)
  21. yep, we see him.
  22. There is a word for this that escapes me now. I'm probably losing brain cells by the millions as I watch, yet again, the boys on NASCAR go round and round. Anyway, what was right back then is still right today. Its unchanging, immovable, always correct. This illegality back then is still illegal today. Whats changing is the people of America and their attitude towards things. Its a lazy uncaring attitude that does not encompass the big picture. Democrats think they get a bigger voting bloc but fail to see the repurcussions of having illegals get in and vote for them. Pelosi and her spawn will see the end of their own party, as far as they know and like it, when the hispanic throngs repay their kindness by booting their cracker white asses and replace them with their own hispanic candidates. Its the same as unplanned pregnancy. 30 years ago it started to NOT be a shameful thing. Now, teen age girls plan who is going to be "the father of my baby". To many safety nets for things that need an ass whooping, not a kind word and a check have been developed. All for a vote, not the betterment of America or humanity. Now, I've missed several laps to this rant, back to boogity boogity
  23. .................One Missed Call ????


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