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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Another plus 1 on the RRA two stage.
  2. Correct, you must of course pay the fees, but to be a Private Investigator in TN you must either be the owner of the business and license it (more fees) or be associated with a previously established business. (Business being a Private Investigation Company) You must then submit fingerprints to TBI for a background search, take the States test managed by a authorized group and then take or earn equivalent credits for 12 hours continuing education each two years in order to renew your license.
  3. The answer to your question is nothing. It doesn't matter what type of information, how your documenting it, who your giving it to or how much you charge, your conducting an investigation and must be licensed. The basics of what you need to know is here: http://tennessee.gov/commerce/boards/pi/ Been in the industry full and part time since 92. Probably the most prevelant incidents brought before the PI Commission are persons trying to skirt the laws on being an investigator. In a nutshell, if you are going to gather any information on anyone else for payment, you must be licensed.
  4. Did your parents have any children that lived?
  5. I shoot the one that's for sale here on TGO often enough to call it family. Its my brothers but its just to much fun to shoot to do it alone. Besides, the rest of us standing behind him drooling gets his boots wet ! I would have never thought it having pulled the trigger on M2s both tripod and vehicle mounted in the service that this thing would be so easy to shoot. Its almost perfectly balanced in recoil to braking action. I can shoot it with no bruising unlike my durn AR in .458. Noise, that be another thing altogether! Wear the good stuff or be prepared to ring for a while or loose hearing altogether. Oh, in case you don't go searching the For Sale threads, its a Armalite AR50 single shot bolt action one. Here is a shot of the business end (after fully checking that weapon was clear and bolt open, it was an artists opportunity to film:p) Bottom pic is plate steel, can't recall if it was 1/4 or 1/2. Note the standard "ball" FMJ embedded in the upper right. The hole on the left was a glancing shot that did go through. Hole in the middle was made by yours truly with the .340 Wby Mag. Now the rest of the story is: that being the center of the target everybody shoots there. That piece of plate has taken well into the thousands of hits from pistols up to the 50 BMG. There was a cupped section there that I pounded just right zeroing the .340 and it just pushed a clean section on out. I liked it anyway. Most of the actual dents on that thing are from his 30-378, a little from my .340 and....shhh, some AP 30-06 that somehow made its way into infidel hands.
  6. Huge Monty Python fan, and I could quote most of that scene on demand....but what the hell does Elderberry smell like and why is it a cut on someone to smell of it?
  7. Oh my....I feel a bit of censorship coming on the winds.
  8. Correct ! You swag'd that answer didn't ya! (next thread on old but never gone military acronyms coming, of course someone will fubar it all and Tungsten will have to frag someone)
  9. He better not take any walks in the Ft. Marcy Park or fly in any C130s for a while.....
  10. Hey Rabbi, Do I get a free piece of 4x4 (or was that supposed to be 2x4?) to cycle my new weapons bolt too ! I already have a hammer on the wall next to the sickle:D
  11. Joe at Hero Gear had already put them on this pistol when I bought it from him. Lets see if he reads this thread and can provide the answer as I don't want to research it. JOE............what kind of grips are these??
  12. +1 on the S&W J frames 642
  13. I will be purchasing my first commie bloc weapon in my life thanks to you guys here! Many thanks to the Rabbi for doing the leg work and ordering my up a Mosin and the first 100 rounds. I'll work it in with those, order up some brass ammo and reload for this one as well I guess.
  14. We are now going to have a new genre in the TGO community. People are going to note "your going Voldemort on me aren't you" or "that's a Voldemort statement if I ever heard one". Kind of like the "going postal" thing. Sorry Kwik, but as stated it seems you live to create situations and thrive on that. Maybe you should start your own organization like "Chaos" or "SPECTRE"
  15. The rulz is the rulz. Consider the forum as a bunch of new folks you have met and are getting to know. Do you try to sell something to the family that has just invited you over to dinner for the first time trying to get to know you? Relax, take your shoes off, sit a spell. Then sell us something once we know if your gonna help us move furniture next time or just wanted to borrow a tool and never talk to us again:D
  16. Get healed and you'll pay the whole area back when your LEO ! PP sent and a prayer inbound as well.
  17. Won't be a problem Mike, just know you won't ever get it off once done as it will bond with the polymer. Use thin coats and allow them to dry well before applying more so you don't cause runs that could "melt" small areas and cause texturing issues that would be very visible.
  18. Someone post some links to the refinished Mosin's please. I still like the bruised shoulder look after a range trip. Don't feel satisfied otherwise!
  19. I got 10 to help. Does Nate have Pay Pal?
  20. Own 2 of them. The first was the off the shelve standard break down pellet gun with fiber stock. Shoots really well but could not get the scope I mounted on it to zero well. Ordered the 2nd one, a Whisper from Midway and its fantastic to plink with off the back porch. We have a blackbird problem and this helps to correct the issue. The only drawback is again, the scope which came with it seems pretty decent but I could not get it to zero reliably. I just took it off and use the iron peep sights. It also came with the new PBR pellets and they shoot at 1200 FPS! You get quite a report from this puppy using the PBRs. Would recommend these well made pellet guns.
  21. Very much a "modern" American statement. I am NOT a modern Amercian. I am also not Hulk Hogan but if you want to give me crap for my method of carry you will get..........nothing out of me. I don't care what you think about my man purse....ur, tactical concealment bag....uh, the black nylon thingy that I sometimes carry my pistol, 4 mags, small flashlight, wallet, checkbook and flash memory stick in. I can't carry at work so I might leave this kit hidden somewhere in my vehicle.........maybe (disclaimer)
  22. Another AK problem? URSE ! help em out. I don't know anything about the AK other than I was trained to shoot at anyone with one years ago:) Tungsten Perhaps another topic section. What to do with your problematic AK I know this doesn't help but it makes me feel much better
  23. but underneath the vegetation......a rude awakening!
  24. Now where was my pitchfork and that book on how to "control the mob"?
  25. You'll have to send again or post here. Yep, Tungsten done cooked our goose good!


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