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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Never mind.  Didn't realize Surefire did rechargeables.  Done deal.  Carry on.
  2. All I see out there is the UltraFire crap.  Had one of those burn a hole in the linoleum floor already when it went nuts and threw a smoking hot battery out of the charger.   Safe, reliable rechargeables...anyone using any?
  3. Kroil is more a deep cleaner and bore wipe to me.  It drys and goes away quickly so as a lubricant, I don't use it for that purpose.  On an older rifle or one that needs the lands and grooves cleaned well, it's great.  I have used it as a substitute for Hoppe's but still lubricate with CLP after cleaning.
  4. Levi Garrett since 1978.
  5. Find one other item 10 bucks or more and shipping is FREE.  I've never noticed RRA to be one to jack up shipping real bad and this would just be a small manila envelope
  6. Order up a RRA "Oh Shoot" kit for  bucks and have all the stuff you'll replace owning AR's.  Comes with a crush washer.   http://rockriverarms.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=523
  7. I did a drive up unannounced visit to Safelite after I had to replace a drivers side window.  In and out in 40 minutes.  Clear window.  No issues.
  8. You want the sights WhiteWolf?  I don't usually sell off stuff that doesn't work up to spec but I'll ship them to you at my cost and knock a few bucks off sticker.  $35 dollars sound about right?
  9.   I have one of the Palmetto State flip up rear sights and to be honest, I'm going to have to modify it to get it locked into the rail.  The screw they supply does not fill the rails gap so there is front to rear movement as well as some side to side.  The sight itself seems to be of good quality, I'm just afraid it won't be really accurate in it's current state.  Rifle is a Rock River Operator and all other pic rail attachments lock up solid on it.    The flip up is sitting behind a Vortex Strikefire I already had.  Love the Strikefire, need a solution on the flip up.  Anyone got an idea?  Dolomite?
  10. Oh, and they might be able to buy it all back in a few years for millions instead of billions.....
  11. Obviously they make money (16 billion value!) so you wonder, why would they be on the market?  I say its an American group who said "let someone else deal with the upcoming hassles of Obamacare, higher taxes, more intrusive OSHA requirements, FDA requirements, a return to restrictive advertising, etc, etc"    As previously stated, they got out while it was all still good and valuable.
  12. I got to say the RRA LAR-8 as well.  The polymer or steel RRA mags work fine and there are still plenty of FAL mags available.  Great quality!
  13. Good, now you can stop worrying about it!  Carry on!
  14. Since the wife has crapped out and went to sleep I'm going to drag out an old CD of Sid Meiers Civilization and try to rule the world in a short game!!!    Will step outside and listen to all those lucky enough to live out in the "county" shooting at the moon at midnight.
  15. Become a Benefactor here and put in a wish list in the classifieds under "Want to Buy" and see what happens.   Getting a quality left handed bolt action and decent glass on top of it for under $600 is going to be tough and most likely only in the used condition.
  16. Get what's most comfortable, a lefty.  Ruger sells great reliable bolt actions in lefty as do many other manufacturers.  I would suggest .270  or .243 if you haven't shot in a while but there are plenty of choices.  30-06, .308 are the most common so ammo is usually pretty plentiful for all the previously mentioned calibers.  You can also go with a lever action and not care which side you shoot from.  30-30, .444 Marlin, .44 Mag.  Get a good 3x-9x scope, shoot it in and go hunting!   How much is "breaking the bank" by the way?
  17. Watching you all talk.
  18. Knock down the coyotes!  They are the quails worst enemy at this point.
  19. LOL   physics jokes on TGO....   I got a great gift for Christmas, Stephen Hawkings A Brief History of Time which I will start reading tomorrow......after       I'm still wondering how the Navy got so involved in physics....with all those Bosun's and all !
  20. Is this where we are supposed to say "I like Pancakes"?? I thought we were bashing each other for being homophobes or leftist douches. So confused
  21. Oops   Lowering line failure?
  22. http://youtu.be/cIdKIM2btoA


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