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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Thanks for the links. Been about 20 years since I listened to scanners. Kinda lost interest when I was the guy talking on it as a dispatcher back in the early 90s.
  2. Rightwinger

    I'm sorry.

    You rotten SOB ! I love this thing and my wife is having me send the link to school with her for the children ! Yep, its for the children:)
  3. Please, if you claim a business then do a business. To do otherwise would be dishonest and dishonorable. Hope you do get a good fair price for your hard earned land!
  4. I'm crying! The first grape lady had me chuckling but feeling bad because she was obviously in what she thought was a lot of pain. Then you had to put the "mix" in there Bteague! I keep seeing walrus...anyone else getting a walrus feeling from those videos? Classic, thanks for posting that. I gotta go get a hanky now.
  5. +1 I have seen those "wolves" or whatever name you all call that parasite that gets on their skins and I don't like tossing a body. Wait till the first good cold snaps so those things die off. The boys and I usually hunt the other areas of the farms where we don't deer hunt in Oct.
  6. watching the intro of Joe on Fox. Bo states Joe's resume...Joe Biden wrote the bill for the Crime Bill that put 100,000 more police on the streets and reduced crime by 10% ! If crime is reducing at a rate of 10%, why do we need to ban any type of weapons? Seems it Joes legislation is going to take care of it all by itsself. Joe then states that Oil Companies are running the energy plan of America and we are becoming more and more dependent on foreign oil? WHAT? If American oil is running the energy plan, why would they want foregin oil entering the nation at all? They would want to tarriff it to the point it would be to expensive to bring in and ONLY American oil would be available. Sorry, but once again, the Dems live on the stupidity of the "common, greedy, lazy" American. Didn't learn in school, don't want to work but still thinks he/she deserves what those of us who are striving for more have.
  7. Call Al Gore, he'll know what to do.
  8. Yep, Y 12 and K25. My bad, I left Knoxville in 97.
  9. huh? Or are you saying you want .308 in a standard AR 15 platform? That can't happen due to length of the .308. You have to have the longer, bit more sturdy AR10 receivers to handle .308
  10. We are not allowed to fight over words here also, whats in the water is plutonium and mercury left over from K12
  11. Public schools and the NEA at work! oh and by the way, the speed of light just went to 187,000 mps
  12. I think thats what the relative gave me, the outhouse. Sheesh what a name. Its still in the box so if someone wants it for say 30 bucks plus USPS charges, they can have it.
  13. wow! where was that taken? that buck doesn't seem to know whats about to happen
  14. Not so hard to find it. These are off the 68forums site. I had a 6.8 and used the Silver State Armory. Great stuff! http://www.remington.com/products/ammunition/centerfire/core-Lokt.asp last resort on the remy https://www.hornady.com/shop/?ps_session=201d718530214d607eb0a400e333a3c7&page=shop%2Fbrowse&category_id=55410454d3b6c1edb710ea593c0e033d http://www.ssarmory.com/6.8ammunitionsales.aspx Best out there is SSA http://www.loadxammo.com/index.html
  15. Rightwinger

    AR-15 to 6.8

    +1 on the Kotonics/Cardinal Arms Then buy the Silver State Armory ammunition, not the regular Remy 6.8 stuff.
  16. partial answer....continue
  17. and I still don't know who or what your talking about. (refuses to google as answer will be provided he's certain)
  18. I got one of those for Christmas from a relative last year....its still in the box and works the best there. Things that appear out of place on the forest floor generally won't pass the wildlife test. They don't see the smaller print of a ladder stand. Once you pile some leaves and twigs on and around the burlap ground blind it blends in like a fallen tree that has its root ball exposed. Think of it as a big ghille suit for two. My boy got his first deer last fall sitting behind our burlap wall and I used a similar one years ago before getting into ladder stands and climbers. I forgot to mention, the two person ladder stands are very dad/son friendly. Two of my boys and I have hunted from the one we have for both turkey and deer. Get up off the ground if at all possible. You will be more comfortable as well. Even my wife went hunting (well she looked around until getting cold) because of the buddy stand. But she went during bow season and liked it better Guess most of what I'm saying is if she can take it, then your boy will love it!
  19. Couple of options. I don't know where or how you hunt but either will work. If this is an area you do not go to often, get the burlap tarp from Wally world or burlap in sections that are about 15 feet or longer. Then you simply pick a spot with two or three trees with space between them and use paracord to tie it up to them. Your mobile, its easy to fold up and pack and can be used over and over. Leave the burlap out in the sun and rain for a few weeks before use. Now, if you hunt areas over and over, select two good trees and put a ladder stand up for the young one, climb up with them and strap them in and either put another ladder stand up nearby or do what I do, use my climber. I have attached to a tree right next to the ladder and twice I just attached to the same tree on the side of the ladders attachments so I could coach my buddy. Bass Pro usually has ladder stands on sale around now every year. I got three for 79.00 each a few years back.
  20. +1 on the Pentax. My big .340 mag wears one and its bright/clear, clean reticle at all powers and most of all, has handled the recoil without problem. Great scope for less money than you would drop on Leupy or Nikon.
  21. At the grocery store, the "bag" guys are still wanted. Sorry dude, with everyone else already bagging on you I couldn't resist!
  22. so its just the line where I set the "condone violence" level? Otherwise violence is fine with you, at certain levels, of which your determination is the correct one. Hmmm
  23. Just like any soldier, there is a good fight worth fighting for. We proved it in WW1 WWII, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom. Just like any husband/father, protect the family from harm at any cost, that's why I have carried a firearm. I never said I didn't condone violence...its the most used form or persuasion on the individual level to the Nation State level. Are you saying you don't have anything worth fighting for Mike? I am a bit dismayed by your responses today, but then you are always involved in every discussion. I didn't start this thread. I tend to not start threads, especially on politics, I think I did start one on unions though..meh. I'm getting out of this thread now. We have obviously come to the point in American Politics that its totally polarized.
  24. and just as Liberal has been basterdized, so has conservative. and yes Mike, there are few things that will get me riled to the point of putting up my fists but that would be one of them. Why? Because I believe there are limits and lines that should not be crossed in human society. I will not cross or condone them. No matter the situation, I would not allow my girlfriend, wife, daughter to have an abortion, its murder, just as I can't see Kervokian style assisted suicide. My life, while apparently to simple for some to understand is to work hard, do the right thing and expect it from those around me. I give to all I can, my box is full of continued efforts to get me to pay more to charity than I can handle. I look forward to any progress we can make, not stuck in the sand...but the changes put forth by "progressives" today are generally ones that violate my limitations. My whole problem with the left side is they can look aside at the abortion, homosexual, etc, etc items and say that the rest of the goals of liberalism are good. I can't. I could go on and on but it will fall on deaf ears. Back to the finish of the race, some Olympics and a nap before going to work tonight.


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