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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Camera is a Moultrie 3 megapixel camera. It does make a low hum as the capacitors charge for the flash. Thats why you usually see them looking directly at it and it blows up the eyes. Day shots with no flash get the side shots. The hole you see low center is where I put a salt block and a mineral solution last year. They have eaten the ground out to that almost one foot depth over the last year. I also do some feeding there during the summer to keep them interested in the area. Mostly shelled corn and wheat. Throw in some apples and radish on occassion.
  2. Saturday, early, I hope I get to visit this fellow Still in velvet 9-1 A few days later....he's ready..velvet in shreds With a friend Posing ! Check out that chocolate color on the newly rubbed antlers!
  3. Sorry Len, I just threw up a little in my mouth....I'll be back later. Sigh
  4. I'm a conservative and I didn't need 19 paragraphs of the big word pages of the dictionary to spell it out for me. Just like pornography, you'll know conservative when you see it.
  5. Obama would have offered to run for high political office and then sell them state secrets....glad that never happend!
  6. According to Charlie Rangle (D) New York. You would think that with his tax troubles, he would try to stay out of the limelight for a day or three http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=178473
  7. It is legal now. Even though I own one I prefer other calibers to deer hunt with. I do use an AR but its in .458 caliber and flings a 300 to 405 grain HP round. More than plenty there. My son uses a Rossi .223 single shot with scope and got his first buck last year. Buck didn't move more than 30 feet from where he was shot before he piled up. Naysayers will discount the .223 but properly used and with the right round, it will do the job. Make sure your using HP or JSP (core lokt style spire points).
  8. What is this 9mm you speak of?
  9. Post a pic and state the maker, someone probably has one just like it (mine are all in a box somewhere). You can then deal for them to just mail it to you. Of course rent or purchase price just went up since DEMAND just went sky high for that too. Competition will hopefully keep the price down but you might want to contact your federal representatives to keep gouging to a minimum:) Seriously, someone probably has a key.
  10. .20 Tactical, .204 Ruger, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8 SPC, 458 Socom would be the main ones and easiest to obtain. Some will require a different magazine to run but the .204 Ruger and 458 Socom are replace and shoot. There are others that I have glanced at but some are probably for the .308 sized lowers. 6.5 Creedmore, .243 etc. There is something out there for you though. I currently only have the .458 Socom as an alternate caliber but have owned the .204 (fantastic shooting) and a 6.8 SPC.
  11. Rightwinger


    So now your greedy if you own an SUV or run a oil/gas distributorship..... Sorry NRA but your sheeple is showing. The market did just what its supposed to do in this case. Demand high, prices get driven up. The big issue is the return to lower prices. Modern communications means they can issue the price increases based on knowledge of production time, transport time, etc. They also know when they start meeting their production goals but the prices don't fall into line with these. They drop much slower. There is your gouge! Hold it over a couple of cents of what your quotas show you can handle. Don't drop it 8 cents a gallon this week, just go 4, the sheeple can handle it. They are happy to see a gentle decrease. Even with that said, the market is holding up to it so they do not feel forced to lower prices any quicker. The only way to drive prices down is not purchase the gas or as much. Market will react quickly to that. I did my part and went from 80.00 a week in gas to 18.00 with the motorcycle. Now, vote McCain/Palin and lets get OUR gas out of the ANWAR sites.
  12. OMG! This thread is now not work safe!
  13. nah, he's got lots of cars available if he needs them. That instant anywhere he wants to be is working pretty good for him.... he trys to protect his kids more than the "things" LOL
  14. nope! putting together a bookcase with foreign language translation is tougher
  15. Won't have to worry about the x-rays....its the Tides that will get ya! Read Larry Nivens "There will be Tides" and "Neutron Star" good stuff I'm really impressed with the groups knowledge of particle and quantum physics! We should be hanging out on the MIT or Lawrence Livermore message boards more than here.
  16. or maybe he cares even though you don't
  17. Your killing me! I still have the cats....come get one
  18. I'm thinking of beginning to return folks trash to them in the middle of the night. If you find your cig butt crammed in your door or under your wipers, it was probably me...get over it, I'm just returning what you dropped. Sorry for stepping in your thread, rant off
  19. The pain in my arse right now is the bike is in shop for 5K service and won't be back earlier than Saturday. Been in the wifes beater Mercury Tracer all week and she takes the truck to work as we live a mile from her place and 39 miles from mine! Now I gotta burn gas to go get the bike. That and it will probably be raining. I'm in a foul mood.
  20. Ok ok....some serious factual information. Sis in law called us to ask if we had gassed up. I said yes, we had already got the word of an increase happening tonight. I had already heard on the news that OPEC has decreased output...that will drive up prices. The rigs in the gulf have shut down cutting output there by 95%. Sis in law works at Petroleum distributor that services Shell shops in the mid TN area. Two terminals in Nashville had raised their prices 50 cents a gallon at 10 am this morning. Diesel was up 14 cents per at the same time. She was estimating a 1.00 increase over tomorrow minimum. She did not mention 5.00 and would have as she and her company are directly driven by this information. Its going up. How far is the question.
  21. I am glad Yuengling is in the local markets now....wonderful beer, just wonderful.
  22. Well the stupid bastard can sue Bill Clinton and the Arkansas Board of Education and the NEA ! He can't read and its all someone elses fault! Screw the folks that can't handle life While I'm ranting, you smokers that keep throwing your butts out the car window.....I'm gonna throw my wad of chew off my bike and see if you like folks throwing crap. The only bad thing is my projectile won't be burning....ass wipes! I'm in a foul mood! Can ya tell?
  23. that or you go all ways equally?


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