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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Had tasty deer back strap last night. No horns but well worth the trip for some great meals. Got a little meat doe Saturday morning. Juvenile Hunt Saturday, hope the boy gets his shot at one this year too!
  2. Moronic! It should be just the opposite! When the Gubment can't protect you, everyone should be able to carry until the state of emergency is OVER!
  3. Yes, its a great read! Sorry to hijack but I love references from Sci Fi or other literature that translate well into our lives. Science Fiction has a way of becoming Science Fact over the pasaage of time! "Long live the Fighters!"
  4. Got to ask Tower, your reference to the "engine"? Did you get that from the book "Armor"?
  5. Join the Mobile Infantry, see the Universe. Service Gurantees Citizenship! Courtesy of Robert Heinlein (the movie sucked but the book was great) Service earning you the franchise to vote has been thought of by many in the past. It will never pass with the current humanists that don't mind so many not being active, producing participants in our society, but I see merit in it being a part of the process.
  6. Say hello to Ms. Kim up in Munsan for me! She served up some mean Kalbi(sp)! 2/17th Field Arty, Camp Pelham, Sonya-Ri, 2nd Inf. Div 86/87 Thanks for your service AGAIN.
  7. Tin Foil hat time. I keep thinking, "they have too much time to mess with or lose my vote"! Will vote on Election Day
  8. Yeah, he has had moments but then he goes back to stumbling over his major talking points and it sounds like desperation. I want this guy to win but GEEZZZZ. Keep hammering some new stuff. There's only about 2 or 3% that are even going to decide on their vote between now and Nov 4. He better drop a bomb soon. He at least opened the door on Ayres and ACORN tonight but he should have kept on about his preacher and asked him outright if he would state his thoughts on religon because that is a large part of what makes up an individual! Still clinging!
  9. [ame] [/ame]
  10. [ame] [/ame]
  11. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsXa-dcUvpU&feature=related[/ame]
  12. You must have such fond memories of your days in the Air Force Verbal. We Army pukes just had beer busts and **** like that...nothing cool like you guys!
  13. You have toilets in your squad cars? cool! makes long patrols much more comfortable I'm sure:D
  14. Downloaded.....what no pics? I like pics of da guns man!
  15. OK I'm owned. Never claimed I think like one of them
  16. On Beale Street or futher uptown, like on Monroe? Oops, wrong forum
  17. Not so clear. How do you post a poll answer for mom in law that doesnt like guns, sister who is iffy, and friend who shoots IDPA? Average feelings for all the non members you know?
  18. The lawsuit that follows a shoot using this stuff will be entertaining, no doubt. Lawyer: Sir, did you buy this ammunition just because of the hot babes on the box? PoorBastard: No sir, I, um, bought them because they would not shoot through sheet rock! Lawyer: So you planned to only shoot at sheetrock? Why did you shoot my client's son then? PoorBastard: Because he was trying to rob me where there was no sheet rock I guess.
  19. Welcome in Tinkerbell. Spread the word. We need more women to understand and appreciate firearms. Nothing to fear but ignorance with a gun!
  20. Anyone that looks at Beta Mags, should also be provided a link to a replacement barrel. I know I would burn my bore up if I had one of those things. I can't resist dropping 20 or 30 as fast as I can pull the trigger sometimes!
  21. Won't vote as I am not a women, nor do I play one on TV but.....you can view the poll and there are 3 against as of this morning! I don't even know but is this poll open to non members? I would not think so....so we have three members on a gun site who don't like guns? Sheesh. If you don't like guns, go join PETA, Moveon.org, or any other sheeple site and go away. I don't visit those sites, they have nothing to offer me with my views on life in America. Why should they be members here? They will never convince me that guns are nothing but tools to be used under the proper circumstances and needs.
  22. Will do. I'm hoping to shoot my Socom which I just put a Burris back on tomorrow. That one also tests optics pretty well. This is the 2nd Fullfield II I will have put on it. I may go ahead and shoot the Wby as well. Main focus of the shoot will be to check zero on my sons and my muzzle loaders.
  23. Put together 4 ARs with this little set from Cheaper than dirt. Not a bad deal. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/TOOL516-1.html
  24. another happy Burris owner! I am also trying out some Pentax glass I got from Joe last winter. Its not the high dollar stuff but its also not going to shoot out past 150 yards. Its mounted on a .340 Wby Mag so I'm more worried about recoil effects. We shall see.
  25. In case you didn't catch the attempt at humor...I agree with Joe. Coupling should be done with the Misses, not your mags.


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