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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. +1 on the Rossi's. That's what we bought for my youngest and he will probably hate to move up to a larger rifle. He loves the darn thing! His pile of .223 brass shooting single shot is almost as big as mine shooting the AR when we hit the woods. Now all I have to do is get him to reload for me:D
  2. Good info! Been thinking about this for a while and went ahead and requested the license app tonight. How many Mosins can one person own? Hmm
  3. foosball is the debil Branker! youse should nose dat!
  4. I wish Obama well on his term of service, just like Dewey's!
  5. Some people will do or say anything to bring a little attention to themselves. Next week he will be sitting naked in a tree trying to save tree rats from extermination.
  6. Little brothers Weatherby 30-378 with the brake removed. I wondered why that thing had like a foot of eye relief from the scope!
  7. Exactly! I'm conservative, not republican, but I say folks can keep as much of their hard earned money as possible and spend it as they see fit because I and politcians like me believe in market forces and rugged individualism. The moment conservatives say we all need to pay our fair share, meaning rich and wealth distribution, that the highest earners should pay more just because they are successful just to pay for programs for the "poor" then that changes the whole dynamic. Bama, his wife, and his brood of class warriors want to reap the benefit of being rich, but appear benevolent and carrying to the "poor". You just don't say this is my plan, and I'm doing it all for you, the rich are evil, then settle in for your lobster snack at the hotel. I have issues with all the Hollywood elite, singers like Madonna and Springsteen, cursing conservatism, cursing Bush and lauding the Democraps and their platform all the while using their bodyguards with weapons, their gas guzzling SUVs in caravan while travleling to the private jet. Harry Connick Jr strikes me as a fellow who is at least trying to live what he preaches. He has done more for New Orleans than the dem mayor who screamed the Feds did nothing. Would Dave Ramsey be able to have a show on money mangement if he had the credit cards he so despises and was filing bankruptcy again? If you see your preacher hanging out at bars and picking up women can you trust what he's preaching!? Hell, lots of folks get ticked when the cops pass them and you know they are not on the way to an emergency call. They get away with this crap because no one calls them on it. Yes, Michelle needs to give up on the expensive crap and live like us eating pork chops and taters if she is saying that someone has to give up their chunk of the pie for universal healthcare. I have to go to work now Strick so no replies possible until late tomorrow. You have a nice day, and have some lobster and caviar for dinner. Your allowed. You aren't running for office stating America's top producers need to give up theirs!
  8. so to win the highest office of the United States, and to at least "appear" to be in touch with the common man, you wouldn't curtail the things that might appear "extravagant"? I mean one of the first things you see in reference to "rich" is lobster and caviar. So if your a young person in America planning on voting for "the One" and you had to sell plasma today in order to eat this is okay with you? They use class warfare as a tool Strick and then have folks like you making statements that it doesn't matter. Words and actions mean things. Its like the founder of MAD getting a DUI or the directors of AIG going on a junket after getting a bail out check. It just doesn't proof to me your serious about what you saying.
  9. and apparently are able to look over how their actions vs their platform tell you what type of people they are.
  10. It might be helpful to let you know I exited the service in November 1989. Its been a day or three(thousand) CLP had just come out and the armorers in the the units I was in ranging from University of Tennessee ROTC to 37th Engineers (CBT/ABN) all hated the stuff. When you put it on the weapons it kept cleaning and cleaning. You could not get it all out or off and the weapons appeared just as dirty a week after you turned it in from just sitting in the rack. We dry cleaned, and did it for hours on end. I like the new stuff as well.
  11. I have the Lee Anniversary kit as my starter but immediately started spending more so will no longer recommend it. The press is OK, but my brothers Rock Chucker is the much better press. Also the scales which are so critical in loading are plastic and aluminum beams scales. I hated even trying to get it zeroed with the little ball bearing. I got a Dillion digital and never looked back. You also need a powder trickler for fine tuning your charges and a good set of calipers. I would look for deals on RCBS stuff. Are you talking occassional 40-50 round sessions or trying to reload hundreds in a weekend? This will determine what items you'll need. Case trimmers, a tumbler to clean the brass, lubes... I think if you get with a reloader near you and go through a session with them you will have an idea of what you want and need.
  12. and it was Palin with the high heels I hope, not McCain. If he's wearing high heels he won't get my vote either.
  13. Yes she is greedy because she eats lobster, tells us all that she isn't proud of this country that she just ate lobster in, tells us those that those who have contributed, paid the most taxes, create the most jobs and EARNED their lobster need to pay more for those not willing to get off their asses and WORK. Yes she is greedy eating lobster when she could be setting the example she preaches by submitting receipts for her CONTRIBUTIONS and then a receipt for the burger with fries or the hot dog and ramen noodles like I had for lunch. When you preach it and can't live it, your pulpit has no meaning. I was brought up to believe leadership was by example, not by fiat or keeping the socialistic race war burning. She can bite me.
  14. Holy Moly, what a buck....for anyone, anytime! Way to go! My son let us get up, get dressed, we are on the back porch getting ready to get in the truck and he announces his stomach hurts. Sigh, I tell him he needs to make a decision and that he has to take into account he had a big football game Saturday evening, he decided to go back to bed and rest. At least he didn't decide this after we had driven to the site or worse, after he had made me walk up that big ridge to get there! Oh well, he will take his hunters safety course this year and get to go on regular rifle hunting next year. Bronker, your in trouble as he will expect it to go like this from now on. He is in for a rude awakening over the next years...! The deer always get their revenge.
  15. I can't recall the study nor do I have any documentation to back it up, but the Army did look into its cleaning habits in the 90s and found apprecialbe wear in the barrel from weapons that were not fired enough to have generated it. Conclusion, the dry cleaning method of using metal bore brushes. I will say that technique probably had a ton to do with that as well since most soldiers had never fired or cleaned a rifle when they entered the service. I still cringe when I hear the cleaning rods scrapping the barrel! That being said, you can see the relationship to wear on weapons that were cleaned everytime they went to the field but were not fired and still had measurable wear. I don't use the metal brushes any longer either except in the case of extensive fouling.
  16. Rightwinger

    Hunting rifle?

    I agree on the Savage rifles. My first personally bought (as in not from my father) was a Savage 110 with the Bushnell scope package Walmart used to sell. This was back in 1991 and I still have both the rifle and scope. The scope is now on my muzzle loader and the rifle has had a nice thumbhole wood stock put under it but it still shoots right there with all my much more expensive rifles. The new Savage triggers are apparently match grade stuff so would be great to get into hunting with. Heck, put a WTB up Canynracer and see what comes at ya. You'll probably get a great deal as well as a proven rifle from one of the members here.
  17. All the above have merit but I think you can look at one aspect more closely now with modern powders...that being the use of metallic bore brushes and "toothbrushes" on your metal parts. Invest in the new polymer brushes and clean without metal to metal friction. There is very little wear going on by running a patch around anywhere on the weapon, but using the metal brushes is actually speeding up the pace of wear on your parts and bore. I tend to lube more than "clean" now as the excess residues will come off quite well with the modern lubricants almost as well as with solvents. Occassional deep cleans of the entire weapon and more often on the bolts and chambers where most of the heat and powder residue is acting on your weapon without work best to extend the life of your weapon. Remember, your taking bits of the lands away every time you push that metallic bore brush down the barrel. You might as well be shooting it!
  18. If the Dems were all truly as pious and pure as they state they are, then they would all look like Mother Teresa and be living very low cost life styles as their income would be going to take care of these types of issues. Where is the Obama walk in medical center in Chicago? The Ted Kennedy alcohol abuse clinic in Massachussets? The Clinton Sexual Harrasment studies offices? Habitat for Humanity sponsored by the NAACP in New Orleans? I think I will stop the small amount of charitable giving I now do since I'm a conservative and must be the DEBIL! Dems appear to me to be some of the greediest folks on earth and only espouse the policies that keep them in power and money as long as it DOES NOT EFFECT their pocket books. By the way, Al Gores house in Belle Meade was worked on to lower its carbon footprint and he is now spending even more on his energy costs. Way to go Al......your leadership is commendable.
  19. Rightwinger

    Hunting rifle?

    That would be a great rifle for getting into deer hunting. You might also want to check out anything in 30-06. Very comprable round.
  20. You to Bronker and good luck!
  21. Nice first deer Kiley! Juvenile hunt in 7 hours!
  22. Get it
  23. Baseball bat and a Hefty Bag may have worked in a pinch in the past. That being said, we shoot the crap out of the two pellet guns here but its a small town, we have a little over two acres to shoot on and the neighbors could care less. I got a little more conscious since I got the bigger Gamo gun that can shoot 1200 fps and makes a serious crack with the sonic boom with the PBAs. They call it a Whisper and it has a baffle/suppressor built in. I would hate to hear what it did without that. Its a fairly serious little pellet tosser. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0048232228667a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&sort=all&Ntk=Products&_D%3AhasJS=+&Go.y=14&Nty=1&hasJS=true&Ntt=gamo&_requestid=164344&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&Go.x=15
  24. The 11 year old and I will be out there in North Sumner Co as well. My 15 year old son has taken his safety course and has a job as a soccer ref now so he is paying for his first junior hunting permit himself this year for Nov 1 muzzle loader weekend. I love deer season. Here was the result of last falls juvy hunt


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