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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Puppy?  Call him Sumbitch......you're going to anyway :poop:  :poop:
  2. When they caught him, they griddled him for 2 hours
  3. What class are you taking and what is the degree you are pursuing?    Can you expound on why the question of "rural" vs "urban" firearm ownership matters?    There are also some questions that "we", owners of firearms understand the current laws on that will be difficult to answer with a yes or no.  The question on automatic weapons for one.  Fully auto firearms are already "banned" unless you go through a special background check and the only firearms you can buy are older ones made earlier than May 1986 so no new ones are entering public hands.  An answer to that one to us, gun owners might mean something else to those that don't believe the public should own many styles of weapons.   Flesh out what you are trying to achieve here.  We have had reporters and other folks contact this forum seeking information and open dialoge works very well.  If you just want the data, I'm not as inclined to participate.
  4. http://youtu.be/QRJ38y4Jn6k   Another old member that can't recall how to embed.  Anyway....
  5. Rightwinger

    Bent Glock

    Plastic gun, of course it bends!  It's a Glock Safety feature.
  6. I started to mention that but figured he knew.  Also, as far as Tornado's, that's right about where the big one went a few years ago.
  7. I'm in Westmoreland and Hoeganes is 20 minutes from here.  If you get far enough out, as in small roads, to make it 45 minutes.  IT"S WORTH IT ! I'm just in the city limits but I can hear gun fire from here on occasion from those lucky enough to live in the county.  As far as the drug statement.  It's everywhere but the only folks you see hanging around the parking lots here are the kids.  Mine is one of them.  Their favorite things to do now are talk on CB radios and look at girls.  I love living in this little town.
  8. I've tried to visit Lafayette but they think I'm a city slicker.  That and when I politely smile they see all my teeth.  :pleased:
  9. Well he's right there on the range.  Looks like he's asking for it!  Get him!
  10. Westmoreland/Bethpage all good.  One day 840 might track a little south of there for even quicker access but I commute nightly to Smyrna with no difficulties.  Shop for food in Ky for tax savings. Excellent schools with a little less big city influences.  Lets put it this way, you better like country and rednecks!
  11. Immediately forward the call to the AIDs Hot line of New York.
  12. I work nights, don't pass any Wally Worlds going to work, and to hope to get some more .22 right now I would burn 50 in gas looking.  Coming to my door, 200 rounds along with some .223 ball so I don't eat into the sealed stuff is just fine for me right now.  I'll pick it up off the front porch.
  13. Rightwinger

    Bersa .380

    I'll add another endorsement to the Bersa Thunder 380 as well.  Have owned two, the single stack as well as the current one (labeled the wife's) the Thunder Plus double stack.  Good reliable shooter, feels good in the hand.  Go ahead and get ya one.
  14. I just got .22 LR and some .223 at PSA.  Just thought some of you looking for .22 might want to get an order in.  I hope they have it in stock since they are listing it as in stock. http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/ammunition/rimfire-ammunition/federal-champion-22lr-high-velocity-40gr-lead-round-nose-50rds-510.html     
  15. Maybe.   I'm just enjoying the Like from Libtard feeling right now.   Time for bed.  3rd shift beckons in mere hours.
  16. LOL, they liked my post twice.....   Here is the text of it.  They haven't removed it.  Not much traffic so you can all see it on their facebook page   Nice page. Easily lists all the restaurant's I won't have to waste hard earned money on. I'll just stay safe and eat elsewhere. Thanks Gun Free Dining.     Like ·   Gun Free Dining likes this
  17. When you can't DO it, you TEACH it.....
  18. Winter wheat will bring in turkey and all sorts of other game. Corn generally gets what you want though. Depends on what's in that area. This was always one of my favorite trail cam pics. Just a pile of corn put out in August. Almost looks like a crowd watching a fight!
  19. Seen it happen twice before.  Yes, TBI will notify local police if someone with warrants is having a background check done. 
  20. Got my surefire batteries.  Made in China....sigh
  21. Sorry Squirrel, the box I was thinking of was .300 Weatherby.  Thanks for making me look though.  Got a box of 20 unfired factory brass that I'm going to run over to the classifieds and post up.  I think I have run and reloaded for all the expensive rounds.  .300 and .340 Wby Magnums and the .458 Socom.  That's why I run .308 now....LOL.   Maybe Kahrman has a round or two left, he got my .340 a few years back.
  22. I use to run that caliber.  Maybe I have a round or two out in the reloading desk.  I'll let you know.  Working nights, I'm headed to bed right now.
  23. Hope the Pace Car makes it through the race!


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