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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. He didn't know the password!
  2. Bwaaaahhhhhh "How much for the little girl?...your children, sell them to me"
  3. Back in the dark ages when I was in ROTC, they were just coming out with MREs so we still got to eat C rations. You could get in more trouble tossing the peanut butter or jelly cans in the fire than you would tossing the blanks so you didn't have to clean your weapon so hard. We would go "non tactical" every now and then on the FTXs and there was always some bozo who thought the fire was a trash barrel. Those things would go off like bombs. (for Jung, H Co, 2/278th ACR TNNG, last year of college, 2/17th FA Korea, B Co, 319th MI BN (ABN) and HHC 37th Eng, (CBT ABN) Fear the combat communicator (25C) Hijack over.
  4. All is well. Problem taken care of
  5. Lots of us up this morning! Wait...heard a noise outside...brb
  6. Like the Kahrman, I have been a horrible father. How could I treat my boys so badly! The little troopers just smiled and sucked up the horror as best they could. (and yes, once they got done shooting their cousins little .22 cricket, and moved up to the bigger evil guns, they put on their hearing protection.) And the worse is the last one....look how brave he is to smile as I force him into a tree stand and insist he shoot at poor poor deer. I should be forced to watch Ellen Degeneres over and over as well as the Rosie show (if it were actually on anymore)
  7. Most of mine is in a polymer foot locker with a pad lock. Its not bolted to anything but gravity! Would take three guys to lift the dang thing. You got a metal locker, your good to go.
  8. man, they just like comfortable paws....why ya gotta go all homo on em.
  9. Didn't know you were so into catfish Bill:D
  10. Designed routing so all you Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth owners could get your Mopar parts when needed. Thats all my company will be picking up the first week of Jan since Chrysler is saving so much money letting their work force sit home and only make 95% of their pay check:screwy: DB99, your question to the guy on getting busted before daylight is a common occurence. A deer or several winded or observed him walking in or sitting in his hunting spot before it was shooting light. I just sit and wait for the ones that didn't see me to come by.
  11. Yep! Even the wife asked me if there was a bug on the screen tonight! That thing is awesome in its simplicity and ability ! !
  12. Terry, your dang Avatar is still driving me nuts
  13. Yep, they must have let them pile up and sent a batch all at once. Got mine this weekend as well.
  14. Mine (app) was here when I got back from hunting this weekend. Took well over a month. Will fill it out over the holidays as well. They should be swamped just with all of us from Tennessee applying!
  15. +1 on the Yeungling! That and Amber Bock have been the "after hunting" beverage of choice this season. -2 on thread hijack though.
  16. Mdlave is correct, no unions in the non big 3 plants (that I have heard of). My company actually lost a contract just because we had other locations that were union and this company did not even want to deal with the possibility of unions attempting organization at that facility. Yes, I work in the logistics industry supporting GM and Chrysler. Even though I could suffer from their downturn, I won't turn over and say its okay because its for my paycheck. Thats the same attitude that got us here in the first place. If they go belly up, I'll turn off the satellite, loose the cell phones, pay only the house and transportation and find the next job.
  17. Someone up there in K-town sally forth and DO this for Mike! I would so watch his attic! They got any glue traps big enough for cats Mike?
  18. Glad your mom got her just dues Strick! For once we are seeing in the same direction. There are some brain dead folks in management as well that forget there should be loyalty to those folks who punch the clocks as well. There are going to be folks who get hurt on the job and the laws are there to protect them. When both sides work together then things work out. The worker should get the medical aid they need to heal and then get back to work. The key here is that worker needs to use the system to get healed and then get back to work, not see it as an opportunity to take several months off at company expense or see a jackpot opportunity in a torn fingernail. In a perfect world, management will then fix the issue that caused that injury so no others occur and the employee doesn't see a torn fingernail as a lottery winning.
  19. Like you say, its an at will state but if you have a case, you have a case! I would dare say your "friend" with the injury had a bunch more going on because he had a case for being let with go after he presented a valid Doctors excuse. I have the perspective of having come at this from two different angles, one being a member of a management team at two companies over my career and also having been a private investigator. Let me state that a large part of your insurance rates tie directly back into all of us paying for frivolous or inflated accident and compensation claims. I only wish we could fire someone we knew was not performing on a whim and move on...but no, we have to re-train, document, re-train again, final warning, re-train, and THEN face a lawsuit when we let that person go in a at will state. As far as "skilled labor". Show me how much skill it takes to slap that manifold down on that engine block? Move that instrument console into the cabin with the assistance of the pneumatic arms? Put the wheels on a freaking truck coming down the line and run in 4 to 8 nuts with a implact wrench? Come on man...when it comes to skills at a car plant it was the guys who put the line in (my brother works in that field). Lets face some reality here. There is not a whole bunch of skill going into those line jobs that are pushing those rates up to where they are. The union saying we will stop making those cars is what pushed them there. They are paid more than the market anywhere else but their union shop would pay for that type of work. The suppliers we pick up from have more "skill" involved in making those parts and yet are not paid as well because the market determines those rates. You can not spend more on your labor and parts than you make on the sale of the car. Simple math even Gettlefinger can do. The government being involved in "green" is back on us...we (not me) voted those folks in there. Its funny though how the Japanese, Korean, European car builders here in the states, that will not allow unions in their plants, are not having as much trouble meeting these requirements, are still profitable as long as the economy is moving, AND don't have their hands out! They should be paid what the company can pay based on market processes and the company should be able to make a profit. That's why companies are formed and share holders put their capitol investments at risk! To show a profit. The IRS thing was a freebie. Its a drain on the economy. There would be more tax revenue generated if it was a simplistic consumption based method. You could choose if you wanted to pay more tax when you decide you want that new item. The Fair Tax is the way to go. The we can loose this class warfare crap. If you want to earn more, make your self competitive in the market place. That means school, education, a solid work ethic and a willingness to give a part of yourself to the company that is putting the house over your head and the food on your table. Sorry it looks like a rant but this is so simple its almost to hard to put into words.
  20. With a lawyer in every town, OSHA, Labor Boards, and the myriad of other regulatory agencies overseeing jobs in America, there are so many recourses for issues on the job that anyone with a legitimite gripe or concern can get is serviced. The unions are about one thing now...money. If they really cared about their workers, they would be trying to get small businesses in the fold. There is no money to be had there so they don't bother. Pay the guy on the line at GM what the guy at the suppliers get paid to do the same type activity and car makers will be on their way to profitability again. I also agree the upper management needs to be swept out and they need to start beating the foreign car mfgs at their own game. I can say with certainty that two of the big three have some really great logistics players in the game saving them tons of money. I am totally worth what I'm paid and wish I could get 1% of the cost savings I give them every year. Then I would easily be in six digits. Two things have to go in America, Unions and the IRS. The market will then take care of it self if left alone to do so.
  21. Black Fatboy for the 1911. Pocket pistols go in the pockets. For situations where you want it with you but you have to disarm (in this case its because of work daily@!) I just stick the whole bag out of sight in the vehicle and don't have to worry about taking off a holster. Then when I want to venture forth after work, I have a means to carry. Man purse or not, its just damn useful and easy to carry all the stuff you want and not have to wear an untucked long shirt or coat.
  22. and yet he is still 10x better than what we got coming....kinda makes you think eh?
  23. Where the hell was the Secret Service??? He should have had two in the chest before that second shoe even came up to shoulder height! That was a physical attack on the president! You don't know if he had anything in the shoes, on the shoes or if they had been altered! You don't ask questions at that point, you shoot the bastard and then find out he attacked with Dr. Scholls. Not even a good body slam! Sheesh
  24. I know you can't use Electronic calls on turkey and fox, but I can't get a clear yes or no on that in the hunting guides on yotes. Hunting101, have you gotten clear info that they are good to go? I have a multi call that I have not used for yote hunting yet. I use my reed calls with decent results so far.
  25. NRA has a pay as you go Lifetime membership program. 25 bucks a quarter! That's how I'm doing mine. You can pay it online and pay a few dollars more when you have them to knock it down quicker. No interest of course.


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