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Everything posted by Rightwinger
Yeah, it seems a little overwhelming getting the set up. When you look at the dies, you think...this is cheap! Then you find out everything else you probably need. My wife asked me what the heck I was doing all that typing for?? I looked at the list and said, wow, did I really do all that too? Look at it this way, bologna sandwiches are cheap. But when you add the bread, cheese, mayo, mustard, pickle and tomato to make a good bologna sandwich, you jack up the cost....at least for the set up. After you get it all in the fridge, you just buy bread and bologna for a long time.
Ok you need calipers....don't go digital here, don't go hog wild on the costs either http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=128288 Scales, go digital here! I have a Dillon but you have to pick your price point. Get one that calibrates with an included calibration weight and is 110 volt. No batteries. http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=118094 A powder trickler, this is a good one (I own it) http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=487186 Case gauge!! Midway doesn't carry them but this is an "almost" example. When your done sizing, drop the case in the gauge which represents your chamber. If its short or overlength, you see it immediately. The guy that made my 458 actually took barrel stubs and made one with free bore and rifling so you can drop your fully loaded rounds in and see where they hit in the chamber and match up to the bore! http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=268983 Dies, if your going RCBS, stay with them http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=440502 Shell holders. Get them singly as you add calibers to your set or get the set. I think its a #10 for RCBS but Midway doesn't show any standard ones. Check Cabela's or Reloaders Bench locally. Lube Wax...! Must have or you'll be drilling out a broken/stuck case! Imperial is THE stuff, don't get caught up in sprays and lube pads! Just run your finger over the top of this, rub it on the case, size and wipe it off. I'm still on my first can two years and 1000's or rounds done. http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=519525 Case trimmers. This one you'll have to pick. My brother uses the Lyman with great results and it doesn't wear your fingers out. http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=795961 I still use this since I went with Lee first. Its simple and effective. you just twist the ball with the appropriate case length trimmer gauge and it does the rest. As you add calibers, just buy the gauge, they all screw into the ball and trimmer head. You'll need a chamfer tool as well to clean up the inner and outer edges. The link is to Lee's site, all these items are there. You'll also see that universal decapper I told you about. You get a decapper with your die set so you don't really need it, but if you want to deprime hundreds of shells at a sittin or let that boy take care of it, this is the deal. http://www.leeprecision.com/cgi/catalog/browse.cgi?1177876758.5265=/html/catalog/casecon.html#DecappingDie Case tumbler and media. Get the corn cob, not the nutshell. The walnut shells leave residue in the cases IMO. http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=587176 http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=110664 Optional but very handy, case holder trays http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=888804 There is a ton of other stuff that is nice to have or I may have forgotten but to me, this will have you set so you don't run into any issues and can more easily enjoy your entry into loading! You have a primer tool in your set so that is good to go so you can clean, size, prime, press home a round. Now you need powder and bullets! Oh and one other recommendation. I decap and clean the primer pocket before I throw them in the tumbler. This will keep your cob media cleaner longer and get more of what you need cleaned. Plus you can do this part of the process really quick, like just after you come in from the range and your brass will not get corrosion spots or buildup.
Thanks Ukerduker! I appreciate your time and the brass. Holler when you get ready to roll your own!
Buy a box of factory somewhere for the test but go here for your training and plinking. Never had a single issue from any of Georgia Arms. http://georgia-arms.com/search.aspx?manufacturer=40&log=false&category=3510
He's Greek, as in from Greece! The owner/super Mod of M1911 wants only tech talk about 1911s and no cross talk on politics of anykind. He banned me because I refused to change my screen name which I have used on every site I have ever been a part of from Fantasy Football to my mortagage companies site. No big loss. Its his site, he can do as he wishes. But even in Greece, where they don't like guns in private hands, you would think they would try to actively promote keeping what they got. I told him I would not change my screen name, its who I am and wished him luck discussing the 1911s they used to have because they would not discuss much less actively pursue gun owners rights.
Don't say nothing about 2A or even have a screen name like mine if you go to the Greeks M1911.org site. They have some good folks over there but I guess Hitler moved to Greece to hide after the coverup over his death.
Won't be near the house in Westmorlavia after Thursday morning, maybe Wednesday night if the company deposits checks early! Going hunting for at least 3 days! We can find each other sometime soon though. I work off I-40 and Hwy 109 between Lebanon and Mt. Juliet if your out that way I can throw 100 or 200 your way, need to count up whats in the box. I have a 442 on lay away but can't seem to get the last of it saved up to pick it up. I'll be keeping enough to get me well started! If your not headed east anytime soon, I'll let you know the next time I venture into the Big City.
We ain't got much but will share what we got!
When and where Uker? Do you need any .38?
Its a 1911 A1 MS which they no longer display on their website. It has a 3.5 inch barrel and the full length metal recoil spring guide which is not really classic Mil Spec standard. I don't have the front bushing but have to compress the spring and put a paper clip in the guide to hold the spring back to remove it. Nice set up, same as I had in my Kimber Compact Stainless. Having shot both, I'm not upset at all now to have a much lower price point pistol. Very crisp light pull trigger. The only upgrades I'm planning is a ambi safety, the wire style hammer so it doesn't hang and the aforementioned Hogue grips.
Mil Spec for under 350. Tuners has some better add ons so don't know what he got his for. Hit their website and then check around. They are on the web at http://www.armscor.com.ph/
Mine is only the Mil Spec but the grips seem very nice with a nice grain for the price point of the pistol. I'm going to put them in the safe and Hogue this thing up like all the past 1911s. I still say for fit, form and performance, Hogue is the way to go.
Got bored and didn't hunt but one morning
Rightwinger replied to Rightwinger's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
No more Wolf left and the 500 Brown Bear I have I'll try to hold on to. I also have around 1K of brass loadings but I'm definitely holding on to that stuff as I can reload it. I did tumble about 200 cases of .223 this weekend but haven't had time to trim and size yet. I usually run out of stuff to reload in February as I prep and load every piece of brass I have during the cold ugly days between hunting seasons. Next up, Turkey! We can also head to Wayne Co if your up for a road trip! -
Got bored and didn't hunt but one morning
Rightwinger replied to Rightwinger's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Sure thing Bronker! I'm always up for busting yotes! I know I'm hunting this weekend but we can look at any weekend after that. -
Got bored and didn't hunt but one morning
Rightwinger replied to Rightwinger's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Yeah, the middle son of three and I went Saturday morning and saw a nice red tail hawk hunting squirrels but that was it. I decided to stay home the rest of the weekend. Have to work Mon and Tues but then off to Wayne Co to hunt till at least Saturday evening. I'm not sold on the 2nd rut scenario, especially this year but maybe I'll get lucky and see some action. Will be taking the two young ones so I do more teaching than hunting in that scenario and usually let the young one take the shot if we do see something. Good luck to all. Start reloading! I know one or two folks here are either shooting the 458 or looking to in the future. If you don't reload, let me know and I'll take the brass off your hands. We might even work something else out where you can use my dies and I can trade you some data for some brass and such.. -
So this is what I spent my evenings on. Not a bad way to blow some time with my youngest son. Replaced the 12 30-06 I shot zeroing and practicing before the season. Loaded up all the 458 Socom I had in the tumbler as well as some .45 ACP. You can see some of the variety in the 458 with just these three loadings plus I have two other bullet types I don't have any cases to put in right now. 300 grain JHPs 405 grain SPs 330 grain Barnes solids (hole punchers!)
Happy Birthday! I think I remember 30?
They definitely are not hurting for food yet this year. As to the original Kahrman question, the "lucky" guy that hunts with us "sometimes" on the lease, showed up late one day last year and decides to go into the woods for the afternoon hunt. He heads to the one tree those of us with climbers use in this one hollow of the lease, climbs up and promptly remembers he failed to hook his rifle to the lowering line, so he climbs back down, hooks up this time and goes back up. So after 30-40 minutes of making noise and generally being him, he is finally in the tree. 15 minutes later, a shooter buck comes out of the thicket across from him and he shoots at the deer. It runs off and he thinks he must have missed it, so he stays in the tree. Another 15 minutes later, a buck comes out of the same thicket and he is saying to himself "this dumb buck has just walked back out into my sights". He shoots again and hears this one run a bit then start to thrash on the ground. He's been in the woods less than two hours now... He climbs down and starts walking towards where he thinks the buck is down and walks across a blood trail that is well before where he knows he took that last shot...low and behold, he has two shooter bucks down and hasn't hunted 2 hours for the day. So buck #2 had to have heard the earlier shot, was in a postion to smell the blood and came on anyway. Of course it pays to be that "lucky" guy that never has to hunt much to get nice deer as well. Now I need to go plan on how to disable lucky guys truck so he can't come to Wayne Co. next week!
Set condition orange throughout the house Mike
Hunt it immediately! I have watched and photographed deer coming up to sniff the gut pile! The first buck I ever killed, I had three does stand on the hill above me about 25 yards away and watch the proceedings! Not only may you see deer but yotes and other scavenger/predators. The boy and I went this morning as well and saw nothing but a big red tail hawk. Weather pattern did not help us. Get out there and hunt! or do what I did the rest of the day, nap and reload!
I owe what little bit of marksmanship I have to early training with .22s. We used to shoot walnuts out of the trees as practice for squirrel hunting. To steal a line from "Dodgeball" "If you can shoot a walnut, you can shoot a squirrel!" Scoped and iron sights, Dad made us good shots! Wish I had had my current 10/22 back then!
Squirrels are stupid. As stated previously, be patient. When you see them run up a tree in a knot hole, sit down and wait. They WILL come back out in 10 to 15 minutes max. Used to get 5 or 6 squirrels out of one tree back when I enjoyed hunting the tree rats. They sure took a beating two summers ago where I hunt though. They hardly bothered me the last two seasons as opposed to making enough noise to wake the dead previously. Shoot them Strick, its the only way to be sure!
Saw plenty of graves up further north, was stationed at Camp Pelham just south of the Z in the 2nd ID zone. The funny thing is they bury their dead in a sitting position. There is very little usable ground in Korea so they put the graves are all over the hillsides that have not been stepped off for rice production. If I ever break out the scanner, I'll post some shots from the DMZ where they have two of the largest flags on the highest poles flying! Thanks for the pics, brought back some memories. I wish I had gotten up to that restaurant in the tower on that hill in Seoul.
That is a lot of .22LR there Gcrookston!