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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Yeah, we have been discussing that as well and I belive its LOH (light observation helicopters) or obs aircraft. They just had several close hits and the feed died for about 5 minutes but its back on now. This guy is living dangerously!
  2. is it staying "up" for you other guys? Its getting really choppy now and cutting in and out. Sound stays up better than the video. Quite a bit of big bangs going on right now and I think I caught a helo launched missle because I saw it in the sky headed down then the flash of an explosion. Saw an old American Cobra late last night after the sun came up and the operator panned up to focus on the chopper flying over the city.
  3. This stuff is so "Black Hawk Down" even my youngest picked up on it. With the calls to prayer, occassional auto fire in the distance and now......you can hear donkey or horse carts clip clopping by out of the cameras view....classic.
  4. They have been crowing for 2 hours! Dogs barking and now crows cawing. You should have been on a couple of hours ago when all the Mosques were calling the faithful to prayer! It was weird and beautiful at the same time, so surreal. I had to explain the little I know of the Muslim religon to my youngest and why they have to pray 5 times a day and face Mecca. I don't think he got it. Dude running the camera is apparently on break now as it hasn't moved for like 45 minutes. Gonna leave it on and go read and hopefully go to sleep.
  5. "cool" as in technology allowing us to see this sad event in human history.
  6. Getting a little choppy on the bandwidth now. Must be a lot of people looking in. This is cool. Had to bring up the map of Israel and show my youngest the Gaza Strip and explain what little I know of why Hamas and Israel are fighting. Of course when I showed him little Israel being surrounded by Syria, Jordan, Egypt and further away but close to all the other Arab and other Muslim countries, I think he gets a little of what it must be like to be surrounded by enemies.
  7. Suntzu, thanks for the link! My wife and son are watching. The sun is coming up now so the tracer fire is hard to see but we have seen the flashes of bombs and there is sound so turn it up! We heard three jets pass over the camera site and who ever is running the cameras was looking the wrong way but we heard the strike and then saw the smoke cloud when he got the camera pointed that way. This is cool!
  8. You might could add "other features" to this maybe? just saying [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEHhe_EKs1Q[/ame]
  9. How many .223 tracer rounds would it take for me to get one of those stickers Nathan? Seriously, I have some red tracer or will buy one in a week or two. Cash is tight the first two weeks of each month around here. Hold one for me please! Oh, I am discharging my EMP producer now as I don't think I fully understood the type of EMP you were speaking of. Good thing to...it would have disabled my alarm and truck and I would have missed work tomorrow.
  10. Rightwinger

    Oh Snap

    Wow, I apparently missed an entire generations terms on this one. If that came up in the 90s, it was probably overshadowed by "going postal" with the crowds I run with. (crowds = what, 4 or 5 folks! LOL)
  11. Rightwinger

    Oh Snap

    So that's where it came from or are they just using it as well? Never watched "Earl", didn't catch any interest in the teaser adds for it.
  12. Haven't coon hunted per se but have run one out of my climbing stand I had left on a tree for a week! He seemed to like the padded seat or something! Of course I also had a scary moment walking to a ladder stand one morning and thought I had a coon on the ground near it as I had killed and gutted a deer there the previous day. Much to my suprise, this coon had a white stripe down his back!!!! I backed off and let Pepe move on before getting in the stand. Bronker, I don't think I'm going to deer hunt this last weekend...its left my system for the year. I'm going to do some honey do's and watch the Titan's but now we need to get down to planning that coyote drive and if you want to teach a old hunter new tricks, I'll bring a kid or two and follow you around in the night looking for coons!
  13. Rightwinger

    Oh Snap

    Okay, I hit the net pretty regularly when I get home. I keep up with the news, watch some network TV like House and Fringe but mostly keep to the Discovery Channel. Please explain the origin of "Oh Snap" for those of us who are not current with the terms genesis. I like the term, it fits quite a few situations we are all caught in daily.
  14. Search said it hasn't been posted as such and thought I would share the laughs. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/82437/all_the_trunk_monkeys/?cd=aba26e58b51f601085253d25a5246c8000500000351326usa
  15. Dang, beat me to it. It works, just make sure you tape the two poles of the battery over if you even think about storing it in the same pack or container or you will find it smoking when you don't want it to.
  16. S W E E T !
  17. I will definitely be proxy offended on behalf of Bronker for the Messiah hate speech recently posted by Canyracer.
  18. Nope but if you want one before the guy that builds them hands them to Useless, call Sam at Complete Gun Shop in Gallatin EDIT. I just hit the quote and posted. Didn't know the other fans of Sam were already chiming in. Sam is good people!
  19. I kinda like the coon! Look how they show up at all the good fights and cheer them on!
  20. You should be offended that I can't find a darn thing to argue with about on this point!
  21. Don't sweat the cannellure. Properly seated bullets generally don't need anything but the neck tension to secure them as your putting more bullet in the case than is exposed in most cases. If you have a really "tight" rifle that doesn't feed really smoothly, you may want to apply a touch of taper or roll crimp depending on the bullet and force needed to keep it there. Best way to determine it....sacrifice a case and a bullet. Seat to your expected depth as shown in the load data, mark a thin line at the junction of bullet and mouth of case, then run it through your rifle or pistol. Clearly IDENTIFY this round as a dummy (drilling out the primer pocket so it will never hold powder or a primer is a good way to do this) and still treat the rifle as loaded. Run it through the gun several times letting the action strip it out of the magazine. If your line is still visible, neck tension is going to be all you need. If the bullet sets back into the case, you'll need to add a touch, just a touch of crimp. Lee has a wonderful factory crimp die if you go that way. I haven't found the need to crimp anything yet but I don't put much of a bell on the case when seating. Play with it and find out what works for you.
  22. Hey Uker, Your well on your way. Only two things for followup. 1. Choose your position on your bench for the press carefully and since I can't see under it, make sure its highly reinforced. You probably won't generate a lot of force working with .223 or the pistol brass but if you work up to magnum rifle brass, you'll crank on a few of them and you don't want your press to work loose or the whole bench shifting! 2. You may have already thought of it, but with open trays like you have plus the open bench area, get an old sheet and when your done drape the whole thing under it. Keep the dust off your equipment and supplies. Holler when you get back in town when your ready to roll some.
  23. Yup! When 401Ks are worthless, the whole nation is screwed. Note I didn't say declining like they are now, but worthless. I actually just upped the amount being deducted to mine as I like buying low!
  24. Same here, been down on the farm since Wednesday and just got back. All we saw were a few squirrels and an armadillo. Armadillo will not be rooting around the cabin anymore!
  25. Oh, holler some time in the next week or so after you get your first batch of brass deprimed and give it to me. I'll tumble it clean for you so you can get started. If you want you can come up and I'll run through a batch of .223 and show you the process rooter to tooter while your brass cleans up. Grab Triple Digit Ride on the way and we will make him bring dinner!


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