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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. The Foxfire series might have that. I need to pick up a set of them myself as the ones I have looked at previously were other folks sets.
  2. I wouldn't worry to much about the owl or crow locater calls. If you don't hear crows in an area your hunting in, your not in Tennessee! The gobblers will let you know where they are at at daybreak gobbling while still on the roost. If you know where they roost, get there in the dark and set up on them like deer hunting, get there early, get there quiet and a few calls to get them coming to you will work. If they don't come when you can here them, they won't come. When they are henned up, they just won't come off their harem.
  3. Did you continue the calculations out to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th loadings? That is where the savings come in. First time out your not saving that much as you have all the "new" stock in place plus you have the powder and extra bullets sitting around waiting.....run it on out.
  4. Got one, love it. My only recommendation is get the Hogue Handall slip on grips to hold on to it better.
  5. Happy Birthday Single Digit Ride! Great gun. My boys just got the plain ole wood stock thing going on. My 11 year old and your 10 year old should shoot some time. I got my monies on the boy though!
  6. If its under the house and sprayed the wood and foundation about the only thing to do is let nature take its course. You might try using a pressure washer and detergent as high a concentration as you can handle and help it along. A big fan to keep air circulating will speed it up as well. I had one do the barn but I just stayed out of the barn. Can't just do that with a house. Sorry to hear it.
  7. I pulled security for Journey when they had Loverboy open for them in Knoxville, 1981. Pulled security for the Clash in 82. Saw Van Halen and got my first whiff of the "herb" crap in the air at Municipal way back in 78 I think. Didn't they just bury one of the Van Halen boys? Or was it Eddie just looking like death after Valerie came back to life?
  8. Yep, other than the M&P leaving the stable, I give you an upgrade to "GREAT" day!
  9. I gotta hang out with you Nsnate! Hitting the gun shops by day, thrill movies at night... Sounds like you had one of them "good" days. That movie looks good but if I go give Hollywood any money in a theatre it will be to see Gran Torino
  10. Hustle, this is the lesson in what NOT to provide to any woman as a service to all humanity. Thanks Bteague, dinner is wasted now and I gotta keep the cats off the puddle! oh heck, their just cats, let em go for it.
  11. Musicman performed an admirable job of assisting a few of us in our foreign relations this week. In the middle of his life, job and post meal explanations, he found time to perform a fantastic service. Even though outside factors tried to derail him in completing these tasks, he was up to the job! A big + 10 to Musicman. Even if he doesn't like Bass Fishin Thanks James
  12. I was just looking at the Kari Byron pics on another post and there you go messing up everything with the Mimi post. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little:sick:
  13. Just push the "retro" look and don't have any mirrors in the area. You'll be fine.....really.
  14. I'm not trying to stir anything here. I came to a realization last year though that night sights have some issues. I have a G22 with Trijicons on it. The first one I got, from Joe at Hero Gear, had a burnt out dot on it. I wanted my tacticool in full operation so went back and we traded it out as it he was busy and its a pain to swap them. I wish I had not bothered Joe about it now. Looking over the sights in the dark, to see them as three clear distinct dots, it has to be very dark, so dark that you can see nothing clearly in front of you! As the G22 has a rail on it, I have attached a TLR-1 light on it. Well, turn the light on and you can see everything very clearly in the dark, except the green glowing dots, which you no longer need. So unless the target is going to glow or be lit in such a way that your still very much in the dark, they don't do much for you. I'm not going to bother with looking for them on any future purchases. It does help me see where the gun is at night on the night stand, that is a good thing! Again, I'm not saying they wouldn't be useful to someone under other conditions. I just wanted to add some thought to the discussion.
  15. You know pretty quick that you shot it when you were practicing. I have never felt any recoil when shooting any size rifle or shotgun when I was hunting though.....and things got r e a l s l o w ya know what I mean? new thread topic...hunting zen?
  16. Yeah, I'm using a Police Magnum 870 with a red dot on it now myself. Not as good as the Benelli Nova but much quieter (the Benelli rattled something fierce). I do miss not being able to use the big 3.5 inch magnums though.
  17. When your part of the group you deserve all rights and privileges!
  18. Yeah but he doesn't spoon, the rat By the way, I googled you and found this... Is that when your cooking Thunder Bird or making quiche?
  19. oooooowwwwwwwww.....in my best Yosemite Sam battle cry.... This could be the start of a vicious picture war Bronker but to be fair, since they posted the HCP information, I was able to get your permit photo
  20. Summertowners? I haven't seen any down at the check point. They must have passed on around us and gone to Lafayette or Portland.
  21. just don't forget that this year, anyone in Dickson County is required to wear the hunters orange just like during deer season. You must also play "Slow Ride" on a personal entertainment device while hunting. Just so ya know. I'm here to help.
  22. oh snap....I'm part of a conspiracy now:eek:
  23. Exactly! why change the program now! One shot is all you need.
  24. I thought you had those lasers installed in your eye sockets last month....you were joshing me weren't ya.


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