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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Well.....he gets a green paycheck...the rest of the statement is up for discussion:)
  2. I think he is saying that if you have the Glock loaded and ready to go (legally), what's the big deal with having your deer rifle, shotgun, etc somewhere in the car or truck loaded as well. Your already armed and ready to go, now its just the semantics of what the launcher looks like. I would prefer it to be up to the owner of the vehicle as to how we transported our weapons.
  3. Probably root for Alabama too don't ya Ftncity?
  4. sweet. How far out of that last spot for playoffs are they with that. It was like 5 points last time I heard something on the radio during the week.
  5. R. Lee Emery he AIN'T
  6. Well you do have to love yourself before you can love anything else. I love me too!
  7. Rightwinger


    Radar shows it only miles away from the big Ridge of Westmoreland!
  8. Dang. Another good American gone.
  9. Is it on Direct TV somewhere? not the hockey package type thing?
  10. Rightwinger


    and I came here looking for a dirty barrel or patches. Yeah, nice pistol, but it don't look dirty!
  11. Don't ya hate it when your intelligent or witty answer that MUST be directly below the previous post ends up one or two down as everyone faster gets in there! Been there several times. Back to OP, I have wondered if you could use that foam for filling in cracks to make an exact form for a pistol and mag or two. I definitely wouldn't put it in till it had started to form up and would wrap the items in saran wrap but I think it would be possible. Haven't needed to do it yet, still pondering. Maybe you'll be the guinea pig and can tell me?
  12. Now you got something I want to shoot Paul! Lemme Lemme!
  13. Just to tick you new guys off, here was the first turkey and so far....the best one I have taken. Beautiful electric blue and red wattle and carnuckle. The boy and I set up on him above the fields they were feeding in on a ridge. Its also an area we deer hunt in so we knew it well. We were both in climbing stands and folks...it helps! This bird never saw me when I stood to take the shot! We were in camo but not wearing face coverings or gloves as we do on the ground. If you know your in an area where they are, hunt them like deer!
  14. 21 Guns and Taps brother!
  15. dang Kahrman, just dang!
  16. One set is on the Mosin, the newer set is tactically positioned to collect the dust on my "things" shelve. Hadn't thought of a way to use them other than decoration on the Mosins but you do have me thinking. Thanks
  17. I don't know about showing up. Here's Jimmy at the last breakfast he attended. I think he liked the pancakes a little to much. Yeah, its an old internet fav, the bunny with a pancake but it's nice to bring it back in honor of another stupid animal performing his tricks.
  18. There is nothing that says it has to be visible. I think if you had the ammo in a bag or can and the rifle in the trunk, your fine. BOTH are then not readily accessible to you. You have to stop, get out and pop the trunk to get at them. No more time or access issues than if you had the rifle on the seat and the ammo in the trunk. Apparently those 20 seconds to put the items back together save lives.
  19. I wouldn't call it a hookup, but they were good chalets, very well maintained and I always did off season so reasonable. Did them twice so will recommend them. The one other place that I did the rental on myself won't and can't get a mention as I can't even recall that POS companies name. http://www.diamondrentals.com/
  20. Where did you get the Pierce under grips? Site please
  21. Why? Did you bring yours out of the bathroom? Couldn't find it either. I would go with the "not looking good for us" so they took it down theory. News is not to be unbiased anymore.
  22. Nope, not anymore. Anyone can use them. http://www.state.tn.us/twra/pdfs/huntguide.pdf page 18
  23. There are other states?
  24. While its nice that there are still areas open to the public you guys without any other access need to desperately make friends or buy into a lease. Most WMAs or easily accessible public hunting lands are full during seasons. I had heard the horror stories but went ahead and tried my luck since I always get a sportmans license and decided to go to AEDC on the edge of Manchester. Scouted it about 3 weeks prior to the opening day and marked off my mileage to where I was going to pull off the road. Checked and found out it was ok to use the reflector thumbtacks and found a "decent" spot about 100 yards off a small river/large creek on the southeast side of the post. Got up early, went to my parking spot and saw only one other truck on the whole post going in. Thought this was not going to be to bad. Humped in about half a click and got the climber hooked up and was in the tree and settled about an hour to 45 minutes before daylight. Then I heard vehicles coming and going out on the road. After that had to wave off two hunters walking in on my spot by shining the flash light on them. Stayed in the tree until 10 am and didn't see or hear a thing, including gun shots. Climbed down and headed to the truck. On my way out I passed three hunters either on the ground or in trees much closer to the road. When I get out to the road, there was a truck every 100 yards as far as I could see. No wonder there weren't any deer! There was no where for them to be! Find a buddy, buy into a lease, do anything you can to get access to better hunting land. It wil be much more worth it and hold your interest. At least that way you might see a squirrel or coyote, something. Not just a bunch of other folks looking at one another. Sorry if this was a downer. Others will probably have more positive stories. I'm just glad I have the family farm and my lease to go to as well as some friends to change things up.


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