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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Mike I honestly don't have any idea who the manufacturer is.  I took a chance on Ebay because the reviews were all rating the guys barrels excellent.  Marked as 223 Wylde. I'm really thinking of buying one of this guys pistol barrels and building my first AR pistol because of the quality.   I still need to stretch its legs, but it zeroed in two 3 round groups at 25 meters and then aimed fire at 50 yards was all in the little shoot n see's 8 ring or better (6 inch circles).  Couldn't get any further as my range is woods and the chiggers and ticks were out in force!
  2. Mine finally made it to completion as well.
  3. So we will have them to go to when we want to!   That is all.  Carry On.
  4. Then I have to get the muzzle brake timed on it.  These must be fairly new.  I'll post up a pic of the build when I get it all done.  Still waiting on vice block to arrive.   http://www.ebay.com/itm/191086003801?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648
  5. My first upper assembly.  Plenty of lowers and changing out hand guards but this is the first one where I'm installing the barrel.  Don't want to mess up the TGO/CMT upper!
  6. Manufacturer unknown Dolomite.  That's the only part that bothers me.  States made in USA.  It's marked .223 Wylde, 1/8 twist but no manufacturer marks.  Snugs up super tight in the CMT upper and sized brass goes in with a "snick" but that's the only test I have been able to do.  Everything I've read says 99% of quality barrels will be fine, I just figured a 30 second test before I put the gas tube and forearm on would give me peace of mind.   I got it off Ebay, came from Alabama.  Guy has 100% positive feedback or I wouldn't have gone there. Link here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Spiral-Fluted-18-034-223-Wylde-223-5-56-1-8-Twist-Barrel-Brand-New-No-Reserve-/221447890828?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=8MdhSvJKCEFaxFjRpFCm9aI7nm8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  7. Anyone in the Sumner Co/ Wilson Co/ Rutherford Co area want to make a little back on their purchase and let me check my build out by borrowing your go / no go gauges?  How about some .22?   The TGO CMT build is about to come to final assembly.
  8. In 5, 4, 3, 2, ......
  9. I personally loathe Amazon on so many levels, it cannot be explained on a gun forum. 
  10. Well I just got a Yankee Hill Machine Todd Jarrett forearm, a Seekins Precision melonite gas tube and Odin Works gas block off ebay so the good stuff is there if you look for it.  Just look at the reviews and when you see china, run.
  11. How long can they sit in the rain?       Just thinking about the next Murphy that's going to pop into your life.
  12. Vontar, that would be hilarious if it were two TGO guys busting bids on one another.  You all can continue the battle, I gotta go find a lowpro gas block now, LOL
  13. Woot!  I got it for 170.55.  Thanks Runco, that x.55 looks like it put it over the top!
  14. Yeah.  I refuse to get one of those damn things. 
  15. I'm hoping dingbat is out drinking or something.  I will be watching at the 5 second mark but I don't want it to go much higher.  I've set my limit at 175 for this one.  If not, start over again.  I just really like the styling on this one.  The JP I want would come with a matched/headspaced bolt but I'll try and risk saving about 550 clams to get this one that just looks and feels like what I want.   Fireworks start at 2000 CST
  16. The last few years I have sadly become an Ebay patron.  I have bought Christmas, birthday presents, and yes......lots of AR parts on ebay.   Today, other than grilling the meat, I have watched two auto races and bid on an AR barrel whose auction ends at 8PM pacific.  Some twit who doesn't need or deserve this barrel put in a bid around noon, and I crushed him!  Now the minutes are counting down as Nascar goes round and round.   What have I become?      LOL, in all seriousness, I do want this barrel and if anyone has dealt with this guy before, let me know.  His rating is 100% perfect (as is mine) so he must not be selling junk barrels.  This will, for the time being, be going on my TGO / CMT upper/lower until I can afford a JP. http://www.ebay.com/itm/221447890828?_trksid=p2059216.m1431.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT   Now if one of you comes in there and outbids me..... :slapfight:
  17. No, but you would be the first among us (that I know of)   I do know a couple of folks that made 458 Socom pistols.  Why, I don't know. 
  18. Oh Shoot, you should show us all how to make an AR-10 pistol next.  Jus saying
  19. All the above will be great rifles!   My first 308 AR was off the bench from Rock River Arms and I love it.  It's under 2K as well.
  20.   Read something along these lines somewhere in a John Ringo book: "my toothbrush, sure, the wife, maybe, the knife, hell no"
  21. Beltman  hands down
  22. Was going to say, I won't eat there armed, unarmed or traveling with Chuck Norris. 
  23. The one sad thing about TWRA regs in TN is they don't let us hunt the yotes at night.  Red light, scope and some calling at the edge of that rocky area should be easy to get a yote or two.  Until then, treat it like a deer hunt, get to your area early and let things settle then start your calls.  If they haven't been shot at before, you should eventually get your chance.
  24. D&T Arms, Goodlettsville
  25. If he gets the proper eye relief to see a good full circle in the scope then it's mounted just right. 


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