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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Nightrunner, The post above was for everyone but especially Dave since he stated he would track any car he owned, no matter who was in it. It was probably just a statement and he is probably not planning to buy a GPS and use it but I wanted it clear that he could be setting himself up for trouble. Most of the requests we got for GPS tracking were from the other half of a domestic problem. A divorce or fidelity issue where one side wanted us to tell them want their spouse or ex was doing. We had to refuse everytime. Only once did we have a parent come and want to know what their child was doing. We did assist them at that point (gave them the address of a local store) but they still wanted us to follow the child to ascertain if they were buying or using drugs. This we could do. Your father can buy the equipment and legally track the car of your sister as long as there are no other qualifications (like she has had her self emancipated or purchased the car herself and keeps it at another location) Best thing is to have your father seek the council of a good attorney and/or private investigator.
  2. Even if you own the car, make all the payments, insurance is in your name and the title says no one else owns it, but your wife drives it and she finds the tracker, you are committing a crime. Cops also must get a warrant to do the same. If you have knowledge to the contrary, whoever had the tracking device on their car has a case against the agency that did so.
  3. Ur,..yeah. Don't know why I do that. Even the site dedicated to these bikes gives me fits as I always try to type V http://gstwin.com/
  4. If you have NEVER ridden, then don't buy 8 to 18K worth of bike your going to dump. The bike I just posted above, the GS500F or the the Ninja 250 might be better starter bikes until you get some miles under your bet. Tennessee requires only that you pass their written (computer) test and take a driving test. Obviously the evaluator can't ride with you on a bike so you get told a route to take and they watch you. When I took mine, 80% of the route was not even visible to the evaluator and lasted a total of 90 seconds. Part of it was through a Lowes parking lot. You don't have to have anything to buy the bike! There are classes offered by various sources. Castle Motor Sports holds one at Vol State quite often but they are always full. Taking this course will allow you to skip the driving portion of the license test. I would recommend it. I took one in North Carolina when I got my first sport bike, a Ninja 900 way back in the 80s. It was worth it.
  5. or go the other way with the looks like a superbike but gets gas mileage in the 50's and is also made by Suzuki. Also a V Twin engine. GS500F. You'll have to add your own rifles though:)
  6. And people ask me why I want to live in a small town so far from Nashville and all it has to offer!
  7. Got a video camera? This could be like that feed from Gaza back in January dude! Just get your dragon skin on and set up the camera!!! (your safe right?)
  8. I believe it would have been a classic FTF with major setback when trying to feed that puppy in the chamber!! LOL Please tell me it didn't make it to your magazine?
  9. You should make a big deal of pouring yourself a nightcap with some really expensive booze next time she is there just to let her know you got it cheaper and safer elsewhere!
  10. That's the new tear drop wad cutter! Superior aerodynamics from the tapered rear of the bullet yet crisp clean paper cutting from the flattened nose! Still working on the feeding and range issues but I'm sure the company will get those worked out soon. Signed Mo Ron Really President Ka Boom Ammunition and Party shop
  11. Wilder days.....that's funny right there. Gotta run. Busy day tomorrow not being involved in that much life.
  12. Your 19 and had to quit drinking already??? Dad's been T-boned. You have a ex from hell and now your dealing with insurance companies, attorneys and cops. Sell the movie rights now! IMHO, and as a tribute to the late Paul Harvey, I'll back all the way out from this one and wait for the rest of the story.
  13. ahh, let him play a while. I want one to answer the questions as asked. They pretty much stumble after that when they have to resort to rhetoric and fear mongering. and they call us extremist?
  14. I think its simpler than that. Most of us shoot them stock, as is, and that metal butt plate is a lot tougher on the shoulder than these nice factory applied recoil pads on everything out there.
  15. You definitely came to the right place for a discussion. If the country survives 4 years you can tell us who your next candidate will be. As far as research, its been done, they called it the Soviet Union. You may begin your dissertation by telling me how higher tax rates on the people that produce in our economy will save it. This quote spells it out in the shortest form. Dissect it for inaccuracys and back it up with historical facts where higher taxes and government interaction in markets has made that country or society a world leader. I await your response with an open mind and sincerity.
  16. Yup! I'm not so worried about the trapping point that catches the trigger guard but the snout and slide at mid point of any pistol I have ever put in a Fobus or Blackhawk have had some spots degraded in the finish.
  17. You getting any scarring or discoloration on the pistol from the polymer part of the holster? I have a CW45 I need a holster for as well. Not as many choices for the Kahrs out there either.
  18. I have pulled the trigger on a 30-378 and 3.5 inch turkey loads with no issue. The Mosin's are not in their league but a person new to the rifle and round should be fairly warned they are NOT a .270 or .243. I guess I would put them in the league with 300 Win Mags.
  19. You know I'm all over the chances at getting to bag an Elk Kahrman!!! If I get drawn, I'll let you be one of the porters to carry my back up gun and tents.
  20. Oh yeah, your nineteen. Let's just say if Glen Close calls you and says that bitch is crazy, run like hell. Ask your Dad about the movie Fatal Attraction and the rabbit scene. A whole joke wasted. Check out link to movie (how did I get to be so damn old at 45) http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=fatal+attraction&x=0&y=0
  21. You don't own any rabbits by chance do you?? Just checking:D
  22. Your just proving my point! Look at what she is willing to do and she ain't ticked off that there are papers filed against her yet!
  23. So she traveled hundreds of miles to harass you? You don't understand what I'm saying but when dealing with psycho wenches, you leave the state, you get hundreds of miles away, you get off the net for a while....and yeah, I know, I know, no woman is going to make me have to leave where I live and do what I want to do. Brother, everything is in their favor and they can and will say and do anything to ruin you! Seen it many times. If you want to be able to own a handgun, much less carry one, go Star Wars on her and get far far away! Take a year off and visit friends in Washington State
  24. I still hold a license as a Private Investigator in TN and unless you are the adult guardian of a child under 18 tracking anyone via GPS is ILLEGAL! Got asked to do this repeatedly by clients and potential clients. Doesn't matter if its your car or one you pay for. If someone else is driving it they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. This goes for active real time tracking as well as the models that record the travels and are then downloaded. They are a big big no no. Judges are very aware of these items as well ! You may want to have a mod delete this thread....seriously.
  25. I hate to have to warn you but the day after you file a restraining order, you will have one filed in return or an Order of protection filed on you. If you can't cut off all communications and move....life is going to get miserable for you dude. Seen it to many times in my previous career as an investigator.


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