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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Antioch! Crap, now 44M will get it all!
  2. Bwaaahhhhh Loved the definitions Poak!
  3. Not a clue.
  4. Have you heard of the word "inferred"? It's kind of like logic with words. If you say this + this it = this. That's what the sum of your posts led me to. I have posted no personal attacks at you, only your views of the country you currently reside in. My trailer happens to be nicely anchored to the ground and since it was built in 1939, is probably the longest lived trailer around, thanks for the compliment. Also, if you would follow your own so nicely phrased command to read the posts, I never said Croatia sucks. I said I would definitely not go to another country and (inferring again) make statements to the effect that another country that I left to then live there was better. The common American colloquialism is "sucks" now. Aren't you just the lucky fellow, to move here, live this poor life in a country you obviously don't like to much and want to use it's resources and services but would like them changed to something you like better. Thanks for sharing your views and while you were at it violating the COC.
  5. Yes you have in several threads, by statement or inference. when you stated Croatia westernized and got worse, what does that refer to? Like organized crime didn't exist before socialism expired as it has to in any society.
  6. What you rolling your eyes at? I'm tired of anyone griping about this country, especially when they tell me how much better it was "back home" yet they continue to flock here in droves to what they describe is piss poor! To have a smelly truck driver out of Canada, who hailed originally from another country of middle eastern descent (he failed to scream what country that was) yell at one of my dispatchers and then rant about America's people and companies that are "scroooing" him (that's how it sounded) all because he failed to check his communications device (quallcom) and didn't know his load was cancelled. Don't come here and tell me what's wrong with it if you feel its so much better somewhere else. That makes you a hypocrite. I have no desire to live in Croatia, Somalia, New Zealand or anywhere but here. I sure as crap would not move to Croatia and then proceed to tell them "they suck" while partaking of their economy and services.
  7. and yet your here?
  8. invest 15.00 in this then Crotalus01 Rock River Arms: RRA Winter Trigger Guard
  9. Working towards that very goal this week! Paid off two debts and tracking the rest with the snowball!
  10. Exactly! We need to throw that in their faces night and day. Leadership comes from the front, not behind a security detail.
  11. ahh jeez! Everything's free! Come and get ya some! If all 44m says was even half true, wouldn't folks be flocking to immigrate to this country/state/district/prospekt ? I haven't heard about this one on the net or radio. Guess I'm still totally misinformed. Will just have to suffer by trying to make my way under the capitalist method feeding the fat cats.
  12. Thank goodness your removing the bed its currently sitting on! Bravo:p That could scar a dog for life!
  13. Nice job and well done process for safety Uker. I'd shoot with you any day.
  14. Agreed, but as it's a gun board I went a bit specific. The Orwellish related comment was made that way for it's relative value in relation to the subject. I would not want to diminish Orwell's work by using a direct quote in a commentary containing that curse word "Obama".
  15. This will never happen. Some pigs are better than other pigs. But...as a talking point about restrictions and bans, 2A folks, politicians, organizations, etc, should stand pat that they will not accept any further restrictions period and there can be no discussion until those pushing for these laws and amendments to the constitution exhibit belief and leadership in their own principles. Simply put, I won't even deign to discuss restrictions to any weapons/firearms until Obama and all those in favor of these laws until they give up theirs! When they counter they would never think of owning a firearm, we pointedly state that the Secret Service and any other protective details are to be disbanded immediately and no police escorts utilized by these folks as they are clearly not needed. Mr. Obama, you cannot tell me my security is any less vital or important than yours. You cannot lead a nation unless your willing to abide by the same values and laws that you wish to place upon those that elected you. If they wish to reinstate the AWB which will fix everything, then they can also save a ton of money by disbanding the SS and all law enforcement can by like British Bobbies, night clubs to break up the occassional fist fight as I'm sure that is all that will occur after we "remove the evil guns". Surely we can look to Britian and Austrailia as models of how murder has been eliminated by their banning of firearms! I have spoken
  16. Old policy. I had to register and store the first pistol I ever bought, a Ruger Blackhawk .357, at the MP armory at Ft. Sill OK. This was back in 1986. Bad then, bad now. You'll issue the young man or woman an automatic weapon to defend their country but they can't keep their 10/22 in their BOQ or barracks!
  17. I had the honor of escorting The Bronker and Jchochran88 to a little hunting spot today. Didn't bring anything home but my son and I considered it a GREAT day! We got to hunt together with new friends, heard some good gobbling at daybreak, heard someone get one on the hill next door and then had a late breakfast of corndogs and sausage biscuits! Just what every real hunter needs! I was also proud to pray before hunting with these fine men! Now, to rub it in a bit on the boys from Dickson Co. Bronker/McFlurry, Aaron and I headed back to the same woods this afternoon. No gobbling at all but around 4:30 we had 6 deer, 2 of them fawns come up that trail and walk behind us at that big sink hole! The boy was all grins as we watched them head into that big cedar thicket we skirted this morning. Around 6 I whispered I wanted to stand up and look off into those fields below us. Aaron stood up looking back at the sink hole, I was looking downhill. He whispers "Daddy, turkey!" That's when I heard the clucks and putts! One of them did see us move but the didn't run off. 6 hens started to answer my putts and slowly moved up the hill to that same thicket. I kept waiting for Mr. Tom to follow but he never did (sigh). We think this may be the harem of the fellow that got whacked this morning and they were moving to new digs! Going back tomorrow morning and see if they get picked up by a new fellow. Will probably start off hunting over that field at the far end we walked to as that was the way they were headed. Had a great time. Let's definitely do it again and also hit your woods and Wayne Co. The only drawback for the day.....who let the bugs out!? Got ate up by small black biting flys the moment we got out of the truck till almost dark.
  18. I agree! I have had one of his belts for a little over a year now and the thing is incredibly well built. The only drawback, if you consider it one, is it has the thick heavy leather "squeak" when bending or twisting sometimes. Doesn't bother me a bit! Love this thing. Would highly highly recommend the Beltman for anyone wanting a quality belt for carry or just holding up your jeans for the next 40 years.
  19. Are you glad you made it out too?! In keeping with the rest of the thread, I love to fly fish Old Hickory and ponds. Some of the most fun fishing I have ever had has been from a canoe or my old paddle boat around the cliffs on the river and catching brim after brim with the occassional bass thrown in. What's great is there is no baiting a hook, no waiting, and almost constant action. If there is a fish in the area, you know it as they are killing your fly the instant it hits the water.
  20. Amend that to "the weakest of us and those that derive power from exploiting them" is the biggest problem and your dead on.
  21. Good Morning! Go eat your clusters Strick
  22. FREEDOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. The cars are good already. Overpriced due to union influence and the big three not managing correctly but good reliable vehicles. I have a Mercury Tracer that we bought new in 95 that is still running like a champ. I had to replace the clutch at 150K miles but it's now at 184K and I drive it daily. The pricing problem appears to be about ready to fix itself. At least inflation and costs will catch up and there is no way the Unions or automakers will raise prices on wages or vehicles at this point in time. Some concessions from the union will have to be made or they will be out. The bottom line is those of you who are thinking about buying foreign, and there are a few threads running around here, please think about keeping your dollars here. You will be supporting a lot of industry right here in Tennessee and Kentucky. I know, my drivers pick the parts up for GM and Chrysler daily. My company is also involved with Ford and let me tell you, Ford has higher quality standards than Nissan does now! All of them want to build reliable vehicles. Now we need to support our own. Don't give into the hype that Nissan and Toyota are a better vehicle. Just not so anymore.
  24. I never liked the interface between the upper and the barrel nut on the VTAC's. Looked like a vacuum hose or something. Just me. Either is a great step up from the classic plastic forearms with heatsheilds.


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