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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Had a Kotonics 6.8 (now Cardinal Arms) and it was a great shooter. You won't notice much of a difference over the 5.56 shooting wise but it does pack a better punch on the end. Lots of heartfelt discussion about this round vs 6.5 Grendel over on ARFCOM. Run over to a friend of mines site, 68forums.com for the low down from people that know all there is to know about the round.
  2. Guess I need to change my handle...... Nope
  3. Rightwinger

    My Kahr=crap

    The CW45 I got last month came with a stainless guide rod. Did you get one with a polymer like the Glock factory?
  4. Dale's seasoning sauce. Kinda of like soy and Worcestershire. Works great on those "tougher" sections of venison like roasts. I have had the zesty Italian as well over at little bro's and its great too. Guess we have the two favorites right up at the top of the list tonight. Now I'm hungry and it's freaking 2330.
  5. Order you up a new Dell. You can pay EXTRA to have it rolled back to the older XP program if that tells you what everyone thinks of Vista! The only reason I have it on the machine at work is it came with the newest version of EXCEL and I have to have it's filter features with all the file crunching I do. The rest of it bites. Two processors in that machine and one big spreadsheet can still bog it down with everything else running in the background.
  6. I re read my post and jumped around a bit. If you want magnification, regular good quality scopes will mount on them so you can see out as far as you want. Again, you can spend lots of dollars and see out there to 20x but how far can you reliably shoot the AR? 300 yards is more than plenty and you can do it with iron sights if your good. All that being said....If I had a grand laying around, I would probably have me one of them ACOGs. I never get to a grand as I can buy another gun or half of an AR every time I get up to 4 or 5 hundred:D Rock River has about 650 tied up in a waiting game for me right now.
  7. Ahhh, not Vista capable at home (good thing IMHO) TDR, its at the top near your victories and pupils gained. It's a link, click there.
  8. Never even thought to use that simple program. He he...here ya go!
  9. MONEY is the biggest drawback on them for me....I be the working poor. If you want magnification, you have lots of options. The ACOGs only go up to 3 and 4x so your not getting a lot of zoom for your dollars. I'm talking about the original ACOG which have the tritium and fiber for lighting the reticles. They have many more options now with the reflex, etc. that are lower cost. A positive is you won't be putting batteries in those puppies! If you want the best bang for your bucks as well as a whiz bang self defense optic, I still have to go with the Eotech. As long as you can see it and it's on your target, you'll hit it.
  10. How did you get a pic of the screen? I tried the other night using right click of course to start and being a flash player it wouldn't work so I switched over and tried to snapshot the screen with MGI photosuite and it wouldn't work either? I was going to get a nice pic of TDR and Kahrman working out for me in that "pupi" screen. Have you looked at the top dog with his 26K worth of students? This is a big Ponzi racket like Social Security! He was probably the developer so everyone "belongs" to him!
  11. I finally got in and freaking TDR, my pupi kicked my arse! I'm gonna hack that dang dog up and feed him to my cat TDR! Sheesh, what's the world coming to when your students kick your butt!? Oh, never mind, it's probably programmed to represent public school violence parameters....what was I thinking? Now to find McFlurry!
  12. Seriously? Dang man. That's like been there since I left in 85 ! The mo's, they be making that money! So, you got a fatboy or you just playing us again!?
  13. Just one check for all guns. It's a good thing if you know your going to be making multiple purchases to get them all lined up for the same deal.
  14. There used to be a place called the Carousel behind the law library. Did you hang out there?
  15. I think you can talk to the guy about fitting those TDR. Heck, look at his statement at the bottom of his pages. He says a bunch of butt heads have been trying to get reduced prices or free by threatening him with negative feedback and he says if your to poor to buy a set, call him and he'll send the pups a set free. He also says he will cut them to ambi so I think you could talk him into trimming up a set you won. Email him, worth the electrons! Just stay away from the black Gabon grips now!!! Tey beez myne!
  16. Those look really nice on the stainless. Thanks for the link. I'll be bidding on a set in a few minutes for the Rock Island!
  17. Mt. Juliet, Charlie Daniels Park (close to work)
  18. Just remember not to scream when you run away when I reach my hand into that Murse there pretty boy! Want some candy?
  19. Would make it easier to find. Site down for maintenance right now. Hate to miss a day of fighting! LOL
  20. I have the Versa Fat Boy and used it today. I like that that one has the smaller pouch with a velcro flap to put over my light. If you have ever had a light with the tap button on the butt of the body and put it in the wrong pocket or pouch only to find out later you burned up your batteries you'll appreciate this one as well.
  21. I blew it up a little with MGI photo suite and it is a Gold Cup National Match
  22. 6 the FIRST day, three after that. Your brute does fight if challenged though. Its only thee a day you get to choose I challenge any newcomers! http://rightwingertn.mybrute.com
  23. White sheet or individual photos added into one big one? It's nice. I can't ever get one with all of them in it to turn out worth a crud, lighting is the issue. Yours looks bright and clear.
  24. LOL, tomorrow is another day!


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