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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. This looks like Jerusalem where there are street riots.  Lots of rock throwing and fireworks being launched at the police or IDF on the street and you can't understand a damn thing they are saying but the scene is more of the same.  Angry people launching projectiles, Israeli's watching patiently and launching tear gas trying to get them to stop.    The saying needs to be altered.  "Can't fix stupid or Palestinian" http://www.ustream.tv/channel/18525753
  2. Bud's depends on something for his wonderful plan, something Lowes and Walmart don't need because of the special needs these types of transactions need.  A LGS with an FFL.  So when Bud's and the other gee whiz entrepreneurs have competed so well they have cornered the market.....who they gonna send that transfer to? Walmart? You all can crank all you want about saving the bucks on the internet.  The fact remains that most of what I saw in my time serving the masses was complaints over less than 20 bucks difference and then using the local guy for nothing other than the transfer.  No ammo, no accessories, just please give me my transfer and I'll be on my way, and oh, by the way, I have two more coming next week.   Have I bought on the internet, sure thing.  Sometimes it's just something that no one local carries.  But I also knew the local guy liked me showing up and getting that box of ammo, a holster, heck even a machete one time.  I liked he was there or had what I wanted.  Have driven to the old Hero Gear many times to support Joe, bought from Guns and Leather, Eastside (gone), Hunt's (gone), Uselton's (gone) and worked at for two years and bought from Dave at D&T this morning (going).  You figure out the trend.  I'm out.
  3. Lots of strikes tonight.  Then they cut to a memorial service in Australia.  Both Rueters and the Telegraph feeds showing the same thing.   Anyway, did anyone see/hear that strike that came in within two blocks of the camera position on the Telegraph feed?  Wow, heard it coming, then BOOM.  Got to give it to the camera guy, he just panned over and got the shot.
  4. That was that little group of elfs known at the UN Security Council.  I fell asleep once the got to Jordan's turn to speak on the issue.  If they came up with a resolution, who cares.
  5. Can't stand Reuters views but they are connecting a bunch of camera's in and around Gaza. Yesterday I watched a flight of 12 rockets get launched!  Funny how the camera was zoomed in right where it happened?   Anyway, lots of flares in the sky right now, lots of flashes and booms and watched an Iron Dome intercept about 30 minutes ago.   http://www.livestation.com/reuters?source=redirect#
  6. Bringing this one back to life to keep the thought going.    Guys, think about the shops in your area.  Think about those purchases you have made or not, based on a smoking internet deal.  I've bought there as well.  But I'm changing.   Think out into a not to distant future.  Politicians know they really can't push a gun ban or confiscation nationwide.  We've all heard and discussed the methods they would use to ban guns, all they have to do is: Limit ammo sales in the correct way (finding .22 easy?) Expand other laws that can prevent you from owning or buying (had a doctor ask if you own guns?  know anyone with a frivolously applied order of protection?) Heck, ban or limit primers......nothing else works then   But what if it were this easy....just don't put an internet tax on anything for a little longer.  The local guys are hurting!  Or worse, gone already!  When all the local guys are gone.....who is going to do that transfer?  Bud's and the other big internet dealers are gone shortly after that.  Who is going to do that transfer you saved a smoking 20 bucks on?  Think about it.  Buy local!  When you do a transfer, buy something from that FFL while your there.  These guys want to make a living and serve you.  When you walk in and pick up your 3 Aim or two Bud's deals and then happily avoid the sales tax and then buy NOTHING else, you are helping create and perpetuate the scenario above.   This is a forum for gun owners.  Are we helping our own cause with our purchase methods?
  7. Costco surrenders to 'America' consumers http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/costco-surrenders-to-america-consumers/
  8. and then, disappointment set in
  9. Just get a .458 Socom Kiev.  Proven reliability, more bullet weights and configurations than you can shake a stick at and still goes in the same old magazines.
  10. Wintergreen Lifesavers give off some pretty good sparks.
  11. That was just nuclear stuff.  Go for thermonuclear!   DUCT TAPE
  12. Yep.  For all those still building ARs, I would also highly recommend the RRA "Oh Shoot' kit.  You'll eventually need something out of it. http://rockriverarms.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=523
  13. Went with a set of Xtremes.  2nd set I've bought.  They come with extra detents in case you "launch" one and the tools to assist while building.  http://www.ebay.com/itm/390641296614?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649   The larger "punch" can serve as a final drive punch for the forward assist and roll pin on the gas block.   Oh and the larger tool is used by pushing it through from the other side of your lower and you get your spring and detent compressed then hold them in with the large tool.  Then push the pin in pushing the tool out, bang, installed.
  14. I'm noting quite a bit of Seekins precision stuff on the CMT lowers.   Looks like we all went with quality.    The one thing some of you might want to look at is the extended take down and pivot pins.  I'm really liking having something to grab a hold of rather than the struggle to push a tight pin through.
  15. Thank you
  16. I can't remember how to embed.   Feeling nostalgic and tired of news......... Feel free to embed or just hit the link   http://youtu.be/tGTW35jWh7A
  17. If you buy there, they will build it.     Our personal field of dreams
  18. That would currently be D&T.  I used to part time there and went by there last Friday to pick up a new Vortex Sparc.  I have also shopped with G&L, Larry's Pawn in Portland, Antlers and Fins in Lafayette.  Do you mind if I ask why it matters?    Will I drive to Rivergate to buy a bottle of Hoppes, nope.  But will I stop buy and get the sleeve of targets, couple of boxes of ammo and a sight, like I did last week, HELL YES. 
  19. Yeah, I'm leaning towards total agreement on that one.
  20. This thread is then not for you Runco.  You won't understand it so please refrain.  This was a request to generate a relationship with our local guys so that we both might prosper and keep the ability to wander in on a Sunday and not only pick up your transfer but some targets, a bottle of Hoppes and converse about that next purchase with a human being.  I just bought a bunch of parts off ebay for a build.  But I also went to my LGS to get sights, targets, ammo rather than save the sales tax.  I like having them around.  Again, we got what you have to say, I used to watch a boss haggle at walmart for plastic office plants.....gotta save that cash.  I've seen you all.  Thanks
  21. Finding internet deals 30 years ago.  I'm not gonna fight that kinda of dedication to saving 8%
  22. We got that part
  23. One warning if anyone does get these barrels...be careful sliding your gas block over the engraving on the barrel.  I was wiggling the gas block on and it just nicked the edge of the engraving raising an edge.  A cleaning brush took the edge off but it still bothered me that I almost marred the heck out of a new barrel.  When it says .750 it means it!
  24. Who's going to do that transfer when they are gone?  Spend the extra dollar, buy your ammo, work with them on your firearms purchases.  They want to be there and we want them there.   Carry on
  25. Shipped from Birmingham, AL.  Shaw is in PA.  Don't know?  I've seen spiral fluting on several sites barrels but no mention of Shaw.  White Oak Armaments is one of them.  Bought a .204 Ruger upper off him years ago.  Didn't know Shaw had a patent on that.  Well if I got a Shaw for 170 clams, I'm pretty happy.  I'm pretty happy anyway.   Guy on Ebay goes with the name or screen name of jack_obowski  Don't see anything in a Bing search on the name.  (and by the way, screw google, that's for the bots)


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