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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I was eating dinner and desert was a can of pears.....you ever try to googlefu while chasing pears around the bottom of a can? Thank goodness it wasn't fruit salad....I would have not been able to trap the cherries NOR vote for gun owners rights! Life is tough that way sometimes. Thanks for the linkage! Headed there now.
  2. This reminded me of the hey days of G. Gordon Liddy on his radio show. He used to proudly state he could not own a firearm being a convicted felon but that Mrs. Liddy owned many!
  3. Looks like my Bryd knifes only with out a body and at three times the price.
  4. Time to change the sig line Grimel..........just saying!
  5. A classic there!
  6. Very worthy of taking a knee for you and yours!
  7. Don't know jack about it myself except I paid for one but my son appears to know just about everything. If you haven't gotten your answer tomorrow, let me know and I'll get him involved.
  8. It was funny but I'm sad that it was NOT about our lovable internet inventor. Next time post it HARD ! That way it has staying power.
  9. That could happen! If it keeps raining the way it's been we won't have any baseball games. Let me get Monday out of the way and find out what this week's schedule is. My secretary is sacked out right now and can't give me the information I need!
  10. So, do you even want to bother coming up now. Turkey season is pretty much over for me unless I get an invite to the west the last weekend. I'll hang around here next weekend being it's Mother's day. You look like you know exactly what you need to do so I don't know if you need any further advise from me. Maybe someone who has years of experience with double digits for something that comes up but you look fine. I'm still up for it now that I'm not running around every weekend and the garage is moderately cleaned up. Got to re-straighten again after the major clean. I don't know what goes in there and messes it up so fast! It sure can't be me. Oh yeah, I have kids and a wife....that's got to be it.
  11. You didn't sell it to me so NO, it doesn't count.
  12. Rightwinger

    Customized RIA

    Sweet! I love magwells on 1911's. Good use of contrasting colors as well! Very well done.
  13. That's why I put it in there. To irritate the staffer a bit.
  14. Have owned a Desert Warrior and a Compact Stainless II from Kimber as well as a 24/7 in .40 and a PT145 from Taurus. Loved them all! Had no issues with any of them. The only issue I had, especially with the Warrior was the amount of money I had tied up in the Kimbers. Shoot what you got until your comfortable and make your decision. At this stage in my life, I would have to consider the guns I have owned and sold or traded as training/example material. It's cheaper than trading cars every six months but you do go through the "I wish I still had that gun" all the time. About the only pistols I have ever owned that I didn't have that feeling on were two older Ruger P model semi's. One in 9mm and one in .45 Nothing wrong with them mechanically. They just never grabbed me as special in any way.
  15. Screw that, make a big sign that says "this guy is a bankrupt loser" and park in front of his house. Make him know you are going to be paid and your first in line. You do not need a lawyer for that! What his lawyer is telling you is good luck, get in line at bankruptcy court, see you at the next filing date. Unless he is going to turn right around and continue to work after restructuring his debt, your probably not going to see those wages.
  16. Nah, you forgot to turn your computer on again....
  17. Have not shot one but have followed the LAR-9 threads on ARFCOM for several years. Most folks love them but they have had issues keeping the magazines seated properly in many of the rifles. I would ask point blank if it has had any of those issues or been back for a fix.
  18. Hit Spydrmn up for two sets the last couple of weeks. Missed out on the Gaboon Ebony, they went for close to 30 but I got the Cocobolo for 13 and the Flame Maple for 16. Fit and finish are fantastic. You guys need to get in on some of these. Still doing free shipping as well. Original grips Brushed Cocobolo Flame Maple (need to move it to really see the movement of the grain!)
  19. Yeah, don't invite me with my CW45. You don't want that in the area making you all flinch!
  20. LOL Your right, we could have stopped at BK or Wendy's for a bite!
  21. I wish I had half the bird he got. Had to eat spaghetti tonight while he is probably dining on turkey! Very nice bird.
  22. I warned him this was coming but THIS is how he hunts the rest of the time! McFlurry stalking the birds!!!


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