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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Congratulations! Now go buy his lifetime hunting license the day they hand you the birth certificate! Wish I had for mine.
  2. Hey 56FordGuy, I got some more 38 I can shoot your way and could use a 1911 holster. I'll go look but I have 100-150 I could bring into town tomorrow.
  3. mci Mars is no longer with us. If someone that knew him better feels like expounding on this they will be along shortly. If not, well you missed him by about a year.
  4. Froogy, What he was trying to convey is that according to the political matrix portrayed in MAX govt to the left and NO govt to the right, our system of republic is moderate. Within our representative based republic we have those that seek more govt (we call them libs now) and those that seek less, conservatives. He was just showing that on the scale from totalitarianism to anarchy, we fall in a narrow band in the middle. When you compare Kennedy and Reagan as to their political beliefs to Stalin or an anarchist you see there is a big gulf from those two presidents as compared to the Communist or Anarchist systems
  5. Why ya gotta be so brutal?
  6. Purchased and used the P350 12 gauge this spring and used it turkey hunting. Great shotgun for the price. It's made by Benelli if you like their products. No experience with the O/U guns.
  7. Thank You Greenego I do try. I had a "pre test" before showing the video and asked all three young men what type of govt we had. All three and then their mother answered Democracy...I then said are you sure and ran through the video. It scared me that they're schools are not even trying to teach the facts anymore. It's akin to calling all sodas "coke", current teachers really do think that because we are (were) a free country and the term democratic has been bandied about so often, that must be what it is. They don't even know they are teaching the wrong information! We also had a test during the video where I asked them if we all wanted to vote on what time they had to go to bed. It confused them a moment and I urged them to just state "what time do you all want to vote yourselves as a bed time, would you like to just decide how late you can stay up". They all said they would love to be able to set their own time. I then showed them that we are NOT a democracy in this house hold either. I set the time so that they are able to get up and perform at school the next day, a minimum amount of control but neccessary....and this is why we are slipping away from a stable and productive country. As we elect politicians that will allow the people to vote for what they want with no moral or ethical backing to it, soon there will be no one who is producing the very things everyone has demanded be given to them. Then it's mobs in the streets and anarchy. I seriously fear my boys will be involved in the final days of our representative republic and have to participate in the anarchy that will follow the demise of this once proud nation. The rest of my tinfoil thoughts will have to remain unvoiced, but yeah, if you're a parent you have to be thinking the same very scary things I do about your kids futures.
  8. Just sent his auto trash file another email as well. Maybe a staffer will see it before they press the delete button.
  9. buzzer sound.... Actually we are a representative Republic as stated above. I sat my three boys down and showed them the video tonight. The 12 year old was unimpressed but the 15 and 16 year old appeared to get something from it. Great video to show to the uneducated public school of today student.
  10. Did you see the fine print? If drawn, you cannot apply for another Elk hunt for TEN years! I guess we can see some 5 or 10 draw hunts for the years to come. No issue here though. I'll wait it out for 10 years to get a chance at ONE.
  11. Anyone else apply for the Elk Hunt this year? 5 lucky hunters get the first chance at Elk in Tennessee in what, 100 years? Got my app in tonight after finally finding some of the details. I don't know if this has been covered but if you are interested here is the link to apply online. https://www4.wildlifelicense.com/tn/ Its a type 250 for Sportsmens or Lifetime. It's also at the very bottom of the license page under quota hunts. If anyone does get a permit, please post up here and let us know.
  12. I was hoping to make your day. You are my hero...I want to be a real grouch, er... staunch conservative like you someday Mr. Mike.357. You better make sure your vehicle isn't bugged or something...the security corps of America obviously has you marked.
  13. (static on radio) Hey Burt......that fellow with the WWII soldiers helmet is back....let's put the hairy eyeballs on him (static) big 10-4 Fred, I'm on him! Wonder what could be making them anxious Mike?
  14. Apparently you can get a brand new synthetic stock Vanguard for 399 off the Wby website Synthetic | Weatherby.com If it's pristine you'll be saving 50 plus shipping. Plus tax and tics if it's FTF. I would change scopes pretty soon but you get that bonus as well. Toss up.
  15. 2 seconds to type it on google RockNob RN-U-200 - Vintage WWII Pineapple Grenade Shift Knob - Quadratec
  16. Rock River Arms...Rock River Arms...Rock River Arms
  17. Respond to him and state you understand his logic so the next bill before the State houses should read "So that the people are able to receive the same level of access to security that we, the leaders of this state do, it should be the law of the State of Tennessee that anywhere security is NOT on duty for the specific protection of any individual who is legally able to possess and carry a firearm, that person's rights shall not be infringed". Simply put, if having a bunch of security around PREVENTS us from carrying then we should be able to carry anywhere there isn't any! Period. He's good to go then and so are we.
  18. Holding out for that lottery thing eh? If there is one organization that is actually fighting for 2A protection and progress, it's the NRA. They make mistakes like any group with humans onboard but they are still the best thing going. So join back up and maybe the 2nd time's the charm.
  19. Better be a small chick!
  20. Well they look great. I'll be over at 4 to take them to the range....you want to come?
  21. Why were you cleaning my guns G ?


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